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Posts posted by rbetzing

  1. 4 hours ago, Chief said:

    Not getting on a soapbox here but it might be something to consider about riding MTB. We understand that there is risk involved in riding trails especially technical ones. I'll probably stick to my gravel bike for the foreseeable future. I certainly don't want to be responsible for taking up bedspace or adding to the work load that our hospitals and health care workers are facing right now. I know I can get hurt on my gravel bike but the risk of that is considerably less then with MTB. JMPO.

    I actually think this is really smart.  Lots of time to ride when this is all over, but if you sustain a major injury right now, could be really bad if you need a long hospital stay.  Me, myself - I've switched over to my other hobby - disc golf early in the morning when social distancing is ez 🙂 

    • Like 2
  2. On 3/20/2020 at 12:10 PM, DBehrens said:

    Looks like that is part of the BCRT that runs through Round Rock, just South of HWY 79 between Georgetown Street and AW Grimes along the Creek.  Hopefully they can get property owners to agree for connection from where it currently stops on Harry Man road down to Memorial Park near I35.  Not holding my breath though....

    EDIT:  I was incorrect.  Looks like this is a portion of the trail that would go from 620 Near Round Rock HS along the creek towards Harry Man Road.

    Wow that’s awesome. I live in Stone Canyon, right near where the trail ends at Harry Man road. It would be super cool if the connection was built to allow access to thIs section along 620. 

    • Like 2
  3. 3 hours ago, gotdurt said:

    After taking a year off, I was really disappointed return to see all the B-lines, C-lines, D-lines, cut-throughs, etc. It's a cluster. I gave up trying to correct it, it's a losing battle.

    Hikers are getting worse too... I was out there Friday at 1pm (mid-week/mid-day used to be my safe time) and had 3 run-ins with clueless hikers.  One was a woman standing at the bottom of the Swag drop with her Weimer; she was standing kind of hidden on the right side of the left turn... I already had momentum and dropped in my normal line, only to discover that her dog was off leash when it jumped out in front of me, almost killing us both, then tried to run in front of my tire... I finally slid to a stop while she tried to call her panicked dog, which stood down-trail and wouldn't come to her. Next, I got to the drop at Satellite, checking my line of sight through the original right-line as I passed, then dropped in only to see the blur of a person jump out of my way... must've been standing on the other side of the big oak as I approached. Further into DD, I came up on a guy with 2 dogs on leashes; they stood off to the left side and seemed like they would be fine so I continued... it was a climb, so I wasn't moving fast... suddenly both dogs split different directions and when their leashes stopped them they freaked out, then each doubled in the opposite directions, tangling each other and the owner and jerking him all over the place... in the trail in front of me.

    Who wants to start a new secret rogue trail?

    I've basically stopped riding PP on the weekend because of this.  The last Sunday I rode there, I came around a corner and there was some dude jogging behind his toddler on a balance bike going the wrong way.  That was almost a disaster.  About another half a mile in, I wiped out when I guy's dog ran out of no where right in front of me.  Mountain biking is challenging enough without trying to avoid toddler and dogs lol.  

  4. 14 hours ago, Skyyhorn said:

    Day was amazing, but brought out so many. I had 3 near collisions on 1/4 notch on blind corners I decided today was a day to head home before something bad happened. I was even looking out for it and still had close calls.  

    One of the reasons I prefer Peddlers over 1/4 is this...unless someone is going the wrong way on PP, you don't have to worry about smoking someone head on.

    The other reason is because 1/4 crushes me and my rigid SS every single time lol.   

    • Like 2
  5. 20 hours ago, trailrider77 said:

    I totally agree with your assessment of SN. I feel that it’s more of a cross country/exploration experience. I just finished a 15 mile loop from my garage to Peddler bike shop and back. Rode the trails at the church. A ton of potential. Fun jeep and single track tails. Currently just the surface is scratched as there is a huge amount of potential for a lot of single track. For what’s there atm is all smiles. The jump and wood features at the church look fun. The SN area just keeps getting better and better.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    I agree, went out there again today and found even more trails I hadn't found before.  So much fun.  Best part was, I needed to fax something, so I went to that UPS store on Parmer, and basically rode trails the entire way from my house until I popped out by the fire station.  Probably the most fun I've ever had running a lame errand lol.  

    • Like 2
  6. 19 hours ago, AntonioGG said:

    Reminds me...need to kick my oldest out of the house to go do some activity.  My dad had to do that with me, now it's my turn (also have to turn off all the damn lights in the house...)

    Yeah man - if you need motivation to get your kiddo off the video games and out of the house, take him on a bike ride.  It was a real eye opener for me.  When I got home, my wife and I decided the kids are going to start earning time on electronics based on how much time they spend outside.  Especially here in brushy creek, they have NO idea how blessed they are with the parks and trails we have around here.  

    • Like 4
  7. 1 hour ago, Cafeend said:

    We will leave on SN @ 10 AM Wed morning.
    Me and Smithy meet by Red Horn parking behind the bank. We ride pretty chill and it's by no means a type A personality ride. We laugh and gossip and enjoy it.

    Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

    Awesome, that is exactly my speed.  I've been riding for about a year and ride a single speed 29er with no suspension.  I can hold my own but definitely don't break any strava KOM's out there.   

  8. Spent about 2 hours wandering around SN yesterday, and discovered that little section listed on Strava as "I hang to the left." So many beautiful trails out there.  Also, I decided I really like the fact that it's not signed or marked, gives a sense of adventure you can't find anywhere else in brushy.  As long as you don't try to sneak in a ride on a lunch break lol

    The landscape out there is different than the rest of brushy, feels more wild and remote  with all of the trees.  Took a super cool pic of my son on Christmas day riding the bridge about halfway up SN.  Really hope the bulk of the SN area sticks around after all of the development is complete.  #keepSNwild 


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  9. image.png.6df28336b4977d80c89bfcff5fa4c32d.pngimage.thumb.png.8f98679db1b5a8d9ce03709658e2ed85.png

    Actually, looking at this map and my Strava map from yesterday, it doesn't look like the trails will be affected by that Alamo.  I rode all the way up to the church and didn't come close to the corner of Parmer and Ranch trails, which is where they show the Alamo will be built...

  10. Yeah I agree - I was annoyed that I was lost just cause I had a work thing to get back to, but it’s kinda cool and different that the rest of the trails around brushy creek. I’m already planning on going out there on Saturday and just riding around for 3 hours and getting lost on purpose 

    • Like 3
  11. Oh yeah I totally agree. I would be all about helping to put some signs out and help people figure out what is going on out there. Maybe once all those trails are done at the church, there can be a push to get the trails marked a little better 

  12. 15 minutes ago, Albert said:

    Yeah, it's very easy to get "lost" out there.  I really wish they'd take some time to put some signage out there at all the intersections, as well as name the trails.  That would be a big help.


    I mean I’m just super grateful that people built a badass network of trails out there for me to ride so I’m not going to complain 

    • Like 1
  13. 9 hours ago, GreenMTBrider said:

    Rode this morning. Minimal dirt pickup from Deception, Picnic and Snow White. Mulligan (g-outs), Gnargasm and Peddlers need more time to dry. With that being said, damp ground/leaves suck and I was hurting for traction on some of the rocky sections. I personally wouldn’t go out of my way to ride at Brushy today. RPR would be a better option. 

    Where is RPR?

  14. Hit up peddlers pass before work. I’m newish to riding so I’m not exactly sure what the term hero dirt means, but I feel like the dirt at PP has to be close to that category right now. Just flying around corners and feels like your wheels are glued to the ground there’s so much traction 

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  15. I just finished my lunch time ride in Candyland where I encountered two teenage boys on the east side of gumdrop without helmets AND in flip flops.  Anyone who's riden the first half of gumdrop knows it's just a bunch of roots trying to clip your pedals and send you down the rocky hill to the river.  No clue what those boys thought they were doing out there in flip flops. 

  16. 3 hours ago, JMR said:

    What a crap show. 1/4, picnic and peddlers are too muddy. I put the chain up across peddlers entrance. 

    Eastside is just as bad, I rode some of gumdrop and snow white then turned around on road home on the BCRT .  Way sticky and muddy out there.  

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