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Everything posted by biga9999

  1. The new Parts of Suburban ninja were fun. I have only ridden it once, but I enjoyed it.
  2. Replying to a question on Instagram, Spider Mountain indicated after 04/30/19 there would be a year round season pass available. Pricing not disclosed.
  3. Hopefully if their pricing does not work out as they planned, they can adapt quickly. Not encouraging is they state they will think about changing the closing time of 5:00 pm in the summer. 5-8:30 is prime time in Central Texas summers. That is our peak twighlight hours - cheap admission just like a golf course is what is called for.
  4. I figured they would adjust/prorate it... Nope.
  5. Spider replied to my question on their opening FB post. The $199 Season pass is good/valid for riding through 04/30/19. I asked what happens after that? How much for the next season? How long is the next season? No reply yet. Interesting that the season pass that was supposed to be from 12/18-04/19 for $199 isis still $199 for 02/08/19-04/30/19. But I am not their target audience. A day lift ticket makes more sense for me and the amount I will ride out there.
  6. Me too. At least I feel that way. Lol
  7. 50 is a lot younger than it used you be. 😉
  8. Yikes. Hope he pulls through ok. I get sketched there with any moisture. And it sounds like rained 1.5" last night.
  9. New peddlers is nice and flowy. Old still too wet. Turned around after the new stuff and rode it the other way. 1/4 had a few wet spots. Maybe 90% dry.
  10. Where does the new section of Peddlers start?
  11. Just got an email. Opening delayed due to rain. No new opening date set yet.
  12. I have new pedals on the way and am contemplating a new helmet. I need it to dry out, if for no other reason the fiscal health.
  13. I wondered if it was supposed to be Jan19-Apr20 to be honest. Still can't wait to go back out there, but I'll be lucky to ride 4x a year, let alone once a month.
  14. I have no idea what a year will be. Just extrapolated based on the 4 month cost.
  15. Prob just not for me. $600 for a year doesn't make sense for me. Prob does for other folks who can get out there more often.
  16. Is that date range correct? $200 for 4 months? Maybe that's normal, idk.
  17. Peddlers was sweet today. I’ve been sick the last week, and had no business riding, but I had to get out. I left my right lung out there, so watch out. It’s slippy.
  18. Don’t paddle wet water.
  19. We had a ton of rain near Lakeline and Cypress Creek. Rain Gauge says 4" in an hour. It was nuts. Assume Brushy got hammered as well but not sure.
  20. He was all like, "This calamari ain't half bad..."
  21. There are some, not on Peddlers though.
  22. Oh I know. I just remember right after the arrows were put up, someone changed them to point the other direction. Some men just want to watch the world burn...
  23. Even if there were, people would cross out the "not". If they are going to flip the damn direction arrows, I would not put anything past these heathens.
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