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Posts posted by jcarneytx

  1. Keep an eye on this spot for "bluebonnets"...saw one, still growing, but was close to trail and worried it may not survive. This is at entrance to 1/4 Notch (e-w.) If all went well, you just might be surprised at the color of the flowers...


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  2. On 3/2/2021 at 1:56 PM, CBaron said:

    Seems like a good time/place for my Rattlesnake on Deception video.  Good ol' Mittens!  This may have been my 1st or 2nd ride ever at Deception.  It was May of 15'.



    That right there scares me. I WOULD have went right over him. I ride w/o Rx glasses and would most likely never have noticed until my tire was rolling right over him.

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  3. 1 hour ago, AntonioGG said:

    Any chance it's heartburn manifesting weirdly?  I only ask because I went to the ER 2x with a panic attack which was due from spontaneous reflux which was causing irritation and weird symptoms, totally not what I would have thought heartburn was. It even caused burning sensation on my left arm.  By chance I was in for a barium swallow fluoroscopy that they saw it happening. Eventually figured out I was lactose intolerant which was the root-cause for everything.

    Not sure. Not had any other symptoms. I switched to lactose free milk many years ago, more from gut gas than heartburn.

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  4. 22 hours ago, AntonioGG said:

    Does it feel like you're getting stabbed through-and-through?  There are those tiny little muscles around the spine that you can pull and the pain transfers.  If it's more on the side and moving toward the sternum, it could be costochondritis.  

    Kind of...according to google, costochondritus is fairly short term. I've been feeling this almost a year. Just twinges of pain. Sometimes in upper-center back, to left or right mid-chest ribs, to upper-center chest. Not BAD, just really annoying. Gets worse with intense exercise (hammering away on quarter notch for instance.)

  5. Well, good news after stress test and echo, heart is perfectly normal, with "good" exercise tolerance. Now time to work on getting the fitness back, slowly. Also, back to regular doc to find another direction to determine chest/torso pain/twinges. I'm wondering if, due to numerous bruised/fractured/dislocated ribs over the years, if it's not arthritis of the rib cage. Is that a thing? 

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  6. 1 hour ago, WLemke said:

    Our oak tree in the backyard didn’t fair too well during Thursday’s storm. I’m really impressed with the 40V Ryobi chainsaw I bought. Got everything cut up with one 5ah battery. ef79e13071571484013b37d1382b9555.jpg




    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Now you'll have firewood for next year!

  7. I attempt my best to make sure any packages get scheduled for delivery when I'm home. IF this doesn't quite work out, and I know something will arrive after I've left for work (I work nights,)  I turn the front door light off. Long-ish "hall" of sorts to my door, and someone would have to walk up with a flashlight at night to see if there was anything there. Most thieves are opportunists, and usually just steal what they can see from street. 

  8. On 11/30/2020 at 7:19 AM, mack_turtle said:

    apparently it's been removed, but no one knows who took it. probably aliens.

    There was an article that explains some hardcore trail types destroyed it, saying "leave no trace. This is what happens when you leave trash on the trail."...


    Daily Mail had an article saying it was a local Moab tour guide.

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