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Everything posted by RidingAgain

  1. Need some photos of trail that has been misused for the little trip-fold brochure I'm doing as a hand out to try and help trail users to better understand the consequences of riding wet trails, or messing with trails in some sort of manner that is destructive to official trail building. Thanks.
  2. If you ever get the chance... Try smoked marlin... Very good.
  3. Honestly... I love this side of ATXZJ.
  4. As I said, whatever floats your boat. Maybe you’re a fat fella with boobies who needs to wear one.
  5. Pants, shorts, or tights... Whatever floats your boat.
  6. And here is a perfect example of wrong and strong... June Bug makes a false accusation, is exposed, but runs off without correcting it. This is how false information is spread.
  7. The ones, such as Tree Magnet and TAF, who hope that most here are weak minded enough to be manipulated into buying into their suggestions of ignore, aside. Whether you like or don’t like Epoch Times... Is not what I posted the video for. What interested me was the presentation of how a virus can be manipulated and turned into a biological weapon. This is something that I’d never considered and what I thought interesting enough to post here on a discussion board about the virus. Unfortunately, instead of discussing what the presentation spoke about, some folk, a very small number of the 400+ members of this forum, thought it better to attack the publisher rather than the substance of the presentation. Honestly, I don’t give two hoots about your opinions of Epoch Times. But if you have something to comment regarding the weaponizing of a virus, please, lets here what you have to say. Maybe some here don’t think a virus can be manipulated to do more harm to humans than it can without manipulation.
  8. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3347323/ https://www.researchgate.net/post/why_the_projects_are_focusing_on_S_protein_of_COVID-19 https://www.raybiotech.com/covid19-proteins/ https://www.drugtargetreview.com/news/56895/scientists-demonstrate-how-covid-19-infects-human-cells/
  9. Yeh... Maybe you need to read what I wrote again... I said nothing of the virus not having a natural origin. And the folks in the video were real doctors. Did you watch the video? Here you go... "This "S" protein (and stuff related to it), it is being said in the video, is not a natural occurrence for the virus, and so must be related to a medical process (I'm putting in in very simple terms)." It's the "S" protein that is being questioned... Not the virus being natural.
  10. For me, an interesting point that was spoken to, and was sort of the linch pin of the whole video presentation, was on the matter of the "S" protein... Which is, according to the presentation, the key that allows the virus to invade a human cell. This "S" protein (and stuff related to it), it is being said in the video, is not a natural occurrence for the virus, and so must be related to a medical process (I'm putting in in very simple terms). So the question is being asked... How did this take place. Additionally... Another point that was interesting to me was that of why the Chinese government tried to cover it up... And is still trying to do so. Is there a relationship between this "S" protein being found in the virus and the cover up?
  11. Duck is good to eat. As long as it isn't filled with some kind of virus derived from "...bats in a Chinese market...".
  12. No doubt about it. As is the Chinese political party. And the American political parties... And the... And the... And the... It's one crazy ass world out there.
  13. It's what media sources depend on... Politicians too.
  14. In the video I presented there wasn't one bit of "...pro-Trump propaganda..." I could definitely put my finger on. And I'm not sure if by "... Chinese media outlet..." you are speaking along the lines of "...Chinese virus...".
  15. George Costanza... Just watched the episode a few days ago.
  16. "...when we identify a storyteller as such an unrepentant merchant of bullshit, they should be shunned, not repeated...". Do you vote, mack_turtle?
  17. Thank goodness I'm more of a cat person.
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