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Everything posted by RidingAgain

  1. And above we have another classic example of contextual community being expressed. ATXZJ presents a meme that he hopes will gain him some recognition from his fellow contextual community... And "...BINGO..."... That's exactly what happens. Like Pavlov's dogs... https://www.simplypsychology.org/pavlov.html
  2. Absolutely. Which brings up the matter of images that convey/communicate thoughts. This is a good addition to the thread's subject matter, Chief. On a side note... Notice you used words to tell me that you didn't use words.
  3. Now take for instance Chief's above comment, and ATXZJ's thumbs up "like" of it... What does this tell us? The emoji used by Chief seems to be the middle finger bird (it's small, so hard to tell exactly... (Not sure if its size is indicative of his personal condition, but that's another story). What compelled Chief to post it? And what compelled ATXZJ to respond to what Chief posted? Is there a kind of contextual community emerging here? Interesting, isn't it. This thread has not mentioned either of them, and from the content of Chief's comment, it would seem that the subject matter of this thread isn't to his liking... And by his support, you can say the same for ATXZJ. And yet, they both felt compelled to become involved in it... To participate in it. What is the driver of their actions? And just in case any reader may be wondering what this has to do with mountain biking... Just take a look at the threads on e-bikes... Or the recent thread on a transgender person winning a race. Contextual community. Flow vs. gnarl. XC vs. Downhill. Latest bikes vs. older bikes. It's all around us in the mtb world.
  4. Here's an interesting article that speaks to the matter of "...Contextual Communities..." and young people looking for more authentic (???) connections... Here's a excerpt from it that caught my attention... "...As a result, many young people are turning away from traditional social media platforms and seeking less superficial online communities that allow them to develop relationships, give and receive advice and share experiences and opinions with other youngsters around the world." Really? https://www.socialmediatoday.com/social-networks/contextual-communities-why-young-people-are-straying-traditional-social-media-search
  5. So... Is it a matter of social conditioning that causes us to think what we do about what the words we use define? Online forums are wonderful places to take a look at this... So many people... From all over the world... And from all different backgrounds... Speaking about all sorts of matters... All using words... That they think have specific meanings... And yet others think mean something different. Ever wonder why online forums devolve into online cliques?
  6. Actually it was something along the lines of "...social political change related to LBGTQ...", or something like that. I was taking a look at how the LBGTQ movement is changing the social fiber of a society — which is pretty much what is being discussed here on this thread. This article caught my attention because of its "...win..." POV.
  7. LOL... Final word... "...We're taking over baby... Kick butt weirdos... We're here to stay..."...
  8. A question of what is equality? Here's a very long article, from a gay person's POV, of how the LBGTQ movement has won... https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2019/06/battle-gay-rights-over/592645/
  9. Whoa... England beat New Zealand... England just bought their A-game and made less errors... Didn't give New Zealand a chance to get settled into their normal hard nose scrum/ruck dominating rhythm.
  10. Just a short article... Never heard of Inks State Park... https://mtbparks.com/Mountain-Bike-Park-News-Events/News-Events/Texas/Spider-Mountain-News/SPIDER-MOUNTAIN-Beyond-the-Bike-Park.html?fbclid=IwAR3W8INi8OkpcQ54qlgnhRIPEiLeab-yR4uAbtC15Bwba_nwuEtmYYV0CtE
  11. Words... Wonderful things that we use to communicate our thinking. Get control of words... And you've got some power. Take a look... Kind of touchy feely, but it gets the message across... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hzgzim5m7oU
  12. I keep seeing reviews... For normal everyday riders (not journalist)... On Chinese products, coming up... Positive reviews... Like one for this full face helmet... https://www.amazon.com/Exclusky-Adult-Full-Helmets-Black/dp/B07KS7XBLQ/ref=sr_1_7?crid=16XHP6MJAXU3A&dchild=1&keywords=exclusky+mountain+bike+helmet&psc=1&qid=1571929888&s=sporting-goods&sprefix=exclu%2Csporting%2C179&sr=1-7
  13. LOL... I wasn't complaining... Especially about something that I don't believe was happening. But hey... I fully understand why you think you needed to say that. Cheers.
  14. Sure man... Authority... It's a wonderful thing. Now maybe we can let the Brushy Creek thread get back to Brushy Creek talk.
  15. This is one of those English words that sounds exactly like what it means. "You are... FORBIDDEN." Words are often strange like that... In that they sound like what they mean. Or is it a matter of social conditioning that causes us to think this. What if all our life we had heard the word forbidden used in place of love... Like... "Oh sweetheart... I forbidden you so much!" Or... "I just forbidden mountain biking." I don't know... It just doesn't seem to jive with the whole thing. Now the word jive... That's another one of those words that just sounds like what it means.
  16. https://www.collinsdictionary.com/us/dictionary/english/forbidden
  17. I thought that a person's other daily interactions that melded with their mountain biking would be perfectly acceptable to speak about on a mountain biking forum... Just like what music you listen to, and what foods you like to eat. For me, loving God is totally a part of my enjoying mountain biking. And it seems kind of sad that I, and others like me, can't seem to say so on this forum. But that's fine. It's kind of normal in this world. And just to make it clear... I in no way think that saying that I love God is religious.
  18. I was simply responding to the above comment, Albert.
  19. Lawrence Krauss, a renown physicist, said on a Larry King show that "...first of all, the laws of physics allows us to understand the formation of not just the universe but the galaxies, stars, planets, and ultimately, by physics, chemistry, biology... life." Now this sounds wonderfully reasonable. But where did the "...laws of physics..." come from? Honestly... Although bandied about (often easily referenced), no one actually knows what exactly are "...laws of physics...". So here we have a renown and respected physicist throwing out this phrase "...laws of physics..." as though it is a definite starting point for everything that exists... Even as he, I would think, knows that he dishonestly (but deliberately leaving out the whole reality related to the phrase) misrepresenting the matter he is suppose to be an authority on. Wow... And doing so as easily as he would take a bite of an apple. And there's more...
  20. Yeh... I agree... Now why don’t you post this under the real trolls who have no problem with continual personal attacks and just being all round as@&ole jerks? And BTW... This thread is about the proper use of the English language and its history... And was in response to a comment someone else brought up in a thread on the mountain bike section of this website. And this thread is in the General Chat thread. (Notice that I didn’t bring it up in the mountain bike thread but instead came to the General Chat thread.) Maybe you can tell the real trolls to actually ignore the threads of people they claim to have on “...ignore....”. It’s really easy, but does take some self discipline. Kind of what I’ve expressed over the past month or so. Thanks for the rules reminder though.
  21. Now... According to the origin of the word "...religion...", all of the above listed activities could be defined as a religion. But perhaps you noticed that the word "...religion..." was used in specific reference to faith-based communities/institutions/systems/organizations/groups. This is indicative of the hijacking of the word "...religion..." by human society. But for what purpose? Why couldn't faith-based communities/institutions/systems/organizations/groups be called communities, institutions, systems, organizations, groups? Truth is... Any gathering that is faith-based could be called by any of the above, and often are. And the funny thing is... Any gathering of people that has a specific purpose is actually a gathering of faith-based people. And no... I'm not saying faith-based as believing in a God that is presented in some book that we refer to as scripture... I'm saying that any gathering of people that is for a common purpose is... Faith-based... As the common purpose is based in and out of the faith of those who are gathering together for this common purpose. Take for instance a group of mtb riders who agree to get together to ride a trail on a specific morning... These riders agree to do so out of faith. They don't know for sure that they will... The best they can do is exercise the faith that they will. And the same goes for when they actually come together at the trailhead... None know for sure if they will get past the first corner... They simply are exercising faith that they will. Therefore... Even this gathering of mtb riders for a group ride is... Faith-based? And as such... According to contemporary thinking... This group ride could be termed religious. Just as the political system in Washington DC could be termed religious. Military organizations could be termed religious. Health organizations could be termed religious. Why? Because they are all, in the most basic sense... Faith-based. In fact... Human society on a whole is... Faith-based. Which means... Human society on a whole can be termed... Religious. That's right folks... The world and it's human... Get this... System... Is faith-based... And therefore... According to even the contemporary understanding of the word religion... Yep... The world and its human system is... By its own definition of the word... Religious. Next I'll speak to the matter of how the word religion came to be associated — in absolute error I might say — to Judeo/Christ scripture, and those who believe in what they speak to...
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