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Everything posted by RidingAgain

  1. So this morning I was walking out to the car and saw the maintenance man heading to the garbage with all the outdoor Christmas decorations that were used by the complex management. I stopped him and asked if I could take them to Goodwill instead of him dumping them. Although not in like-new condition... Someone may be able to enjoy them for... Cheap.
  2. Blocked... And yet still on their little minds.
  3. Sorry... I meet with the church from 10-12. But, as I have indicated before... Saturdays and sometimes weekdays are good for me.
  4. And now for some... Spear... (Let me know if anyone needs me to translate the lyrics for you... The song begins with "Do you remember the days of slavery...")
  5. Or... You could become more active than just throwing a hundred+ bucks at the problem... Hoping others will solve the problem for you.
  6. Just picked up a pair of Bose 501 Series 1 speakers — vintage 1971-1977 — yesterday. Not pretty to look at re. the exterior, but man you should hear how sweet they sound. Just $40 cheap.
  7. So I had the opportunity to attend some SXSW talks some years ago — definitely not cheap — and one was on conservation. Turns out the speaker was a twenty+ year expert on the matter and after much consideration came to the conclusion that having the disposition of keeping things that you use for longer than is common these days... And even doing things like handing down your watch to your son (these days you might have to teach your son what a watch is, and how to use it though)... Is quite possibly the best way to take regarding conservation. It's also... Cheap.
  8. Just enjoyed a can of Ocean Prince canned smoked kippers... One of my favorite... And just a $1.09 at HEB. As a kid I grew up eating sardines/kippers. They were cheap. And tasty. And my mom had to be thrifty (what some in their haughtiness think to call cheap). And today, some many decades later, we find out that sardines are a great source of omega-3s vitamin D. So add very healthy to the list of positives. And again... Just, can you believe it... $1.09 at HEB. https://www.heb.com/product-detail/ocean-prince-kipper-snacks/1119612 https://healthyeating.sfgate.com/nutritional-value-kippers-1104.html
  9. I guess the trolls above will be... well... trolls.
  10. LOL... "You need to settle down and mind your own business..."
  11. How to attract wealthy supporters... "...Donors might make a token gift to meet a need because someone they know asks them, but they reserve their biggest contributions for opportunities that excite them." https://www.insidephilanthropy.com/home/2017/1/19/a-fundraising-luminary-shares-secrets-of-attracting-wealthy-supporters
  12. And what about Walmart... Areas of Funding "...Quality of life: Improving access to recreation, arts or cultural experiences for low income individuals and families in the United States" More here... http://giving.walmart.com/walmart-foundation/community-grant-program
  13. And again, you've got to admit... This is funny...
  14. Well... I know for sure I contribute to you providing a good laugh for me.
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