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Everything posted by Ridenfool

  1. Added new signs for Tristy (a nod to the lost Tris Cross trail), Loblolly, Y-Knot, Litterbox, Black Trac, and... Sofa King Fun Trail, which begins at the last water stop and includes The Grind, The Wall, and Reveille's Romp before rolling onto Fofenique. But wait, there's more! A new 0.3 mi. section has been added to Black Trac and was opened for business today. Paul got first wheels on it. It still needs a little polishing on some bench cuts, and I'm looking forward to the rain next week to provide a more malleable surface to dig in. Tristy (begins where Karaway meets the road at the FR512 gate and ends at the road before Lemonade) has one of the two new sections completed. There is a small jump toward the end, and a berm is planned. If you aren't racing at Bluff Creek this weekend, come get some RHR goodness!
  2. Seemed like an appropriate place to put this...
  3. The latest map update is on MTB Project online and should be in the updated Texas area download this coming Saturday. Making more signs, and I have flagged two new trails, with a third in the planning stages. Two other new trails by Paul are going in between the 512 area and the fence. Presently, you cross the road and go downhill on a fenceline jeep road. Soon, you will take singletrack to the East of the Jeep road, ride back up the Jeep road, then take singletrack back down on the West of the Jeep road. These should add almost a half mile.
  4. Took a spin today, conditions were fantastic. Planning another ride this afternoon. The latest bits added over the last week now have distance up to 12.8 miles. Also, flagged another new trail and scouted for more places to build.
  5. Paul just sent photos of the completed new fun run. Entry, crossing bridge, then bend to the right Exit, coming from far side to bottom of photo to rejoin the trail Also, he built this while soaking luxuriously in a rain storm that dropped .36 in. on him. Kudos to Paul the Duck for getting this done! I can't wait to ride it,
  6. Paul and I have been at it again. Today we cut in another new section that puts that Black Trac uphill before the road crossing back in the mix... as a downhill run into the last new section of switchbacks up to the new scenic overlook water station. We also made the BT "option" trail a permanent part of the overall loop so there is no missing it. Paul is adding some fun stuff at the end of this section where it currently has this wonderful dip. It will be like a roller coaster section, as he's taking the trail back across that ravine twice more in succession. There is one bridge to build, and we hauled all the materials he'll need down there today. It could be live by this weekend. These new parts won't add much distance, I guess maybe a little more than a tenth of a mile, but they should up the fun factor with some new dips, challenging climbing, and a short downhill run. Come get some!
  7. Mileage Update with recent additions. Using the standard race start/finish line that starts at the pavilion and ends by going around the pond before crossing the finish line, here's current distance for the whole loop. (deduct 0.3 mi. for Trailhead to Trailhead measurement) 12.67 miles was measured on the bike's wheel. That's my story and I'm sticking to it! More trails coming soon to a Rocky Hill near you.
  8. Alright, I took advantage of the outdoor air conditioning yesterday and today and have completed the new section and cut out the old climb on BT to the road. Here's where the new part begins... Most of the old climb will eventually be repurposed as a downhill that leads into this new section. Ought to be a hoot! Paul has also opened up another new section on Karaway. Between the work done on Karaway and on Black Trac we have gained over 3/4 of a mile of new trail. I'll get a "wheel" measurement tomorrow. Thanks again to the TMBRA PayDirt volunteers and to Brian Nash for their contributions that brought these new sections online in record time.
  9. Did some bench cutting today on a new section on Black Trac created with the help of the TMBRA PayDirt folks. This will be a series of ~10 switchbacks gaining about 50' over a quarter mile. It should be completed shortly. This section passes the new Water Station 3, which has a great view and some shade to sit in. Ought to make a fine spot to hang out while making the loop. Here's a pic.
  10. Just talking about the zones shown on the watch. The watch's app takes input on physical criteria like height, weight, etc., as well as logging daily activity, sleep cycles, calories burned, and that sort of thing. It then comes up with whatever it does for those HR zones based upon its programming. Better than nothing. I'm sure there are more in-depth methods to come up with an exact number, but all I look for is a ballpark guideline and it feels right to me. Pushing that envelope to the max on a regular basis seems counter to my goals. I'm doing what little I can to make a play for the long game. Just hoping to beat my dad's high score of 72 years. The fact that I ride and he didn't might figure into it. Or not. Only time will tell.
  11. ... and the same types of riders who would threaten trail access when riding an eMTB are like the type who threatened trail access over the years on their MTB by riding recklessly on shared trails, and/or on illegal trails, and so on. Who among us couldn't raise our hands for past transgressions that contributed is some way to such a problem as described? How many routinely refused to ride those trails, which shan't be mentioned in a public thread, once it was clearly understood they were not officially sanctioned? 🙄 People CAN be trained (it's almost as easy as herding cats), and eventually peer pressure can result in a positive effect on behavior. This will be an educational process and I'm sure that many who are buying eMTBs may be new to the sport and have no concept of the history of similar problems which have been met. So, lather, rinse, repeat the sharing of information with them in a respectful way that offers a better chance to educate rather than alienate. Endlessly going on about the problems one perceives in other riders without putting personal effort toward resolving them has always seemed a fruitless endeavor to me. It is but another example of a Pot meet Kettle discourse. Everyone can bitch, curse, and shame this type of user when they meet them on a trail. How many take time to speak with those errant trail users and build rapport to show the advantages to them in considering changing their ways? Seeds have to be planted in order to bear fruit. In the grand scheme of things this too shall pass and the latest version of the new normal will reveal itself. The only universal constant is change. It has always seemed easier for me to embrace shifting paradigms rather than resist them.
  12. Sitting around thinking about some of the differences of my experiences when comparing riding standard and "E" bikes I remembered one factor from riding the acoustic bike (the Brit's name for standard) was managing heart rate. As we age, most should know how max heart rate declines. "Max" being where the heart is being stressed at a level that could shorten its operating lifespan, and ipso-facto, its owner's lifespan as well. Pushing things to the max on a regular basis is asking for trouble as we get older. Knowing this, for the past several years I've used my watch to monitor heart rate while I ride and this has happily led to developing a good feel for noticing when I was getting out of the yellow and into the red zone. It has become second-nature for me to feel when I was pushing too far, then verifying this on the watch. My SOP for managing this was to stop (often mid-climb) and wait a couple of minutes for the HR to come back into the yellow before moving on. An added advantage derived from this tactic is how I've become quite adept at resuming a climb from a standing start on the acoustic bike, rather than pushing it up the hill. Because I do enjoy riding and want to continue to do so for as many years as possible, it seems like a good idea to not overwork the cardiovascular system. It is well out of warranty and this strategy is as close to an extended warranty that I've been able to find. Besides, the manufacturer never was all that good at responding to warranty claims anyway. Fast-forward to pondering about the eMTB and how the realization struck me that while still using the feel I've developed to gauge whether I'm punching near the red zone, instead of stopping the ride I can just bump up the assist level a notch. Then, bump it back down as soon as I feel my heart rate is back into the yellow zone. Being able to keep the flow of a ride going without stopping to manage HR levels has been much more enjoyable. I am able to get the workout I desire, get more time and distance riding, and I'm enjoying riding in a way I haven't experienced in a decade or two. The phone app (Specialized Mission Control) allows fine-tuning of the support levels, and I've been dialing them down as my fitness improves. This results in extending the range I can get from the battery as my muscles take on more of the load. I've found this to be a good thing as the miles of new trail we've added to Rocky Hill are getting to the point that two laps now use up most of the battery. YMMV
  13. Had a good turnout to the workday today. Thanks to all who shared time with us, a lot was accomplished.
  14. Opened another new trail section today. The end of Litterbox now comes out behind Water 1 and flows into Black Trac's new (and old) entrance. I hope folks like the flow of this new section that twice crosses the ancient, original Black Trac downhill run. (long ago retired due to erosion) This rolls into the initial wood feature on Black Trac at a better angle than before allowing riders familiar with it to carry speed into the following climb. The new addition brings the total distance to within a few hundredths of a 12 mile loop when every trail is ridden. More to come! Trail conditions were dry. Outside air conditioning was set at 72F.
  15. Yes, and that has been the case for decades in the MTB world, hasn't it? People upset over an encounter that threatened trail access for everyone? Same song, different verse. The solution is a matter of education, then putting the knowledge into one's own behavior modification stragegy, just as it has always been. The best thing that happened to MTB was it becoming more mainstream. As more people became involved in the MTB community, spreading the word on how we are each an ambassador to the sport, sharing the rules for who yields to who, coming together to make more trails, etc., the acceptance of MTBs has risen substantially. E-MTB is an extension of this existing MTB movement and must go through the same process. Ego has to be set aside and good behavior encouraged. There isn't really any better approach. Anyone can yell "Get off my lawn!" till the cows come home, with little result to show for their effort. The only constant is change.
  16. Darwin and Karma will catch up with folks like that. Sometimes you get to see the scales come into balance, as you described. 😁 This is rare, and can be savored. Some people can't stop drinking too much, others can't prevent themselves from abusing power (of all sorts). It isn't the bottle, the bike, nor the corporate or political position that has the control issue. That is all I'm saying. Happy trails!
  17. FWIW, I'm loving my Levo, but I just ride it like any other mountain bike I've owned. Only now, despite being old and decrepit, I can ride more often and further that I could otherwise. I keep pace with whoever I'm with, unless they are riding too fast for the conditions (pedestrians, etc.) and then I'll choose a more appropriate pace. Since buying the e-mtb I've been riding much, much more often than I have in years, and I've lost weight, gotten back into trail building, and am in overall better shape now than before owning it. Sure, there are going to be those folks who will make e-MTBs look bad and this will paint all MTBs in a poor light, but, we've had the same issues with people riding on non-e bikes who do that as well. People are a problem. That's not going to change. Blaming the bike for a person's behavioral choices is really missing the root of the issue, isn't it?
  18. Trail Art finds a new home The Two-Headed Bird Thingie by Boomer, perhaps this is a Boomerdactyl? Another Boomer-original metal sculpture Eventually, the ramp will find a new location, for now it is a Lizard perch The Gingerbread Bunny from Omar's Howl But wait, there's more! The Lemonade Stand rest area Officially christened with a Devil's Backbone from Real Ale
  19. There will be a Pay Dirt workday at Rocky Hill on April 16, 2022. TMBRA racers, come help build new trail at Rocky Hill and earn paydirt points! All volunteers are welcome and appreciated. Post up here or contact me or Paul directly to confirm you will be there, and, with any questions. Thank you!
  20. We are going out today to salvage picnic tables and structures from the Land of Lost Trails. We'll also be retrieving some of the trail art and features, including: the Metal Lizard and the jump ramp on the downhill run into Leaping Lizards; the multi-headed Thing on Longhorn Loop; and the Gingerbread man ("the Bunny") from Omar's Howl. New homes for these items will be found on the new loop. Expect to see some fresh new rest stops popping up on the loop, where riders can socialize and get some water. This week I'll be finishing up another 3/10 mile section that will bring Litterbox into Black Trac on the back side of the First Water Stop. A little bit of RHR history goes with this new section, as the original Black Trac used to begin at Water 1. It was a fall-line trail that eroded quickly and was abandoned a couple of decades ago. This new section crosses that original trail in two places and Black Trac will again start at the point where it did originally, only now winding its way back into the established trail. Likewise, I gave the structure at Water 1 a makeover last week. It's roof was about to collapse and the place had developed a rather uninviting cave-like atmosphere. It is much nicer now. I even uprooted some Poison Ivy next to it so folks won't be itching to return. There may also be a crop of Dew Berries on the stump there this year, watch for them. Rest Stop 2, with water, will be dubbed the "Lemonade Stand" and located at the NW corner of the property near where Lemonade hits the berm on West Fenceline, before you get to Loblolly. Rest Stop 3, with water, will be situated off the middle section of Black Trac. Placed conveniently under the pines at an overlook with a great view to the West near where Black Trac crosses what we're now calling Wellhead Road. New trail is being cut to bring Black Trac over to this new rest area before heading down to The Grind and The Wall. There will also be a picnic table placed in the shade on Karaway in the woods before the road crossing at Freeride 512 Road/Gate. No water planned for this stop. Weather is looking good, and the trails are in great shape! Come ride in the pines.
  21. Hey Antonio, Thanks for the kind words and the feedback. Swamp Trail, ha ha, that would be a good name for it, but we just made it all part of Karaway. That area began collecting water after they cleared everything uphill while mining gravel. It is a bit of a mess, for sure. The fact that we had an inch or so of rain in that storm last week was the biggest "Swamp" factor. I have a few ideas for dealing with that trail. Building ladder bridges will be the last resort. First plan will be to try and divert hillside drainage from collecting on the trail. Second plan, if that doesn't work, is a trail building technique I've read about called a Turnpike that uses landscape fabric, small diameter Cedar, and gravel to build an elevated path that won't sink into the muck or wash away. Not sure where we'll find gravel, or the Cedar, but I'm sure something will turn up. 🙄 In the long run I expect it will be solved with a combination of all three methods. That bit with the whoop-dee-doos is probably Litterbox, and it leads into Black Trac. I was concerned folks might not like it, but feedback has been great so far. We needed the mileage and I didn't want to spend a lot of it in open prairie either. So, I used what I could find to spice it up.
  22. Post-ride I recommend Carne Lente in Smithville for tacos and muscle relaxant (beer).
  23. Thought it good to mention a bridge lost in the fire has been rebuilt. The end of the Pine Gulch trail from Roosevelt's Cutoff intersection on the South side up to crossing the road that finishes the furthest part of the loop has been open again for a while. The printed map they hand you at the HQ (and is online) still does not show this trail, though it has been added to MTBProject's map of Buescher. With four crossings of the park road connecting trails on both sides many combinations can be ridden to extend the mileage. It is pretty easy to make an interesting 12 mile loop. These trails are fun, though be aware there can be hikers and runners sharing the trail at times. Having a ringing bell so they hear you approaching is a big help, that, and riding at a pace as if expecting a pedestrian or other rider to be around the next blind turn is a good idea. Riding during the week, avoiding early morning and after work hours will net the least chance of meeting another trail user. Weekends and holidays are usually busy with hikers, groups, etc.
  24. Rode a lap today to record wheel mileage. It is up to 11.7 miles with the newest stuff. I was expecting more. Now have figured out where the guesstimating went wrong. Uno: Forgot to subtract the length of a fence line section that is bypassed by Litterbox. B: I think the mileage provided for the machine-cut section might have been from the machine's odometer. which likely included all the fiddling around it drove while building trail. Essentially, this resulted in doubling the actual trail length. It is actually 1/4 mile long. Another section running across the field and around trees was added to it for a total of 0.5 mi. for both sections, rather than the mile that had been estimated. Still, very happy with the progress. Conditions are good. A few wet spots, but nothing sticking to the tires.
  25. Okay, everyone can play in the Litterbox now! Yer in for a treat. Just as I was finishing up where it starts at the end of Y-Knot (always leave the beginning of a trail for last) a rider rolled up just in time to be the first victim. Ken, from Michigan, visiting his sister in Cistern, was trying out RHR for the first time. It was a little soupy out there after the recent rain, but he seemed to be enjoying himself. I'll get a ride out there in the next day or so and see what the mileage is up to. Best guess is something nudging up against 13 miles. Here is a shot of where it begins. The new trail shown in the photo parallels the doubletrack on the fenceline which will now allow vehicle traffic to pass without interfering with riders. Here is a shot from yesterday where I created a canal on a hillside to send drainage somewhere other than across the new trail there. That was a lot of work, but should pay off in the long run! A trail that isn't obvious in this photo to the left of the canal is a new entrance to Black Trac coming from the end of Litterbox. Current conditions at RHR are okay, with standing water in the usual places. Should be fantastic this weekend.
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