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Everything posted by RidingAgain

  1. Nope... Not you specifically. And to your "...has been answered multiple times..."... Only in ignorance by those who haven't actually listened to it. And I haven't ignored what was said... I'm just trying to help some move forward and upward in their thinking and approach.
  2. I remember sitting with my then 80+ year old uncle, watching live the invasion of Iraq back in the early '90s... He turned to me and said... "...Nothing is going to be the same again...". And he wasn't speaking about the war... But about the immediate reporting of it, and what it would mean to society.
  3. Really... And do so... If caught/exposed... After the damage has been done, yes. Or are you not clear on why first impressions are important. I presented one video that, for me, contained some very informative info... Info I had not read about elsewhere. Instead of jumping up and down about a general perception, which is usually based in and out of personal preferences... Why not actually listen to the video and then comment on the specifics presented. This way we could have a more profitable discussion, one in which we may all become better informed about these specific, instead of just bantering about superficial stuff.
  4. mack_turtle... Are you saying that having a definite bias lean still allows you to speak the truth about something? Or are you saying that none of the media sources you listed have any sort of bias leaning?
  5. No problem, mack_turtle... I'm all for supporting proper news reporting/outlets. I remember years ago seeing a quote from Joseph Pulitzer on the wall of a lawyer's office... It read... "Put it before them briefly so they will read it, clearly so they will appreciate it, picturesquely so they will remember it, and above all, accurately so they will be guided by its light." It was the first time I'd seen it, and I've never forgotten it. Unfortunately... It seems most reporters and the news agencies they work for have. And as a result, what you accuse Epoch Times of doing is pretty much what most other news agencies are doing... Including, to one degree or another, most of those you listed. The difference I think may be in that the more local the news source... The more accurate it has to be... As it is far easier to expose error. And regarding money... Pulitzer said... "Money is the great power today. Men sell their souls for it. Women sell their bodies for it. Others worship it. The money power has grown so great that the issue of all issues is whether the corporation shall rule this country or the country shall again rule the corporations." Pulitzer was a wise man.
  6. And here's a really cool coincidence... I was speaking to my sister about this project and she reminded me of a place my parents would take us when we were kids that was something just like this... A place called Hardware Gap in Jamaica... Specifically, Holywell Recreational Park. It was around 4,000 feet in the mountains above Kingston, and had maybe a dozen log cabins of various sizes that you could rent. What great memories... Kids between the ages of 6 and 11 let loose in a mountain environment. Of course there were no bears, wolves, or poisonous snakes to worry about. But there were cliffs you could fall off of, and miles of trails you could get lost on. It was pretty cool, even went up there as teenagers with other friends. Here's a photo of the place...
  7. The project concept is to provide a hospitality environment in which you can stay on the property and bike and hike right out of your abode. The property is right next to a national park, so there's access to another 3,000+ acres with maybe 40 miles of trail. Things like communal eating at a central location on the property will be a part of the environment. And perhaps communal excursions to areas that have lake activity and other hiking/mtb trails. The goal is to keep it as simple as possible... And with an eco-friendly leaning. Trails will not be meant to compete with the more serious mtb-focused trail offerings. It's just meant to be an inexpensive place where you can come with your family or friends and kind of camp out and ride/hike as you please. There are a few places in the US and Canada that are doing something similar. Here's what the abodes offered may look like...
  8. As I said in an above comment... I'm not someone who relies on any one source... I try to read as much as I can in order to gain a balance on what's being said out there. And I'm not a reader/subscriber of Epoch Times... But this particular video came to my attention and I chose to take a look, and am glad I did. And discussing its contents with an airline security expert I know very well, what they said about what was presented in this particular Epoch Times video was pretty supportive of what was being said in it. Hey... Like Ross Perot... I'm all ears regarding someone actually looking at the video and speaking to what it presented... Negatively or positively. It's just the superficial girly shrieking that I'm not into.
  9. Here are a couple overhead images... Highest point is just under 1,000 feet... Low point around 600 feet.
  10. Yeh... No. I don't do your shrieking like a teen girl bully crap, mack_turtle. That's all.
  11. The thought being presented in the video is that the Chinese government was developing biological weapons... And that something went wrong security-wise... And in dealing with the problem, the Chinese government tried to cover it up... And that this has caused dire circumstances for the rest of the world. At least, that's how I understood the presentation.
  12. "... The Washington Post Fox News CNN The Wall Street Journal The Austin American-Statesmen Reuters The Associated Press CNN how's that for a start?" LOL... Sure man. So all the above news sources say that the virus didn't start in China?
  13. So... Basically you can't actually provide any useful "...much better sources..." at this time. Okay then. And FYI... After looking at the video presentation, I then went and took a look at various things they presented... On other source sites. Can't say I found anything that pointed to what I saw presented as be "...conspiracy theory nonsense...". But maybe you can be specific as to what you saw in the video as being "...conspiracy theory nonsense...".
  14. Actually... That's one of the foundational actions of firemen in dealing with a fire... Both during and after a fire incident. And it's the same when dealing with something like a virus... Which is why it was crucial to find out the genome sequence of this virus. Solving "...the problem at hand..." includes both present and future needs being effectively dealt with.
  15. Please name these "...much better sources..."? It's easy to just throw out thoughts like "...there are more reliable sources that have a better track record for not spreading pseudoscience and conspiracy theories...", but doing so without providing the actual names of these "...more reliable sources..." is just useless talk. I'm not someone who relies on any one source... I try to read as much as I can in order to gain a balance on what's being said out there. And I'm not a reader/subscriber of Epoch Times... But this particular video came to my attention and I chose to take a look, and glad I did. And on discussing it's contents with an airline security expert I know very well, what they said about what was presented in this particular Epoch Times video was pretty supportive. As scripture tells us... Sometimes the prophet needs to humble himself and listen to the speaking donkey. Or not. Eat the hay and leave the sticks is not a hard thing to do... Especially given all the time we have on our hands these days.
  16. I've got a typographic map of the land... I'll put it up here. A part of it does have what looks like a 300' ridgeline drop, but not having a scale I can't yet tell just how steep (cliff-like or just steep descent). But Seth seemed to work out some trail lines on really steep hillside.
  17. Just drove pass Brushy, on West Palmer... Look down on the paved trail area... Lots of people on bicycles.
  18. Actually... Not so much... At least... If facts are of interest to you. But then... I know... You write millions of white papers. Here's something on a matter you'll find spoken about in the video... https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2020-03-24/can-china-be-sued-over-the-coronavirus And this... https://www.nature.com/articles/s41423-020-0400-4 And this... https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/jan/26/coronavirus-link-to-china-biowarfare-program-possi/
  19. Got .20c off my Randalls gas fill up... WOO HOO!
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