I think the best choice is
Merida Crossway 20-MD
Giant ATX 2 (2017)
Silverback Stride 15 (2016)
Stinger Element D 26 (2017)
Stels Navigator 650 MD 27.5 V020 (2017)
My choice fell on Merida Crossway 20-MD. It’s more convenient and practical. It is also very reliable. I ride more than six months and have no complaints. But this is just my opinion
Before buying, I want to advice to visit more information sites with a similar subject. It really helps with the choice. For example this site http://bestadviser.net/reviews/mountain-bikes-reviews/top-mountain-bikes-helmets-and-clothing-review/ Once he also helped me with the choice of a mountain bike. I can also advise Giant ATX 2, this is my previous bike, is also a good fit for you.