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Kobra Kai MTB Guy

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Everything posted by Kobra Kai MTB Guy

  1. Yuuuup. I rode it W-E. I got to the top of the climb before Truth or Dare and looked up and didn't even bother trying. That humidity + heat really takes it out of you.
  2. DD and 1/4 are gtg. Didn’t check anything else
  3. Anyone been out to check the trails today?
  4. Still too wet. I rode the east end of DD with no pickup but it’s slicker than whale dicks. Went to the east entrance of quarter and it was real mushy.
  5. Are you sure it didn't.... peak..... your curiousity? I'll show myself out.
  6. Interested to know if you think that could cause it. It’s a really small dip but It’s the first time I’ve ever slipped a pedal on a drop before.
  7. Anyone hit Randy’s elbow recently? The takeoff has this weird dip right before it, I think from people braking at the top. It’s not much at all but I ate shit pretty hard going off it today. Wasn’t sure if that was the reason or just a minor brain fart by me. Probably the latter.
  8. Made it to Bentonville this week. Here are a couple videos of the drops on Drop the Hammer. Cased the big one bad on the first try. Can’t get the second link to show as a video for some reason. Randy’s Elbow is more intimidating in my opinion. https://youtube.com/shorts/hTsM8lcB3QM?feature=share
  9. This parking spot though. I was driving to the trails my first day here and thought “this place is gonna be cool but I bet not as awesome as everyone says.” That thought ended within about 15 seconds when I immediately dropped into some of the tallest berms I’ve ever seen. Thanks for the suggestion!
  10. A lot of people I've heard express that same discomfort switched to a lumbar pack and really liked it. I prefer the turtle shell for the extra padding when I inevitably eat shit.
  11. I always give it a little pop when I go over it. It never occurred to me that I'm getting less air because it's smaller now. I just assumed I suck. I guess both could be true too 🤔
  12. I typed the whole story out, but it felt icky throwing a shop under the bus on the internet. Long story short: over promised, under delivered, no proactive communication, 6 weeks with no bike, which would've been 9 weeks with no bike had I not been calling weekly.
  13. The Trek stores' service department is no better. Gave them another shot bc of change in management and ended up having a terrible experience. Time to learn how to do everything myself I suppose.
  14. Probably an overreaction here... Anyone have a black yeti (I think it was a yeti) with orange badging stolen lately? Came up on someone on picnic wearing what looked like a brand new full face and what also looked like a very nice used Yeti. He was having trouble steering through picnic so it set some alarms off for me. Could also just be a wealthy guy wanting to start mountain biking. Can never be too safe!
  15. Anyone had eyes on the trail since GMTB?
  16. I thought the same thing. That's one of the only features I don't get consistently.
  17. https://www.amazon.com/G-Form-Knee-Black-Adult-X-Large/dp/B07JH4G1MJ/ref=sr_1_3_sspa?crid=3RG1FK0RXIXAX&dchild=1&keywords=mountain+bike+knee+pads+for+men&qid=1612873385&sprefix=mountain+bike+knee%2Caps%2C585&sr=8-3-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUExVkZVNEU4MUIxUjhEJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwNDYxNDA0VUhJR0pVUEoySVkyJmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTAyMzQyNjYyOURNWkFGNllUQUdNJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfYXRmJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ== I have these and matching elbow pads. No complaints. They've saved my knees and elbows on several occasions at this point and now I feel weird if I don't have them on. That said, I haven't ridden with them in the summer soooo.... 🥵
  18. Thanks for the video Morris. Ended up hitting it first try with no run ups today. I just needed someone to show me it was possible! Also @gotdurt thanks for your advice/video of EBD. Ended up getting it for the first time today too. Overall I had a really shitty ride, but these two features made my day.
  19. Fuck yes. That was awesome. Also, you're looking trim, my dude. Well done.
  20. On a f'n hardtail, no less. We'll done, man. I'm for sure trying it next time I do W-E.
  21. That's her! I'd really like to see it done. I just can't get the stones to try it. Maybe I'll go out there tomorrow w/ full face on and give it a go.
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