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The Tip

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Everything posted by The Tip

  1. Watching people's behavior during Katrina strengthened my opinion that our hold on civilization is tenuous. So far the reaction to this crisis is not changing that opinion at all.
  2. Or not even presented on one network but it's the screaming lead story on the other.
  3. True. But is that what real journalism is about? Does that make the national media any different from folks that re-post things they see on Facebook?
  4. And no wonder why we have less and less faith in most of our media outlets. Me trying find the truth these days is similar to when I would create new recipes for the restaurant. I would go to three or four different recipe books to see how THEY made a certain ethic dish. I would see what were the common ingredients to all the recipes and start from there. So now with the news, if I see a story, I will find out if two or three different sources say the same thing before I believe it.
  5. An excellent gesture. Thanks. But I will not take you up on the offer as it is above my pay grade. There is one place I don't want to be right now and that's in a hospital! lol
  6. And the answer is.....?? I understand why the medical community is clamoring for the masks. Obviously they help prevent the spread of disease even though they don't prevent 100% transmission. I read a thing about DYI masks. There have been tests about what percentage of a certain micron sized particle can get through various things. 1% or so on the n95 masks down to 50% for coffee filters. These aren't the exact numbers, but I didn't want to look it up again. But my point, the question I can't figure out is, why would the media tell people more or less to not wear a mask? ANY kind of mask, even a bandana, helps some. I would think we would use any help towards the fight. The education campaign should be to teach to not have a false sense of security from wearing a mask rather than discouraging people from wearing something. edited after reading AustinBike's post as we posted at the same time; Exactly. If the motive to the "masks won't help you" campaign is to save supply for the medical community, they should say that. And that is an EXCELLENT motive but why the disinformation to get to that goal?
  7. So, has everyone heard, "the masks will not prevent you getting it. Only the sick should wear them." Right? You've heard this? So why is the medical community clamoring for these same masks? I had that thought today.
  8. Demand driven no doubt by idiots like the mayor of New Orleans that decided she has the power to vacate the 2nd amendment.
  9. How many of you are now "working" from home? I'm home all the time but my wife normally isn't, but now she is. So "we" are going just a bit stir crazy. It reminds me of the Twilight Zone episode where the guy likes to read but doesn't like people. The apocalypse comes and now he has "Time Enough at Last" to do what he wants, but he breaks his glasses he needs to read, meaning he is now unable to do what he wants. So here we are sitting at home with time to ride but the stupid rain is preventing it. grrrrrr.
  10. HEB makes their guacamole just like I do. I have no qualms about buying theirs. It's as good as mine. To be honest I think the HEB test kitchen guy and I have exactly the same tastes. Pretty much everything they make I like.
  11. https://www.wideopenpets.com/getting-pooped-bird-really-good-luck/ Seems it's a Russian thing.
  12. Amazon wants to hire 100,000 more workers. They are increasing pay from $15 to $17. Good news for hospitality workers that have been furloughed.
  13. Rather random question. Curious why are you asking? I thought this was the apocalypse and bird poop thread.
  14. I've been in two different HEBs and we just got back from Walmart. Most of the proteins were very picked over, as well as the canned goods (both meats and vegetables), but the rest of the stock was pretty normal. Produce was normal everywhere. It was interesting at the Brodie HEB. Right inside the door they had a huge pallet of canned chili. "We're not even going to bother putting this on the shelf because we know this is what you are panic buying."
  15. "Social Distancing" Who came up with that phrase? Isn't it interesting how quickly society latches on to a buzz word? We certainly are NOT being social with this distancing. Actually are we not trying to stay healthy? Why are we not using the old stand by phrase of "keeping a HEALTHY distance?" I thought of this on my ride this morning. So I will now be keeping a healthy distance from people. "I'm an idea guy Chuck." 😄
  16. As of right now, the trails are in good shape. The rocks were a little slick in places, but my tires never picked up anything. Forecast has a chance of rain today. But right now is a go for it window.
  17. Okay original poster, I'll say it because none of these other wussies will say it...STAY OFF OUR TRAILS!! I kid I kid! I agree with all the above posts. But you posting got me curious again. I had a quick discussion with a runner the other day but didn't really get the answers I wanted. The trail sanitation discussions here that mentioned that someone thought it was trail runners doing some of it made we shake my head. I didn't understand that. I thought the idea of being a trail runner WAS to find the uneven stuff. What are the motives for trail running besides communing with our wonderful nature and getting a run in? What makes a trail "good." Are there competitive trail runs? What are those courses like? Several riders here mentioned they trail run too. Chime in with your opinion. I'm "professionally" curious about this wondering if there is a way to make trails "good" for both user groups.
  18. Trail sanitation! Grrrr! (too soon?)
  19. Can I take that "80" back? The SATN is easily over 90 miles now. On another note, I know I'm preaching to the choir here, but I have to do a PSA. Just about every time I ride Drip Drop, or anything in the area (wink wink, new stuff) I come across someone walking their dog. I hope like hell that all riders are being as courteous as possible to these people who are no doubt homeowners and a part of the HOA that Drip Drop is on. "Hello." "Nice day isn't it?" "Pretty dog" "Thanks" (for stepping out of the way) It only takes ONE vocal resident to make a stink to get that lovely area removed from our SATN access. DON'T be the person that triggers that!
  20. I really do love the guitar analogy. When you are playing an electric guitar you are NOT playing an acoustic guitar. No argument. But you ARE playing a type of guitar. Takes the same skills. But to play louder on the electric you just have to turn a switch, not hurt your fingers. You might have one of each like TheX does. If you can afford to have two. You use them for different things. But you enjoy them both. Do all guitar companies make both? Do they have different divisions if they do? And finally, it doesn't matter which one you are playing, you are still making music.
  21. The guitar analogy is a good one. I'm sure the purists were appalled when they were first introduced. "That's not REAL guitar playing. It'll never catch on."
  22. First thing I have to say is the obligatory comment about the cringe worthy riding on the wet trails. It just makes it harder to educating folks around here. It doesn't matter if their dirt can hold up to that punishment. Ours can't. Second, if anyone thinks that ebikes are just a fad and are going away, they are delusional. There is obviously a market for people that don't give a hoot about being a purist or getting satisfaction out of a hard climb. Third, it's just fun to watch somebody having so much fun. His enthusiasm is contagious!
  23. In regards to the SATN, and considering the land ownership that most of it is on, it's hard to argue to the "powers that be" that a deer built that wood jump. I think it sends up red flags. And Owen, welcome to the SATN. Have you joined us on a Tuesday for Crank and Drank yet?
  24. What do you mean by "flow?" I would say that the SATN is mostly flow now. Lots of non-rocky flow. Interesting that you ask about flow right below posts about that log feature. Do you mean more features?
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