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Everything posted by RidingAgain

  1. The well-being of "...the economy..." being... The Golden Calf. Interesting (I would have thought the economy is seen as the Golden Goose, but I understand the connection with the "Evangelicals"). Not the economy itself, as in the US economy, the poor stay poor and the rich stay rich. Which isn't what the poor really want. Meaning, the poor would like a different economy. But no one wants the suffering that a fallen economy would bring... Poor or rich. "It's the economy, stupid!" LOL... Well no... It's the way people view the economy as related to their existence. Just as it is with everything. The self... It is what it is... It wants what it wants... It does what it does. Anyone here think that this whole experience is going to show the poor how vulnerable they are, and cause them to demand a true change? Or will the $$$s handout suffice? Regarding the Golden Calf... It represents a turning to amusement and entertainment. If you read the related scripture you'll see that the Israelites ate, drank, "...and rose up to play..." in front of it. This is indicative of what humans worship — amusement and entertainment — as the Golden Calf was an idol created for worship. And there is an element of vanity in it, as it had to be made with human effort... So they worshipped what they made, that gave them amusement and entertainment. So... "I'd rather die than let the economy fall part." Pure vanity. Where is the guarantee that the economy won't fall apart even with your death? And for sure... If there is anything that we can know from scripture... It's that scripture doesn't big up human vanity.
  2. When I first moved to the US back in the mid-90s I was amazed at how clearly I saw what had happened in Jamaican political culture on a micro level, happening in the US on a macro level. The only difference being the speed at which it happens. The larger the country the longer it takes to be realized. The US is a beautiful country... But folks shouldn't fool themselves in thinking this country is impervious to what other countries suffer. Humans will be human.
  3. Come on now... You know this is the norm... It's how it is... The rich get richer, and the poor get poorer.
  4. A friend went out with his wife to Pace Bend this morning. He said it was free but only the east side was open (not sure what he meant). Also said that they saw maybe 5 other people at different parts. Suggested going in the morning as the afternoon might have more people.
  5. For sure... He just likes to troll me about my multiple posts... I'm just poking him.
  6. Interesting that the fella in the above video began his speaking with a little intro on what's "...vital..."... Meaning "...vitality...", which he says is about "...life...". It caught my attention because for some years now — and this might sound strange, but consider it a bit — I've tried to look at all situations I encounter during my daily living... From a POV of life vs. death... Rather than a POV of right vs. wrong. Now when I say life vs. death, I don't mean in a physical context... I mean in a context that propagates one or the other in a psychological context related to any and all my daily living encounters... Life being that which brings about a positive, uplifting result... Death being that which brings about a negative, devolving result. Now you might wonder what this has to do with a right and wrong POV and its application to daily encounters... Well, the problem is that right and wrong are more often than not influenced by individual preferences based on the knowledge base of the individual. And as we should all know... Individual knowledge base can vary considerably from person to person... Meaning, the individual's take on what's right and wrong will also vary considerably. The fella in the video says that "...it's the right thing to do..." and then goes on to say "...why it's so absolutely vital to do...". So what we see here is that, for him, regarding the matter he's speaking about, "...the right thing to do..." is governed by what is "...absolutely vital to do..."... Meaning, "...the right thing to do..." is being governed by a view towards life (though he might not have realized the connection). The thinking being... Whatever will cause life to prevail is what dictates what is "...right to do...". Now this is a deep matter that involves a huge paradigm shift in how humans think these days, so above I'm only touching the surface of it. But when I was reading the interaction between TheTip and AustinBike about what we call things (what terms we use and what's acceptable), I immediately thought about people trying to state what's "...right..." and what's "...wrong...", as opposed to what will cause the related parties to move forward in life — move forward in a positive, uplifting context, rather than a negative, devolving context. And then I listened to the fella in the video and thought, "Oh, check that out... He's kind of speaking about it, just regarding a different subject matter." Coincidences are interesting too. And, here's a little bit of wisdom... Deuteronomy 30:19... "...I call heaven and earth to witness against you today: I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse; therefore choose life that you and your seed may live,..." The above is Moses advising the Israelites to "...choose life..." so that "...you and your seed may live...". Which sounds like excellent advice. In all that you do today... Don't be "...right..."... Be vital.
  7. From actual experience, I'd say you can take that to the bank. Back in the day — late - '70s — the $20 bill below was called blood money. Why? You could get someone to do some nasty stuff for you for just a single bill.
  8. The hypocrisy of the old man aside... Anyone here actually been in a community that devolved into the Wild West? I have.
  9. Did the old man just make three comments in a row a little above... And then two more in a row just two comments later. 🙂
  10. It's certainly easier to accomplish a form of community within small groups... But not so easy the larger the group gets.
  11. John 18:38... "Pilate said to Him, What is truth?" The age old question. NOTE... My quoting scripture isn't for religious purposes, as I am no lover of folly religion... I think scripture is applicable because it's been around for 2,000 years of human history and has been utilized in one form or another in human governmental efforts. For me, take away the religiosity and I see lots of wisdom in what scripture says. Here's a quote related to media that I came across many, many years ago that I thought was, well, somewhat profound and ironic at the same time...
  12. There ya go... Above is an example of testing stuff. But of course you need to hope that the two or three different sources are themselves correct... Or your concluding "...belief..." will certainly be missing the mark. So now you need to test the sources... And then test the sources that you used to test the sources... And around and around we go. Every heard of this phrase... It's not just applicable to government.
  13. Best thing to do is take a leap of faith and... TEST... it.
  14. Meaning... Proper community is no longer practiced... Community being common unity regarding the best interest of the participating people... Which requires a willingness to give up — sacrifice — self interest in order to accomplish an outcome that these participating people have together identified as the greater (common) good. This is practically impossible to achieve these day. Why? Vision... Or lack of it... In a common context. Proverbs 29:18... "Where there is no vision, the people cast off restraint; But happy is he who keeps the law.”
  15. In Jamaica my family had a doctor that looked after four generations... My grand parents, my parents, their kids, and one grandkid. He was a personal family friend that would come to Sunday lunch with us on occasion. Different days we live in.
  16. Actually... I have absolutely no problem with this thread... Just thought I'd clear up a misconception, that's all. Carry on... But maybe do so in a little less abrasive manner? Just a thought.
  17. I had a Twilight Zone moment yesterday in a Randalls supermarket... Over the PA system there was an announcement regarding the elderly with immune systems problems and the specific instructions regarding how Randalls is dealing with them. Nothing wrong with it... It was just a topic you'd not heard before and delivered in that futuristic dead tone robotic delivery like you'd hear on old sci-fi shows. And what made it more like that was a young worker in the aisle using one of those hand label checkers that made a kind of loud multiple beep sound. It was just one of those weird moments.
  18. Scripture tells us not to make images of the Lord... Having never seen Him, it's just an exercise in vanity. And based on experience... I'm thinking way more unbelievers are prone to ignore the government's advice. Why? Because scripture tells us to submit to the government over us. Nothing religious in my above speaking... Just clearing misconceptions up.
  19. Some people seem to love them... The big daddy re. price is the Raven though.
  20. LOL... Oy vey... Good for you... Stick to your "...standards..."... More for me... And other sensible people who've been eating avocados — and things you make with avocados — for over 50 years.
  21. Sounds like you've got a weak stomach mack_turtle. And maybe call these folks up and tell them they don't know what guacamole is... https://www.eatwholly.com
  22. LOL... Just smile and move on man. I’m just giving you a hard time. Lighten up.
  23. Yep. But positively indirectly. I’m good with that.
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