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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/18/2022 in Posts

  1. Working on my oldest's stamina. Was hoping for a cooler morning like earlier in the week.... Nope. We rode from the Harry Man end of the BCRT to the very end (or beginning depending on your perspective) at the YMCA. I had already had the bike rack loaded so my wife could make a pickup, was hoping to make it back to the sports park but she was convinced that she was done at the Y. Overall a great ride.
    2 points
  2. Saw two snakes this morning, a 3ish foot rat Snake, just before the bridge to Mulligan and one Rough Green Snake at the base of the waterfall by the YMCA.
    2 points
  3. I had a culinary keto breakthrough yesterday in the kitchen. Unofficially, I call it real mouth feel keto lasagna. It always annoyed me that people thought mushroom, almond flour and zucchini were reasonable pasta replacements. Nope thanks. Unclear ADHD story telling, I developed a lasagna noodle that is tots keto but tastes and has the mouthfeel of grain based lasagna noodles. Other pasta replacements, such as the mushroom asian noodle replacement, almond flour pasta or zucchini noodles were gross for different reasons. Zucchini only worked with beef stew recipes (not tomato beef sauce) from a taste and mouthfeel perspective, almond was not really keto nor as low cal as traditional pasta. The japanese mushroom noodles are ok but leave you super bloated and aren't quite right from the mouth feel perspective. This stuff absorbs the flavors of the ricotta, sauce and a tasty spinach layer, and feels like real fresh pasta.
    1 point
  4. Hell yeah. Dale Ball is amazing! ...just steer clear of the south side, Picacho Peak trails unless you're in the mood for a real technical-climb beat down. This...over and over and over.
    1 point
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