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Everything posted by Albert

  1. I've always written it as "Peddler's Pass", but I have no idea what is actually correct. I'm sure I'm about to learn!
  2. Very cool! How many of these posts will be out there? ..Al
  3. Wow, that is super sexy! Can't wait to see these installed!
  4. This sounds great, would love to see that trail make a return! Good luck!
  5. I enjoy going up that when it's dry as well.
  6. Time for a game camera out there to catch this asshole in the act. ..Al
  7. Nope, if that first drop is wet, I turn my ass right back around. I tried scrambling down it once when it was wet, and that resulted in an uncontrolled slide on my ass, after which my ass was soaked in the muck accumulating on that drop.
  8. Awesome, thanks for the confirmation. Maybe I can get out there tomorrow or Friday morning. Interesting about the flagging, I'm curious what that's about. I'm familiar with all the trails out there now that I'm less likely to get turned around, but I do wish the individual trails were marked with names, especially at some of the intersections where it can get a bit confusing. ..Al
  9. Is it trimmed all the way in that big, open area going north before you get to the trees? That sure would be nice. Needed some trimming beyond that as well, but haven't ridden it in a month, so no idea what it looks like now! ..Al
  10. I've never made a serious effort to go straight up it, but after reading a previous discussion about Spongebob, I certainly want to give it a try. It's the only serious obstacle for me on 1/4 Notch.
  11. Next time I'm out there I need to try shooting straight Spongebob in this direction, as opposed to taking the cheater line through the trees on the right. ..Al
  12. Same with me, I usually start out with the bailout climb and then ride West to East. Flows pretty well and I'm not slowed down as much by technical elements. I usually hit this towards the end of my ride with 15 or 20+ miles already under my belt. I run into people going both directions, and much of the trail is open so it's easy to see other people. Just have to be careful going around some blind corners at speed. ..Al
  13. I don't know if it hit Brushy, but here in Round Rock we just had a nice bit of heavy rain and some thunder...
  14. I now usually ride 1/4 Notch backwards (West to East), and almost always towards the end of my ride.. So, this could mean I've already ridden over 15 miles, or if I did Suburban Ninja first, maybe 25 miles at that point. In this weather doing that last is brutal, especially if the sun is still shining down on you. I think it flows better in this direction, although still fun to do the other way as it's more challenging with the additional ledges you need to go up. I don't ride Deception too often any more, and definitely not when it's sweltering hot. When it's cool again I'll add it as part of my regular routine. ..Al
  15. Tell me where to send the monies.
  16. It's on the previous page or two.
  17. Hmm, I'll need to look at that next time I'm out there. I've been going to the right on the way up (through the cheater line), but that video makes it look pretty easy. That doesn't mean it's easy, of course, and when I get back out there I'll probably be like, "Screw that!" That's the only feature on 1/4 Notch that gives me any pause. ..Al
  18. I'd be amazed if it's rideable. We got over 2" of rain here, and I'm not that far from Walnut Creek.. There's no way it was rideable yesterday.
  19. Hmmm, I think I may have committed monies as well, I completely forgot about that. And I couldn't even get out to Brushy yesterday to watch, as I had some emergency computer crap to do (thank you critical Exim vulnerability with exploits already in the wild!) Only got about 2.5 hours of sleep last night, so I will be a zombie later. ..Al
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