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Everything posted by Albert

  1. Nice, is that a current photo? Nice to see the damage has been repaired.
  2. I just cleaned all the political crap out of this thread and put JMR on moderator preview. Please keep politics (and Alex Jones' garbage) off this forum. Thank you.
  3. That's enough of this thread, I'm tired of seeing people post videos and other crap that's complete bullshit with regards to COVID-19.
  4. I'm closing this thread, as TheX is just going to keep posting bullshit articles from obviously biased sources. Go spread your BS about COVID-19 somewhere else. ..Al
  5. I've removed them, and will be monitoring this thread for other stupid garbage that's posted. Please report anything you see that's clearly bullshit. Also, probably not the best idea to get COVID-19 advice from a mountain biking forum. ..Al
  6. With the heavy amount of rain we got yesterday morning and a little more just now, I would not go anywhere near Lake Georgetown right now. ..Al
  7. Nice photos. Did make it out to RPR last year for the first time in a while, and some of the trails were quite confusing compared to everything I knew like the back of my hand previously. Need to go out there with a group familiar with the current layout. ..Al
  8. I know I was woken up at 5am or so with that crazy thunderstorm that rolled through. And all the recycling bins that were still on the curb on my street were blown over (they showed up in the evening yesterday, so forgot to bring that in). Curbs look good, though! ..Al
  9. There should be zero exceptions to this rule. Why do some people have to comply and not others? This just leads to people seeing others' dogs roaming free, and next time they bring their dog (or dogs) to the park, they may decide to not leash their dogs as well. Animals are unpredictable. It's inconsiderate to other trail users to just let your animal wander around the trails in a busy, public park, I don't care how well-behaved they are.
  10. I put a bell on all my bikes and that works pretty well to alert people. If you ring it far enough in advance, the bell gives people enough time to look back and then decide where they want to stand as you go past them. Of course, still doesn't work for the runners with headphones on (which is super annoying on a reasonably busy public trail system). ..Al
  11. Yeah, I do the same, my tire pressure is fairly high, especially on trails with lots of rocks like Brushy Creek, Lake Georgetown, BCGB, and most singletrack trails in Central Texas. I've also never had to replace a rim, nor have I ever burped out all my sealant. I also don't like the sloppy feeling if I go around a corner fast with lower tire pressure..
  12. Are we talking about Caddyshack here? I know towards the end of the trail there's an upper and lower line.. I usually ride the lower line, then take the upper until it comes back down to the lower line. I had no idea there's an alternate exit that dumps back down to the BCRT.
  13. I've had to do that before for someone on Deception (Double Down). Came across a bloody mess on the trail and an abandoned bike, so I followed the blood trail until I saw someone soaked in blood trying to find a way out of the trail.. Called 911 and helped them out to a cul-de-sac in the neighborhood above the trail and waited with them for the ambulance. Then went back to grab bike and waited in the same cul-de-sac for his wife/girlfriend to retrieve it That was a bit scary. ..Al
  14. Oh, yeah, I ride it going down all the time without getting any air and it's still fun! Still would be fun to just sit there on a busier day with a chair and watch people at the more...interesting locations. 🙂 ..Al
  15. That's a damn good idea. I need to do that one weekend when things return to some semblance of normal. ..Al
  16. I think I'll just need to walk Snail next time I'm out there to take a look at these cool features without actually killing myself. 😄 ..Al
  17. Already tried, they will give me a nice discount on a new carbon bike, which I may take advantage of, but they have none of the high-end Specialized bikes available for demo or rental. Not even a single Epic across their entire chain. Which sucks--who wants to buy a $5,000+ bike without riding it first? And I don't mean just tooling around in the stupid parking lot. Oh, it was the rear triangle that cracked, right where it joins the carbon frame (rear triangle for this year was aluminum, the year after they went to carbon for the rear triangle as well). Specialized says they don't even have those rear triangles, even if they would warranty it. So that bike is basically SOL. I can part it out at some point, I guess. ..Al
  18. As long as there's a line around this crazy drop, I'm good. 😄 I haven't been to Brushy in a few months now, which makes me sad (broke the frame on my Epic, it's out of warranty of course, and I don't have a new mountain bike yet, really need one, and sucks that another long wave of rain just started). ..Al
  19. I'd love to watch other people do it, though! 😄
  20. Same, and then I said, "Holy shit!" once I saw it and how big that damn drop is! ..Al
  21. I was riding at Reimers once and I caught up with someone who had their headphones on. For minutes I tried making as much noise as possible, but they either didn't hear me or didn't care (I suspect the former). Finally got to an open area and was able to haul ass past them, but I was a bit peeved. I do sometimes encounter runners wearing headphones on singletrack trails wearing headphones, and it's equally annoying when you cannot get their attention or easily pass them. I need a rubber-band shooter mounted to my handlebars..
  22. I'd have a hard time not physically responding if someone tried that shit with me. Especially if he was already being an asshole by not giving me an opportunity to pass for some time before that. Guess it would be a good idea to sport a GoPro for situations like this.. ..Al
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