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Everything posted by HoneyBadger

  1. Peddlers Pass Video Help Are there any video gurus out there that are willing to help make a short video of Peddlers Pass we can put on Youtube. We're trying to put together a short video before the race on June 15th showing the best parts of the trail. We took a lot of video a few nights ago which included a full lap by the Women's Cat 1 National Champion. We have footage of a full lap chase-cam, full lap follow-cam, static shots of the best parts, fly-bys, and some interview footage. PM if interested.
  2. @rugger You rarely ride it, because you rarely ride.
  3. If that blurb is not there, you can be dam sure their working fast to put it up on the website šŸ™‚
  4. I love how a single shot from a video makes it look so impressive, I was probably only 1 foot off the ground šŸ™‚
  5. A couple of screen grabs from the video.
  6. Cedar Park. They have designed some of that park to have mtb trails
  7. Wilco does absolutely zero to support mtb trials. They won't allow anything new at Brushy. All the new stuff is on Cedar Park land. The city of cedar park has embraced mtb. Peddlers is on city land, wilco would never allow anything like peddlers pass.
  8. Peddlers Pass Updated. Iā€™m happy to hear most people (except Kyle) are enjoying the improvements on Peddlers Pass. Weā€™re going to keep adding stuff until the summer heat slows us down. One thing Iā€™m most excited about is the rollers are going to be one of the next things to be fixed. Hopefully theyā€™ll never fill up with water again when weā€™re done. A word of warning...the configuration of the second set of rollers before the left hand berm will most likely change, they could be shorter, taller, wider, thinner, 3 instead of 4, we wonā€™t know until we get in there with the machine and start working. But all the work will be done to make sure they donā€™t fill up with water anymore, which is a lot better than sticking with the way they are now. So no bitchinā€™ please. As has been mentioned before, the West side is not in its finished state yet. That probably wonā€™t happen until the fall when the grass has grown back, itā€™s not as wide, the final tweaks are done, the trail has been ridden in, and it doesnā€™t look like a construction site anymore. So Kyle, have some patience, and try ridding it again in 6 months, or donā€™t cause IDK. The race is only a couple of weeks away (June 15th), if your on the fence about signing up for the race please do it. The more successful this race is the more likely the city is to allow other mountain bike stuff happen. Yesterday there was a mtb video shoot on the trail. The star of the video was the Womanā€™s Cat 1 National Champion, Ashley Green. The video is been made to promote the race. Iā€™ll post a link to it when itā€™s finished.
  9. I'm the organizer, and yes bring your One Wheels (as long as you let me try one). I see the potential of a One Wheel flattening newly dug berms etc. I've used a wheelbarrow full of dirt to flatten trails before, but the One Wheel would be more precise.
  10. That's awesome that some of the One Wheel crew are coming to help.
  11. I was stopped at Swag Rock on Deception when up rolled a guy on an e-mtb. He was very proud of himself because it was the first time he had finished the 1st half of Deception (1/4 Notch) without having to stop šŸ˜‚ Really, did you really finish it, or did you get a little help? He was a young guy and seemingly able-bodied. I could see no reason for him to be on an e-bike other than he wasn't fit enough to complete a 20-minute ride. I guess he won't ever be fit enough if he keeps riding that.
  12. Now the big machine work is done, it's time for us to wrap up this phase of the project by performing the more detailed trail work the machines couldn't do. We will meet at the Brushy Creek Sports Park by the Baseball Fields. When you enter the park from Brushy Creek road turn left at the first stop sign and drive to the end of the parking lot, that's where we will be meeting. After a brief talk, we will split into groups and head out to work on the trail. If you have tools such as loopers, rakes, pick axes, hand saws, shovels etc. bring them. Don't forget your gloves, water, and snacks. It would be great to have a big turn out to ensure the trail is in the best possible shape for the race on June 15th.
  13. The rogue 7ā€ rake hoe tool looks good, the only reservation I would have is the points on the rake side are squared, normally they are pointed which helps to dig through our rocky soils and still can be used as a rake. The squared points might make it difficult to dig with.
  14. We're building this coming Saturday at 9:00am
  15. Just asking cause volunteering for trial building seems like a sore point with you and i was curious why since i dont know who you are. Know i now. With all that experience I'd love for you to come and joins us some time when were building.
  16. Iā€™m curious how many work days you have come too?
  17. Now the big machine work is done, it's time for us to wrap up this phase of the project by performing the more detailed trail work the machines couldn't do. We will meet 9:00am Saturday, May 25th at the Brushy Creek Sports Park by the Baseball Fields. When you enter the park from Brushy Creek road turn left at the first stop sign and drive to the end of the parking lot, that's where we will be meeting. After a brief talk, we will split into groups and head out to work on the trail. If you have tools such as loopers, rakes, pickaxes, hand saws, shovels, etc. bring them. Don't forget your gloves, water, and snacks. It would be great to have a big turn out to ensure the trail is in the best possible shape for the race on June 15th.
  18. I've also run over a rattlesnake on deception and at Walnut. The only place I never see snakes is Peddlers Pass, I guess Sanit Patrick drove the snakes out of there after he got done with Ireland.
  19. The trail will get a little narrower after the vegetation grows back.
  20. I call B.S. on no Water Moccasins in Williamson County. A few months ago I was standing on Suburban ninja and noticed there was a Water Moccasin about 2 feet from my foot. It was a chilly morning and he was trying to warm up in the sun, so I was able to get a good look at it. It had a dark body, diamond-shaped head, and slits for pupils. Can you just imagine the Water Moccasin's from Travis County, " sorry boys we've got to turn around, we've reached the county line. There is a map floating around that shows Water Moccasin's in every county surrounding Williamson, but not in Williamson itself. Last time I checked snakes don't follow political boundaries.
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