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Everything posted by HoneyBadger

  1. Since there's no riding today, anyone want to go build on Peddlers Pass?
  2. NoFrontBrakes we still need to go ride sometime.
  3. ...and of course, it just started pouring at the trail.
  4. 2:00pm Thursday, Sept 6th. The trails are good to go. Even Peddlers Pass. Most of the rain missed Brushy. But, If it gets more rain it will quickly become too wet to ride. So go ride today cause there's another round of rain coming Fri-Sun.
  5. 2:00pm Thursday, Sept 6th. The trails are good to go.
  6. I was resting at swag rock last Friday when two riders came up the bailout, both struggled with the last rock step up and had to push their bikes the last few feet. The 1st thing that was strange was they were both wearing full-face helmets, then I noticed one was riding an E-Bike...oh shit...that little voice inside my head started saying... "just be nice...Just be nice... just be nice". We exchanged pleasantries and went our separate ways. They headed East on 1/4 Notch. As I was cruising home along the BCRT when I came across the same two guys working on their bikes on the side of the trail. I stopped to offer some assistance (which they didn't need). The E-Bike rider very excitedly told me how he finished 1/4 Notch for the 1st time and he was so proud of himself. It took everything I had to not call him out on this B.S he was spewing. I politely smiled and went on my way, but in my head, I was thinking....no you didn't finish 1/4 notch, your bike did, you shouldn't be bragging about this, I feel embarrassed for you, and your lucky godirt isn't here. I can understand why some people need to ride an E-Bike, medical reasons etc but both of these guys were young, in shape, and had no visible reason to be riding an E-Bike. Are E-Bikes even allowed on County trails?
  7. For updates on Peddlers Pass like it's Facebook page Peddlers Pass Mountain Bike Trail
  8. It was bone dry at 2:00pm on Tuesday. Rode all of Peddlers Pass and nothing stuck to my tires.
  9. Seth, I think Chromag is the problem, not all carbon bars. Buy Renthal Carbon Fatbar, you'll be happy.
  10. Sounds like a plan. See you there at 8:00am tomorrow.
  11. I'd like to join you in the morning. I could meet you guys is 8:00am. Is there a point I could meet you guys at along your route?
  12. I use my dropper constantly, even at places like walnut. Whenever there is a long sweeping turn that i know i won't be pedaling on, I lower the dropper to lower my center of gravity. I use it for low branches, i use it in tight technical sections, i use it dozens of times each ride.
  13. Phase 1 next year will probably not include the MTB trails
  14. Nothing new. There will be MTB trails.
  15. Guess I'm late to the party, but I finally got here. I was wondering why no one had posted in the Brushy Creek Mojo thread for 10 days (it's the only one I looked at on Mojo). I must have missed the discussion on Bots.
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