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Everything posted by notyal

  1. It's because 9 and younger are easy to brainwash with or without a mask.
  2. So, you're not concerned that the spike at the end of the first chart isn't going to start showing up a while later on the second chart? The trends in the lines seem to be pretty similar. There is the initial spike, then a downward trend in both. Now, currently seeing a big spike in cases over the past 2 weeks. It takes a while to die.
  3. You really should watch it. It's only 0:30. It's not about masks. (Although if the gnomes had been collecting underpants to make masks and sell them for profit, it all makes sense now.) Just reminded me of the "plan" to control people by asking them to wear mask. Here's a 10s clip of just the "plan". It's good to ask questions. I'm asking all the fear monger YouTubers to explain Step 2 of the government mask control plot. On the other hand, I completely understand the mask wearing plan. Step 1: people wear masks in public places. Step 2: less of their spit and snot gets in the air and on surfaces in public places. Step 3: less people get sick and die.
  4. The current "man" certainly does not. And coincidently (or not so much), he is the leader of the anti-masker movement. There are people on both sides that will be happy to take advantage of you or profit from a tragic event. So, weighing the BS handed to us from both sides, I think it's far more likely that someone not wearing a mask could spread Covid to me or someone I love vs. somehow by wearing a mask you are succumbing to some sort of government control. It reminds me of the underpants gnomes from Southpark. Step 1: make everyone wear a mask. Step 2: _____________ Step 3: Government control.
  5. You're right. I've been concerned with personal hygiene my whole life like a fucking sheep. What a dumbass I've been. While I was washing my hands in public restrooms, I bet the man was plotting against me the whole time.
  6. Probably because we are way more comfortable with the flu. We have treatments that are effective at shortening it. We have effective vaccines. We understand it. Covid is much more of an unknown, and that's scary. We don't know the lasting effects. We don't understand why some people are asymptomatic and even whether or not those people can spread it without even knowing they have it. Other people spend months in the hospital. At this point, prevention is the most effective tool we've got. That's where (IMO) the push for masks is coming from. There are so many unknowns. It's like gambling with the health, not only of yourself but also your loved ones. We should be doing everything we can reasonably do to stack the odds in our favor.
  7. Same tired arguments from the anti-makers. "Other things kill people, too" "Other issues completely unrelated to Covid are happening, but mask don't help that" Who gives a shit? That is complete smoke and mirror distraction bullshit you are falling for. The issue at hand: A thin piece of fabric worn in front of your mouth and nose can help reduce the spread of a very infectious disease that is affecting the entire world. It's just like washing your hands, coughing/sneezing into your sleeve, or not licking all the apples at HEB. Doing small things for the health of the entire community.
  8. It'll be worse riding through the swarms of locusts whenever they get here.
  9. So apparently it's a bump stop. I must have bottomed out too hard and broke it. Just one more thing to add to the list of things I need to keep this bike running. It really sucks watching your loved ones grow old.
  10. Where this piece is located, it doesn’t seem likely that I damaged it during disassembly. So I’ve presumably riding it like this for a while. You guys are probably right tho.
  11. I appreciate the loaner offer. Unfortunately this is the rear shock and has a proprietary mounting yoke. (Thanks Specialized)
  12. Doing the basic air can service and I think this “C” shaped piece on the paper towel in the pic flew out when I did the final push to get the shaft out. Upon inspection, it looks like that piece above the flat silver washer is breaking. I went ahead and reassembled, added pressure, and bounced around in the street. It feels good, but I’m still worried.
  13. That's where I got the idea. Your neck and face have sort of that scrotum look too.
  14. My opinion is that you would look awesome with some neck tattoos.
  15. I appreciate the answer. Honestly, I'm in a very similar situation. Working from home and live in a small rural community in Hays county. I didn't go out to many bars or movies and such before. I do put on my mask when I go to the store or something, but I don't have to wear it all that much. So, it's easy for me to practice what I preach.
  16. It shouldn't have to reach crisis level before we take minor precautions to prevent it from reaching that crisis level. Where is St. David's statement does it say "don't wear a mask"? Hospitals are businesses run like corporations. (They shouldn't be, but that's another discussion.) This is just a statement saying that they still have the capacity to do more business. A hospital saying that they're not turning away patients yet is not exactly an "all clear". My wife works at Seton. She said they are having to transfer patient's to clear up beds for Covid patients. So, our anecdotal stories of hospital cases don't exactly match up.
  17. With sources like "that doctor lady", how could you not?
  18. I've asked this several times now in several ways and have never gotten a clear answer. Anti-maskers, what do you have to gain by not wearing one? Why fight it so hard? Is it purely a politically fueled show of defiance? Are you afraid your fellow anti-maskers will see you and make fun of you? "It's my right to choose." Sure, but why wouldn't you choose to do the thing that prevents death and disease? "Masks aren't really that effective." Really? The vast majority of scientific studies say otherwise. Why have doctors and scientists been wearing them for centuries to prevent infection? "The virus really isn't that bad." That's great news! But...I still don't want it. I don't want you to get it, either. I especially don't want my mom to get it. "This is all being blown out of proportion by the media. Look at the numbers. Other things kill you way more." Ok, great perspective. Now what very simple measures can we do to reduce those numbers even further that wouldn't affect our ability to work or shop or play? (After all, shouldn't the minimum number of deaths be the goal?) How about a thin piece of cloth over our faces when in close quarters with others? Hmm...that does sound like a pretty low bar that we all could easily follow. "I'm blindly following a man who has been wrong and has given misleading information throughout the entire pandemic." Well, I guess I'm glad you didn't try drinking bleach.
  19. Every one of these causes of death has measures in place to prevent even more death from happening. Seatbelts, airbags, guardrails, harnesses, diet/exercise, and MASKS. For us all to have a better chance of living a long, healthy life we should buckle up, be careful in fall risk situations, eat right, and work as a civilized community to limit the spread of Covid. We shouldn't care about comparing death tolls to prove who's right or wrong. Less deaths from any of these causes would be a good thing, right?
  20. I used to have a dog named Tesla. She was a good dog, but she got no tax breaks when we moved to Austin.
  21. You're right about one thing. It is getting hard to explain how masks work over and over without repeating the same basic principles. "Your spit and snot can make people sick. Putting something over your face holes stops some of the spit and snot that comes out of them. That makes less people sick. Less people getting sick is good."
  22. I wouldn't like answers that prove my concepts absurd either.
  23. So the mask says "I can block 95% of your germs from entering the local environment, thus drastically reducing the spread of disease" and you say "Oh yeah, but what's in it for me"?? This is the selfish attitude that the guilt comes from. Do you cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze? Of course you do. This common courtesy has been ingrained in us all since childhood. It's effective at limiting germs from being spread. It hasn't been politicized. It's just generally accepted as the right thing to do. But do you cover your mouth when I cough or sneeze to protect yourself? Do hands and sleeves only work one way? Wearing a mask is the same concept. Block it at the source. Let's do a little thought experiment. We are standing 3ft apart. I have COVID, and I'm about to sneeze. Which of these options does common sense tell you is going to give you the best chance of not contracting the virus? You can: A) Put a mask on me B) Put a mask on yourself C) Neither of us get a mask D) Both get masks
  24. Again, like the mask, the purpose of the plexiglass is not to prevent surface contact. It’s to avoid face to face transmission. Sure, there are ways to get the virus besides spitting/breathing in each other’s faces, but why say “it’s not perfect so fuck it all”? Do you wear a helmet when you ride? What if you fall on tree branch and it impales you through the heart? A helmet can’t protect you from that so why even bother wearing any safety gear at all?
  25. I bet that snow plow comes off. Reminds me of the time I saw my nextdoor neighbor unloading a snowmobile from a trailer. Why?
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