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The Tip

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Everything posted by The Tip

  1. I'm always amazed at how quickly the SATN recovers. I'm thinking that even an inch and a half won't put everything out of business. I've frequently said, in that sort of a rain event, that a day afterwards, "It's 95% good to go." Which means don't put off a ride waiting for that 5% to dry up. But it is actually going to be good if we get 1" or less. It will soak up and knock down the dust. Perfect trail conditions and it looks like the weather is going to be perfect too. Maybe bring a jacket for the post ride activities. We'll assess it late Friday, while the route is getting reflagged (again, grrrr) and cancel it on the SATN Facebook page if it's not gtg. But if there is no cancel announcement it's on.
  2. I want to observe some trail activity. I'm not very tech adept. If I get one will I get frustrated trying to make it work? I would like one that would send something to my phone when it detects movement. Any recommendations or advice?
  3. Sure sure, all well and good, but the important question....how's the bike? 😉
  4. A recap of the information: The SATN SOCIAL will be held this year on Saturday, October 26th. The SATN SOCIAL is designed to be a fun ride to celebrate the South Austin Trail Network and to promote it as the wonderful resource that it is. The sponsors are ATX Bikes and Giant Bicycles. ATX Bikes, the location of the event, is at the center of the SATN and will be the start and stop of each of the three routes that make up the 58 miles of the ride. How much of it to be ridden will be an individual decision. The north route is 18 miles, the east route is 15 miles, and the south route is 25 miles. ATX Bikes and Giant will be donating lots of goodies to give out in a raffle. Tickets to be earned by completing the different routes as well as the opportunities for bonus tickets. East route, 2 tickets. North route, 3 tickets. South route, 4 tickets. Bonus 2 tickets for completing all three, every extra 6 miles (repeating official routing), 1 ticket, and the person riding the most miles between 8 am and 4 pm, 10 tickets. Also one bonus ticket fro every segment ridden “perfectly.” Two extra tickets for riding all three segments perfectly. If you have a winning ticket you will be asked to show your ride on an app, either yours, or someone you rode with, to verify your accomplishment. But tickets are NOT the reason for doing this ride! There will be three different starts. 8am, 10am, and noon. The hope is that no matter how many of the routes are attempted everyone will be finished sometime between 3 and 4 pm. The food and drink, with beer provided by Austin Beerworks, will be available starting at 3 pm. The drawing will begin as soon after 4 pm as it is organized. The routes have been practice ridden at the last few Crank and Dranks. There should be several people that will be willing to lead those unfamiliar with the SATN. There is a wide array of pace available. Know what your average trail speed is so you will know who to hook up with. Again, it is very helpful to use a ride app like Strava prior to the event to know your average trail speed. Those that are familiar with the routes will hopefully hold up their hands to say something like, “I’m riding at 9 mph. I’m going south, east, north.” Groups will then form. Updated information is available at the South Austin Trail Network, SATN, Facebook page. Maps of the routes and GPX files are located there. Don’t park in front of Austin Diagnostic Clinic. This ride is self-supported. Use your caryou’re your refueling stops.
  5. SATN SOCIAL, more ways to earn tickets! We need to reward the people that take the time to learn the proper routes, So for each route that is completed correctly ANOTHER, EXTRA, ticket will be awarded. This will be easy to check by looking at your Strava. There are Strava segments for each of the three routes that will show up if ridden. And if you are able to do all three routes perfectly (it's not that difficult!) you will get two MORE tickets. That's FIVE extra tickets to reward you for taking five minutes to learn the posted routes. Hopefully there will be lots of flagging out there to further assist you as well..
  6. A fox (internet image) joined us for the Drankin' after the Crankin' on Tuesday. They like jambalaya. Who knew? But we were talking about wildlife we had seen throughout the SATN. Nobody mentioned a hog though. Are we the one area in central Texas that does not have them?
  7. Before. Very narrow safe passage. After. The trail into has been moved to the right as well as the trail being widened to allow you to stay further right. Also a little more brush has been added in front of the hole. Folks will have to work to crash into now.
  8. Fun. I can't but why don't you get specific and call it? For example, "Meet at ATX 8 am Saturday and we'll ride the south and north routes. 43 miles."
  9. The Rocky Trail/Chunk Truck is NOT on any route. It will NOT be seen during the SATN Social. The dangerous culvert is right outside the gate that blocks the beat up asphalt road that we normally take when coming from Circle C going to Slaughter Creek Trail. The "bottom of the hill" he was referring to is about the hill down from the corner of Slaughter and 1826. By going further up Slaughter on the south route, you climb even further up the hill that the water tank sits on coming out further uphill on 1826. The storage place will be on your left as you go west on Slaughter until you turn left to climb a little bit more to 1826. You then zoom downhill at 20-25 mph as you pass the gate that we normally have to slowly wind around to get out to 1826. That culvert would be annoying and bad at 5 mph as you turn left from the gate to head downhill. But it will be really, really bad if it's hit going 20+ mph.
  10. Yes, I just saw this for the first time yesterday. I was a bit disoriented because it looked so differently there. Flood control work I assumed.
  11. More musings: -People are a lot LESS adventurous than I use to think they are. Whenever I see a trail that I haven't been on I immediately take off on it. But I've come to discover that the majority of people have to be cajoled and educated into taking a new-to-them trail. Strange to me. -Slaughter Creek Trail is not my favorite part of the SATN. But I was enjoying it yesterday thinking, "hey, this is growing on me." But then I came to realize, and formulated a new saying to add my list of many personal sayings and mottos, "EVERY trail is fun in 60 degree weather." -The SATN Social is going to be lots of fun. I met some folks out yesterday following their GPX routes practicing. We talked a bit about strategies on what routes to do first etc. I did the south and north routes yesterday. All 58 miles will be able to be done by anyone that can maintain an 8 mph pace all day. That leaves 45 minutes for rest and refueling. A bonus to how the routes for the ride bring you back to the start point two times during the 58 miles is that it is very easy to self support by stopping at your car. Crank and Drank this week will be practicing the end of the north route and the beginning of the south route. Also, we are looking for non riders to volunteer with helping out for The Social on the day of the event.
  12. What do you think the city council member's reactions would be if I said this at a meeting: "I feel the population of Austin would take this proposal to regulate trails, supposedly for the sake of the environment, much more seriously if all of you council members would stop ignoring the environmental disaster that is being caused by the homeless camps in our greenbelts and parks." I'm sure it would make zero impact on them. They all seem to be so far gone and removed from reality it amazes me. We all know, and they do to, that this sort of proposal is about control and fund raising (via fees and permits) rather than the environment. Whereas observing the mountains of trash generated by the homeless camps doesn't even require a million dollar study to see what a negative impact they have on the environment.
  13. Some random musings after my fantastic ride yesterday. Fantastic as the tread was just about perfect and the weather was perfect. -It would be worth a 20 mile drive just to do 45 Flow/South Bay/House Fire. That is grin on your face fun. And it's just getting better and better as it gets worked in. -Finally decided while riding that rocky part of South Bay that it's easier just to power over the 6-10" rocks than trying to pick a line. -Came up with a routing solution to prevent repeating trail when I want to do the loop of Firehouse out, 45 Flow/South Bay/House Fire back. (6.5 miles by the way. The same as the Valero Loop more or less. I thought that was interesting.) Anyway, there is a double track trail just south of Kiker Elementary that runs from Escarpment to south of the St Augustine University. I came out of DiscGo DiscGo, crossed Escarpment/LaCrosse, jumped on the dirt south of the pool, and went straight across to the start of Firehouse. -There is a tunnel under Mopac at the north end of House Fire. It is the same height as the bridge tunnel under LaCrosse that connects Phoenix East to Phoenix North and South. It will be just another option to access the Veloway trails. -I think the SATN Social is going to be a hoot. There wasn't a lot of activity yesterday because I was riding during the start of the football game. But when the trails are loaded up it is going to be fun. -I finally get why the downhill counterclockwise run in Bauerle is fun to folks. Someone has cleared a lot of the loose rock off of it so it's faster and not as hazardous to your bike. -I passed two bikers, without earbuds, that didn't even acknowledge me when I said, "Hi, how's it going?" Not even a reciprocal "the nod." So creepy. So now even I hate mountain bikers! Just kidding, but judas priest, how hard is this concept?
  14. I would have never thought of the over heating thing for a dive light. Makes sense though. Will be curious about your report. Coming back to Crank and Drank we saw a guy leaving that was coming at us. He had the brightest light I have ever seen on his helmet. I swear he looked like a train coming at us.
  15. Just saw a story on KVUE about this. 533 acres. The story, and the interviewees, said "preserve" about 20 times total. I think this would be like getting bike trail built around Hamilton Pool. "Limited access" was also mentioned a couple of times. Chose your battles wisely?
  16. What a great time. The fantastic weather brought'em out for sure. We had 75 people which is probably a record for a Crank and Drank. It was an impressive sight to see everyone stopped at the light at Slaughter. I'm sure the cars were thinking wtf as we crossed. lol I sure hope that the majority of those riders will volunteer to lead a few folks during The SATN Social.
  17. Crank and Drank is going to preview ride the north route of The SATN Social tonight. 18 miles. Sausages after. Perfect weather, trails are in great shape. Bring a chair and a beverage. 6 pm ATX bikes.
  18. Last iteration. Some good overall feedback and a good reception of it when introduced last night. Thanks for the help Group Mountain Bike Ride Guidelines. Rule #1, Have Fun! Bring enough water so the group doesn’t worry about you dying! Have a helmet and eye protection too. Bring lights if the ride might go past sundown. Having at least two is good in case one fails. Have your bike mechanically ready before the ride, allowing a timely start, and to have no issues on the ride. Enough sealant to stop a puncture, or loose saddle, or low tire pressure, etc. Be self-supporting out on the trail. Patches, tube, pump or charges, and a phone app to find your way home in an emergency. Repeat call outs for turns (left, right). Make sure the person behind you is doing it too. Don’t lose the person behind you. The SWEEP should shout out “clear” when making the turn to alert the leader to the positions of the group. Repeat warning and educational shouts from the riders in front of you. Just because you heard the leader doesn’t mean the person behind you did. “Head!” or “Challenge coming” or “Walkers/Riders up” are things that the entire group need to know. The leader needs to hear the sweep say, “cleared’ when the “Challenges” have been passed. If you can’t see the person in front of you, yell out “WHICH WAY?!” to alert them that the chain of riders has broken. That person will then shout, “We’ve lost some” so the leader will slow down to allow a catch up. TELL someone if you are dropping from the group so the group doesn’t wait or go looking for you. If you fail to clear a feature, get you and your bike off the trail so people behind you won’t have to stop. Reenter the chain as soon as possible. If you are the only one failing to clear features consider dropping back further in the group. If stopped for a mechanical problem, send everyone that is not helping you on their way. “I’m good. I have what I need.” As the sweep, listen for the leader asking, “are we good to go?” Respond, “Ride on, good to go.” If you have to stop for anything, shout out, “Stopping!” Don’t get rear ended. Don’t be possessive of your place in line. If there is a gap in front of you, and a rider constantly on your rear wheel, let them pass. This prevents the chain of riders from breaking. A group stop is an opportunity to let someone get in front of you too, but mostly remain in the same order you stopped in when rolling again. Acknowledge other trail users with “Thank you” or ‘how’s it going?” or “pretty dog” etc. as you pass them. Present mountain bikers as a good community. Groups can be intimidating to hikers. Mitigate that feeling for them. The sweep will say, “I’m the last one” to those being passed. Remember bikers yield to walkers and horses. Be polite always! YOU are responsible for crossing roads safely. DO NOT blindly follow someone into a road! Obey all traffic laws. This is not the time for ear buds. Be social! More importantly, you need to be able to hear what the group is doing. Be aware of all your bodily functions and know there is someone right on your rear wheel! -FOR RIDES THAT HAVE MULTIPLE GROUPS: Try to use a ride app on your solo rides before the group ride so you know what your general speed is out ON THE TRAILS. This helps you know what group you should be in. When on a multi-group ride, if you are holding up a faster group, drop back to the next fastest group. Don’t be too much of a drag for your group. This takes self-awareness. Don’t be “that guy.” Group Ride Etiquette.docx
  19. And just so we don't over think all this, remember...
  20. Why does everyone think that bodily functions only refers to farting? lol People spitting or clearing their nose are also issues!
  21. Ha! I was very proud to have kept it to one page! But yes, I know this, and tried.
  22. Got a lot of good feedback so I changed and added several things. Here's the latest version: Group Mountain Bike Ride Guidelines. Rule #1, Have Fun! Bring enough water so the group doesn’t worry about you dying! Same goes for having a helmet and eye protection. Bring lights if the ride might go past sundown. Having at least two is good in case one fails. Have your bike mechanically ready before the ride. Both to start on time, and to have no preventable problem on the ride. For example, enough sealant in to stop a puncture, or loose saddle, or low tire pressure, etc. Be self-supporting out on the trail. Patches, tube, pump or charges, and a phone app to find your way home in an emergency. Repeat call outs for turns (left, right). Make sure the person behind you is doing it too. Don’t lose the person behind you. The SWEEP should shout out “clear” when making the turn to alert the leader to the positions of the group. Repeat warning shouts from the riders in front of you. Just because you heard the leader doesn’t mean the person behind you did. “Head!” or “Challenge coming” or “Walkers/Riders up” are things that the entire group need to know. It’s good for the leader to hear the sweep say, “cleared’ when they finally get past the “Challenge” that might have stopped some of the group. The leader will have slowed the pace waiting for that. Repeat the ride leader’s educational shouts too. “This trail’s name is…” If you can’t see the person in front of you, yell out “which way?!” to alert them that the chain of riders has broken. The person in front of you will then shout out to the leader, “We’ve lost some” so the leader will slow down to allow a catch up. TELL someone if you are dropping from the group so the group doesn’t wait or go looking for you. If you fail to clear a feature, get you and your bike off the trail so people behind you won’t have to stop. Reenter the chain as soon as possible. If you are the only one failing to clear features consider dropping back further in the group. If you do have to stop for a mechanical problem, send everyone that is not helping you on their way. “I’m good. I have what I need. Go on.” Of course, be sure you have all that you need before doing so. When you are the sweep listen for the leader asking, “are we good to go?” so you can respond, “Ride on” or, “good to go.” But if the sweep is actively calling out when things are cleared the leader will never have to ask. That’s better. If you have to stop for anything, shout out, “stopping!” before you do so. Don’t get rear ended. Don’t be possessive of your place in line. If there has constantly been a gap in front of you, and there is constantly a rider on your rear wheel, let them pass. This prevents the chain of riders from breaking. A group stop is an opportunity to let someone get in front of you too, but mostly remain in the same order you stopped in when rolling again. Acknowledge other trail users with “thank you” or ‘how’s it going?” or “pretty dog” etc. as you pass them. Present mountain bikers as a good community. Groups can be intimidating to hikers. Mitigate that feeling for them. The sweep will say, “I’m the last one” to those being passed. Remember bikers yield to walkers and horses. Be polite always! YOU are responsible for crossing roads safely. DO NOT blindly follow someone into a road! Obey all traffic laws. This is not the time for ear buds. Be social! More importantly, you need to be able to hear what the group is doing. Be aware of all your bodily functions and know there is someone right on your rear wheel! -FOR RIDES THAT HAVE MULTIPLE GROUPS: Try to use a ride app on your solo rides before the group ride so you know what your general speed is out ON THE TRAILS. This helps you know what group you should be in. When on a multi-group ride, if you are holding up a faster group, drop back to the next fastest group. Don’t be too much of a drag for your group. This takes self-awareness. Don’t be “that guy.”
  23. That shot looks real familiar. When we rode around our neighborhood in Bentonville there were a few other garages that were open and they too looked just like ours, as this one does. It is a very cool environment there.
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