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Rocky HIll Ranch Trail Conditions


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Today they were great. Only a couple of damp spots, and the usual dips with drainage (clear water). The section of Karaway that suffers most in the wet is rerouted temporarily.

It was a really nice surface to ride on today. Tomorrow should be the same, until the rain arrives mid-late afternoon.

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Yeah, and it may be my fault. This started after buying a new 2022 Fox shock on sale and then sending it in to be upgraded to a 2024 version as a courtesy replacement they offer.

It has been raining pretty much ever since I put it in the mail to Fox. Please forgive me.

It seems unproductive to speculate upon what might happen once I receive the replacement. 😲

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Got in a lap after Saturday's rain. Conditions were just about perfect today.

Now, I'm a little biased, but Rocky Hill has never been such a hoot to ride as it is now. So many technical challenges along the way to spice up all the zipping through the woods. Added together, it is so much fun. And, it is getting better as we add little things like bridges and berms to help add to the flow.

Come get some, you know you want to.

(Only, not this weekend. My new shock arrives Friday, so naturally, there is another quarter to half an inch in the forecast across Sat and Sun)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Rumor has it the surface is loosening up as it drys out. 🤷‍♂️

I wouldn't know as I haven't ridden in a couple of weeks after twisting my knee while heading out to work on a new section. That didn't stop me, as I worked about four hours before heading home that day. This was when I came to the realization that I could no longer walk without a cane. Even then, I couldn't go very far.

After giving my mangled knees (prior injuries) a long rest I've now been back out to bring this latest creation to life, A small addition to Rabbit Hole that I expect will be worth the pain and suffering that goes into creating it. There is a long bench cut going in on a hillside that is too steep to walk across. This will add some exposure. Coming into it there is a fast downhill section that will net enough momentum to carry a rider up to that bench cut. The exit is a short, steep downhill that will add velocity to the more gradual climb that brings you back onto the existing trail.

With any luck this section will come online in another couple of weeks and add a little more to the overall length of the loop. 

It looked like everyone had a great time at yesterday's TMBRA race.

Special thanks go out to Raymond and the folks at 602 Brewing in Bastrop for donating three kegs of their finely crafted brews. It was liberally applied for medicinal purposes as a muscle relaxant and pain reliever for the riders, supporters, and anyone else who felt it would ease their suffering. 🍻🍺

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Put wheels on the new section yesterday. It is going to be a fun romp to test a rider's skills, but needs a little fine tuning before the debut. So, it's back to work with the Pick Mattock and McLeod.

Conditions were excellent on the loop, though still loose in places as it has been dry. There was none of the rain as expected last night, so it will remain dry this weekend with the air conditioning working well outside. Perfect temperatures for riding, as well as for slinging dirt with implements of destruction.

If I get back out there to work today the new section could be cut into the loop for the weekend. We'll see how it goes.

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The new section is finished and has been knitted into Rabbit Hole.

As with any new section, it will need some wheels to define it and help pack the surface down.

Hint: When you see the bridge at the bottom of the steep downhill run, aim for it and avoid braking so gravity can carry you up to the bench cut on the other side. Think "The Wall" sort of attack strategy.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Lots of great feedback on the latest RH section. Also, the flooded section recently added has dried enough to be re-opened.

Over the weekend RHR received a little over half an inch of rain. Trail surface should be fabulous out there now.

My last foray onto Black Trac resulted in re-testing gravity and the effect of physics of motion when acted on by an outside force through recreation of the traditional handlebar/tree experiment. I'm happy to confirm this technique may still be utilized by riders wanting to renew their membership in the OTBSC (Over The Bar Scar Club). In appreciation for my enthusiastic exploration of natural laws my wife graciously created for me a very stylish and utilitarian sling for my arm.

The bike is okay. 😁

In fact, I finished the ride and got the bike loaded, then, immediately began 12 ounce curls 🍺 as initial physical therapy is the key to a speedy recovery.

It is now going on a week since the ride and the bike is still in the van. 🤔

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