it's a bit convoluted, but if you save the route as a gpx file someplace that you can get to it on your phone (Google Drive for me), then open the file on your phone using your cycling app (Garmin Connect, Elemnt, etc), the map should appear on your head unit. I don't have a paid account, but this is what the RWGPS interface looks like on my laptop:
Otherwise, you can save the file:
Upload the file to a cloud storage app, open the storage app on my phone (Drive) and find the file.
tap the three dots and that give you the option to "open with"
pick the app that is going to send your route to your bike computer. in my case, the Elemnt app.
yes, of course I want to import the route.
the route appears in the app, which will then sync with your bike computer.
Check out these two guys for valid COVID info.
Michael Osterholm. His website is
And this guy who is an MD from the uk. Very good sound info.
I know we've only met via this board, but I'm so sorry to hear this. Seriously, if you need anything, please let us know. Even just a home-cooked meal ( if you trust us) :). We'll be praying for ya!