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Everything posted by AustinBike

  1. In fairness, even though I was sweating like a whore in church, it was November. But the black claw chicken soup must be served at scalding temperatures for the magical healing powers of the claw to take effect.
  2. Yeah, and this is how I gained weight apparently:
  3. What kinda weirdo freak do you think I am??? Oh, yeah, that's right, you know. Here's the vid: Most importantly, I am stunned at how fat my face is. That was ~50-60 pounds ago.
  4. It's not often that I am faster than other people 😉 Also, Nando, make sure that he budgets a few hundred for component upgrades. Trust me, there will be things that will need to be replaced soon. You have a big enough network here that if he needs parts we can probably help out on some of them, but he needs to know that $600 is just to get into the show and the concession stand can get expensive 😉
  5. I have yearly challenges that I give myself. One year I challenged myself to ride more miles on my bike than I drove in my car. Even though I had an office job I commuted to work by bike and ended up putting under 5K on the car with ~6K on the bike. Current car is ~3 years old and I am semi-retired. Even with a Colorado road trip on it I still have only ~17K miles. Haven't looked at my bike mileage for the past few years but I would bet I am pretty close to that 17K since buying the car.
  6. When I was doing the EB I had tortillas with peanut butter, Nutella and banana. They were a mess to carry so I had to pack each one in its own sandwich bag, but it was just the right amount of carb and potassium to fuel me. Then I went low carb and fucked it all up. Way harder to do a ride like that when you body is fat adapted. You can do a huge egg, bacon and cheese breakfast, but around mile 25 you need to break the seal on carbs and that messes you up.
  7. I use a Garmin and then upload to Strava. I find that I generally lose .01 or .02 in the conversion so the anal-retentive in me tends to want to go a few tenths over because I hate doing 18.01 miles and getting 17.99 on Strava.
  8. Decent brand, probably well spec’d, but what really matters is whether it is the right size. The wrong size is never a good deal, no matter how cheap it is.
  9. Biggest regret was getting to the summit of Surisan and started to puke, couldn’t get the camera to someone fast enough and tell him to get a picture of my masterful display. You are all spared, rejoice.
  10. That was Sinwolsan. Yeah, did Bundang once, I don't think I made it to the second graveyard. I was nursing a really bad soju hangover and someone had a mechanical so I switched bikes and let them finish the ride while I limped back to the trailhead. Probably only got ~8-10 miles on that ride but it is all a haze now.
  11. I saw the real deal when riding in Korea once: Guy rides with his kid on the trails all the time and the kid loved it. More importantly the climbs had me wheezing, they were epic, so I am not sure how he got up with that weight behind him. Props to dad for giving it a go. Here's an example of the climbing for this trail:
  12. No need, "sexy" will get that person's attention. Once I got the "car" thing out of my system with a BMW I have become more realistic, probably more like ATXZJ. My car gets me to and from the trailhead and that is about it.
  13. Yeah, I ride slow enough that anyone should be able to recognize me. Typically as they pass me.
  14. That picture is illegal in 14 states 😉
  15. Starting about 4, will circle back for the 5 pm social group.
  16. Was out on a ninja trail yesterday and a snake was skimming across the top of the water. Snake week continues- almost every day so far.
  17. For those of us in the Austin bubble, Willco and CP are all one big blur. Thanks for the clarification.
  18. We appreciate the work that you guys do. Also, the land mass of WC is dramatically different from BC. But, that being said, it always feels like CoA is dragging its feet on us. I pay a shitload of taxes to live in the heart of the city and it always feels like we have to fight just to get existing stuff repaired. Thank god that we have ARR on top of the situation, imagine the desert without them.
  19. Rode Brushy today. Rode Peddlers today. Anyone complaining about that trail needs to pick up a shovel and get to work. This is the only trail in the area where we are getting new trail on a consistent basis and seeing the support of the city. Yeah, we get trail work at WC (I've done some myself this year) but it is not really adding much new trail (we got a bit of it over the past few years) but work now is mainly repairing trail from water damage and bonewipe riders. Somehow WillCo is doing a better job than CoA on supporting trails. Is it Bentonville? Not by a long shot. But Bentonville has a different terrain than we have, they have dirt, we have rock. Peddlers is fine and I am happy to have it, even if it does not feel like Slaughter Pens or the Back 40. Ride it. Love it. Live it.
  20. Saw a hog nose once at PB, it was all puffed up until it decided I was not going to attack, then it just scurried off. Saw a rat snake on the GB again today, snake week continues.
  21. I haven't been in college in a long time. Well, unless you count the fact that I am in it now again to get retired healthcare, but that loophole ends at the end of this year. The whole CBD thread, combined with what I need to do in order to get healthcare reminds me of how screwed up this country is.
  22. No, that was a screen porch for a place to sit outside in a mosquito-infested yard. Sadly, we don't use it that much because it is too damn hot in Texas. There is a small window of opportunity that keeps getting smaller every year.
  23. Yes, good idea. the bar idea is less workable because occasionally we need access from outside.
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