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Everything posted by Jackie

  1. I think he was banned in the first week or two of this site going live.
  2. We’re good friends. He knows that so many people don’t understand that he’s being sarcastic and poking the bears. Hanging out with him is a hoot, traveling is even more fun! He’ll tell the pups to stay on the porch if they can’t run with the big dogs, and he backs his shit up.
  3. That’s too bad, it’s always a fun event. I liked the option of letting ARR use our registration fees for helping the cause, especially if it gets kids on bikes.
  4. Jackie here, and yes it was a blast. Andy and I didn’t start until almost 9 and only had minutes to spare to make the cutoff time. In my opinion, the trails were great! We were determined to complete all three loops while still having a good time, not getting hurt, and enjoying the day. We succeeded on all fronts and enjoyed the festivities afterwards. I can’t speak to the turnout, but the after party seemed well attended. Thanks for creating such a great place for us old dudes to play, and for the new members of the tribe to cut their teeth. Truly a blessing. (Especially for us single speeders!)
  5. Your dogs give you the stink eye and get frustrated on their walk because you can’t help but do trail maintenance.
  6. Great recap of trail etiquette and how things should go on Group rides. Thanks again for everything you do for the cycling community, especially the many, many hours of trail work. I’ve watched this ride grow to become very popular, with large numbers of riders. A recap like this will help newer riders and serve as a solid reminder to all. Being courteous, as you mentioned here and regularly is paramount , and the public’s perception of the cycling community may depend entirely on what they see on and around the SATN.
  7. So.....I ride with Bartman regularly. We recently had a great trip to Colorado and he hung out with my wife and I this past weekend. I’d love to see his take on the person “featured “ here for creating so many posts. Perhaps I will log on and hand things over to Bartman. I may be banned as a result, but you know it’d be some great reading! 🤣
  8. It was a great event today. Perfect weather, great trails, opportunities to do trail work and trim those face slappers, and tasty noms. Fantastic job by ARR and all of the volunteers. Thank you!
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