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Everything posted by ATXZJ

  1. If youre new to super technical rockbike riding, I'd do flats.
  2. ATXZJ


    The last few times I rode out there was able to hit some drops that was kinda fun. Ridden it backwards from marina to parking just for lolz a couple of times. Definitely more fun as a group...but most all rides are anyway.
  3. That's a hell of an offer @krinks that I'd take him up on. It's easy to get turned around out there if you're not riding with someone who knows the trails.
  4. ATXZJ


    Ridden it quite a few times, but its been a couple years since last there (nasty crash). My wife has two go-to trails and one is slaughter creek and other is madrone. I prefer madrone as there's some bonus lines to keep things interesting. We usually do 2-3 laps of slaughter for fitness only. Her bonus lines are margaritas at the marina afterward😄
  5. I know they sound like the stooges but it's noisy AF, and watching Aaron North fly around stage was pretty killer.
  6. just when i think ive got this rockbike riding down i watch this dude. god damn
  7. ATXZJ


    We're thinking about hitting up Madrone at canyon lake sunday the 26th. Been a bit and need to get back out there before the weather turns to dogshit. 10-11 AM
  8. ATXZJ

    Random Dogs

    One of the nice things about cooler weather is being able to take the dog to work with me. She is an awesome little companion.
  9. An old friend of mine knew a guy he raced crits with that wore a full face helmet. Said it looked bizarre but the guy was a dentist and wasn't taking any chances. My buddy later had his face broken in a crit race. On a MTB, it's hard enough for me to get motivated to ride when it's hot, much less doing so in a full face. The Kali looks promising as a good compromise. Had two helmets with detachable chinbars and I'd been better off just buying a full face.
  10. We've spent a night in vegas hanging out with the unbookables, and it's pretty much this video. Does make for a good drinking song.
  11. Saw this the other day and thought of you X. Enjoy this dudes content from time to time
  12. you dont do much of anything though, do you? first two pages of austin mountain biking, 8/25 threads were started by you. most end up only being responded to by you. The others are received with a luke warm response or what you perceive as negativity. Exactly why the f*ck are you even creating discussion of a bike magazine with an obsolete form of media when you are almost single-handedly driving people away from this current form of media. The place is almost a ghostown, which is a shame since this site was created as a love of the sport by someone who didn't really have to do it. Other members of the forum asked the x and I to back off of you in the hopes that you'd fall in line or go away if you weren't being provoked. You kept going, with business as usual, so it's apparent that it doesn't matter what anyone says to you, you're not changing. Its not you specifically i have a problem with, it's your character. Your kind has no character.
  13. Nice. Admittedly we went primarily to see nails tour for hesitation marks but were blown away by how great Soundgarden played. Was really surprised after seeing Cornell's live stuff with audioslave fall flat. had kinda written him off. Dude was killin at cota, especially for someone in their 50s.
  14. Ive always enjoyed that I can make a once sentence reply to "him" and that can elicit a 7-8 post response full tilt tantrum. Does this while also claiming "he" doesn't get upset. Jamaica mon'.........lolz I know one thing for sure. The tech section is gonna be BANGIN'!!
  15. Pretty much that^ RA, maybe first finish all those "projects" you started talking about back in the mojo days. Then once you're done with that, you can move onto your next fantasy. we could start a gofundme page for you.
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