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Everything posted by GFisher

  1. You have to wonder when out of state stuff becomes available here.... https://www.cspdailynews.com/beverages/north-american-breweries-changes-name-reorganizes https://isitbigbeer.com/brand/florida-ice-and-farm-company The Budweiser 'InBev' portfolio is frighteningly large these days. Same with Heinekin.
  2. This is back on the free market. Didn't really fit where I was hoping it would, I need to get more creative. Seems to work quite well when up against the wall. Arms adjust individually so should work with most frames. NW Austin.
  3. I love browns, they are increasingly hard to find though. I will have to seek this one out.
  4. We were waiting for cybermonday to stock up on some backup stuff like gloves, a new pair of shoes, etc. Specialized and Velocio used to have good deals but they were pared down or non-existent this year.
  5. I'm scared to know what those beads are for. 🤔
  6. BadAssMetalWorkersofAmerica for the win!
  7. Yeah, this is how the pimps roll.
  8. I just found out about this propane tank/exchange delivery service from a friend who uses it. Slightly more than HEB normally (no tax for this service) but I found this $10 promo code. I also chose non-rush delivery and saved another $2. So, someone will exchange the tank off my porch for $8 total for the first tank! You can also get $5 for referrals but just wanted to share this in case you were unaware, seems like a no-brainer. https://try.propanetaxi.com/burger10?gclid=Cj0KCQiAqo3-BRDoARIsAE5vnaJ6aPTpHa6BwMlv7EhEVNyLbN6O95LHzvWFqQVYn9Wg1ZrIYS4o1kQaAjAeEALw_wcB Anyone else using this?
  9. Got a nice 5 hours on the BCGB/SATN yesterday so today was just a nice 1 hour spin on a little piece of singletrack close to the house before the low key festivities.
  10. Way cool. Are you guys on an extended trip or do you live out west now?
  11. Does this include installation? 😁 Seriously, were you using them before? What are you running now?
  12. I was thinking of a different word. 😉
  13. Ha! Either my phone sucks or I suck but it was either the focus on the can or the background. Lol.
  14. You might want to consider starting in Fredericksburg and riding to Junction to stay. You can take some very remote gravel roads north of 290. Head towards Doss and then take gravel heading west from there. Very isolated area, the only store *might* be in Doss. I took the southern route home stopping in Harper for a store stop. 80-90 miles each way. Pretty sick, almost too isolated when solo. I did this pre GPS so it should be easier now.
  15. When critters outnumber people on a ride you know it is a good day. 🐿️🐆🦎
  16. Thanks guys. John - I always check your site first, great resource! I did notice the map link is broken. I like to bring a paper map also if I can, not really finding any good maps. The one from trailforks is probably the best one I am finding. https://www.trailforks.com/region/dana-peak-park/?activitytype=1&z=13.0&lat=31.03698&lon=-97.57283
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