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Everything posted by Bamwa

  1. I like to honk at people who are on their phones .5 seconds after the light turns green or swerve into my lane while texting. Whoops!
  2. Man, I'm sorry. Is that your front or back rim?
  3. Put the game camera out and catch those fuggers!
  4. lol to that! brah. We wont tell anyone....I swear.....
  5. I still like my x9 twist shifters.....on both sides.
  6. no, its completely rigid kydex plastic. did you not watch the short video clip that I posted? I did not watch the video Seth posted. :/
  7. I just used some forbidden city water to wash the dog shit off my tires before bringing my voodoo into the house, however.... ......I did boil it first. That and I keep trying to drink it but it's burning my fn mouth! HELP! Anything the other Mojos need to confess? hmmmm
  8. So is this a thin foam?........ Looks foamy......... which would help absorb impacts. Are my eyes fooling me?
  9. Bikerfox Hop is essential. I've actually used it on some steep dismounts. It goes like this....endo....land on feet.....pat yourself on the back....ride off in style, Jackson.
  10. I feel it's pretty safe there behind the top cap. I'm more worried about dunking it in a creek if I botch a crossing. Junebug we are on the same page. Basically I'm rolling a double gas tank that hangs lower. The bento box was floppy up on top there. Dang except that gas tank is $$$$. My axiom was around $10.
  11. Man that is a Grateful Dead quote for sure. Have you heard 5/7/77? Jerry was so on. All the boys were.
  12. Coldwater mtn by tallageda. Still might need a sock though. 😀
  13. That's what you get for riding wet trails... some Star Trek shit.
  14. So not a single one of you likes Sendasaurous Rex?
  15. Ya know what fuck that., I'm confused too. I petition we change that name to somewhere that actually has gnar. How about Pickle Connector or something else. #totally not gnar at fucking all
  16. Hey, that's my sign! A true Matt Da Welda original! Of course I fabbed it between shredding trails and sending something.
  17. Since shinerider steered this thread back to normal... I must say the seatpost only wouldn't be a bad way to stay on top for some kegeling ex'es I've known.
  18. That must be the gf bike?....I know....Hell awaits.
  19. Y'all have had your camel vs osprey vs fanny pack threads....here is how I dork out....I have a saddle bag which holds tube, tool ,link, and der hanger. No room for phone or poop bags/snacks so on front for stuff, I used to be like this: but then I got this which is better except my phone stays in the right pouch because 1. I don't want to see that shit in the woods (or road) and 2. this bag wants to bend any phone into top tube shape. which brings me to this which has better phone placement if you use emaps and shit but may swing around more since it is way on top like that. The bento box was on top but not with phone weight. Any you fools mess with these shits? I think I would maybe smash the third option unless I was in unfamiliar terrain out of town and needed a map which I wouldn't because I would print one out beforehand and keep it in a ziplock bag so rain or sweat or coffee wouldn't damage it because you never know when you will have no signal. Nomasay?
  20. This thread is wack. Like with guitar, some people want to play the riff to back in black, some want to play like Eddie van Halen, and some want to noodle around a campfire. Its what you want to do. I can't wheelie or manual and don't really care. I have a 3x9... still want a 1x?...dont shift. I have a fs, guess what I can lock it out if I want a ht. Cant make a ht springy tho. On a fs and want to pick better lines?....get some weight weenie wheels. Go faster and get nimbly bimbly. Want to pick better lines?....ride Georgetown or purgatory. But you know what I did with all that crap? Came 6th in the state in my xc category of 30yr olds at 39 and camped and rode every major trail system in the state making great friends all along the way. Basically your mods are dependent on your own personal goals. Drop a big ring to lose bike weight? Ok Lance.
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