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Kobra Kai MTB Guy

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Everything posted by Kobra Kai MTB Guy

  1. 2nd this. I already knew I was supposed to go slower and still went too fast. Check out the post below. That's the correct speed.
  2. For the chamois get these: https://www.amazon.com/Przewalski-Cycling-Underwear-Bicycle-Verified/dp/B07HRMZ975/ref=sr_1_4_sspa?crid=2SYN55HDOVI3A&dchild=1&keywords=przewalski%2Bmtb%2Bshorts&qid=1602165315&sprefix=przewalski%2Bmtb%2Cfashion%2C213&sr=8-4-spons&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUFIM0gwVktGQUpNV0cmZW5jcnlwdGVkSWQ9QTAyMzcyNjAyWlcyUEw2NTRaMjBEJmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTA1MDc0NDYxUlE2MURWNlZHS0JQJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfYXRmJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ&th=1&psc=1 For the shorts, get these: https://www.amazon.com/ARSUXEO-Outdoor-Sports-Cycling-Breathable/dp/B0716D347Y/ref=sr_1_3?crid=1EIUYGY3HI3H6&dchild=1&keywords=arsuxeo+mtb+shorts&qid=1602165514&sprefix=arsuxeo%2Caps%2C216&sr=8-3 The chamois that comes with the shorts is garbage, but give it a shot first if you want. The chamois above is decent and inexpensive. I've spent an hour straight in the saddle in CO w/ no issue. The shorts aren't the best (zippers are cheap), but they get the job done.
  3. Agreed on DD and Deception in general getting harder over the years. I STARTED mountain biking with 0 experience by riding nothing but Deception. I think I crashed over 100 times the first year (Chief happened upon me right after waking up from hitting my head on a crash on Spongebob). Since Deception is where I learned, I'm able to go pretty much anywhere and ride without much problem. I wonder how big that guy's notches are to say it's only a 1/4 notch harder than Walnut. Rampage must be a full notch harder than Walnut!
  4. That safety video makes the Banana Peel safety video look like it's for bitches.
  5. Nice work man. The cameraman's reaction was fitting (oh f*ck!). How many run ups did you do before you hit it?
  6. Agreed. I started at 9:45 thinking that was late enough. Not even close!
  7. Man. The idiots came out in droves today. Come to the realization it’s safer to take double down to the other end of brushy than it is to take the BCRT
  8. About 2 1/2 weeks ago, my wrist started hurting out of nowhere to the point that I can't make a fist or grip the bars. Ended up going to Bentonville for vacation and not getting to ride the whole time I was there. Fast forward to today, I'm still recovering. I got wrist tendinitis (diagnosed) from mountain biking, and unlike most cases, it's from the tendons connecting my fingers (middle and ring) to my wrist rather than my thumb. So it isn't a result of my rear brake lever placement causing me to reach. The only thing that changed over the last few months is I started riding only the difficult sections at Brushy (double down) and City Park. My guess is it happened because I'm braking a lot harder/more often and gripping tighter to get up the steep climbs/step ups on those sections than I am anywhere else at Brushy. Has anyone else gotten an overuse injury like this? Any recommendations to prevent it other than mixing the riding up going forward? As some additional information, I have round grips (grizzips brand), full squish bike.
  9. I rolled up to that drop before I got injured and wasn't willing to do it. The landing looked really short and steep and I was afraid of overshooting it. Wouldn't mind having someone pull me in once I get better though.
  10. Anyone have a video of the new section on Snail? Have tendinitis in my wrist and haven't been able to grip the handlebar (among other things...) with my right hand in two weeks.
  11. Just wanted to say thank you to everyone that responded to my tool list. Youse guys are awesome.
  12. After being told there's an 8 1/2 week wait on repairs at Peddler's (good for them, but it's a little upsetting given the loyalty I've had to them), I finally decided to start doing repairs myself. I'm relatively handy when it comes to working with wood and around the house, but a novice as it relates to mechanical issues. I came up with the below list of tools that I'll need. I'm planning to do basically every repair if I'm going to drop this kind of investment in tools. Can you guys take a look and let me know if/what I'm missing? If there's anything here you don't think is necessary, I'd be happy to know that too. Wheel truing stand Bike stand Chain whip Grease Carbon paste Digital caliper Brake bleed kit Lockring remover Screw drivers, allen keys, wrenches etc (already have)
  13. Finally taking a 2020 vacation here new month. Hoping you guys could help me design my trip. We're getting in Sunday evening and leaving Friday morning. So four full days to ride. My favorite things to ride are ledgy drops and chunky stuff (i.e. City Park and Spider Mountain). Riding questions: With the wife going, I probably only have one day where I can be gone for a really long time. Looking at what you guys have said, that day will be when I do the Back 40. What are some other Slaughter Pen spots I should check out? Eureka Springs looks pretty sweet, but I can't find any good videos that really show the trail other than bumpy 1st person stuff. Would you guys recommend spending a half day there? Coler Springs one day. I have to hit that Drop the Hammer trail. Anything I missed? If there's one trail section I absolutely have to hit, what is it? Bentonville questions: Where should I go to eat/drink? - found some good breweries and missed the part at the end of the first post. Any spots around town I should check out?
  14. Light sprinkling at Brushy made 1/4 and DD pretty much unrideable. If it doesn't rain more, it will probably be good to go in an hour or two.
  15. We really needed the rain. Couldn't have done it on a weekday though?!
  16. I don't wear back protection but I always wear my Camelbak while riding for that same reason. Doesn't protect the entire back like you mentioned, but has definitely saved my ass a few times. Get better man, that looks like it hurt like a beast.
  17. Amen. It was, dare I say, chilly this morning!
  18. Didn't even get close to the transition. There are a couple bigger rocks on the way down that my front wheel caught on to prevent me from going over the bars and then I landed in front of the transition. Again, still don't know how I didn't go over.
  19. On Tuesday I did the Drama Drop on Snail for the first time....on accident. I hadn't ridden Snail in over a month and just forgot which side the ramp was on. Rolled up to it slowly, but not slow enough to stop. Realized the ramp was on the left as I started going over the edge. Somehow i just rolled down and stayed rubber side down. On the bright side, I'm not as scared of the drop as I used to be!
  20. Just rode all of double down and it’s 100%. Checked the exit of snail and it is dry also.
  21. Anyone been by since @GreenMTBrider report this AM? Wondering if the sun we got dried out enough to roll.
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