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Everything posted by TheX

  1. Berms clicked for me when I started dropping my heels and slightly moving back. It took FOREVER to get over the superbike at the track habits.
  2. Marshall and Les Paul, how can you go wrong?
  3. Amen to that. I would like to live in Perth W.A. and even though I can get a job easily, the cost of living is staggering. I loved living in the PI, but I'm not 20 and single anymore.
  4. I cut mine down from 800 to 740 and suddenly liked the bike more.
  5. That's pretty crazy. It's awesome, but I'd probably be willing to pay that to never have to move again. We paid $165K for our house 14 years ago, and I swore I'd never move again if I could help it.
  6. TheX


    Almost as bad as the 'beetus.
  7. TheX


    I have enough ammo for zombies, I got nuthin' for an asteroid.
  8. Whew, I thought you mean spinning records. Seriously, not sure why.
  9. TheX


    Let someone overpay for the house, go to Ireland. Buy something that has all that done already when the bubble bursts.
  10. Bells are IMPORTANT. Both of my bikes have a LOUD bell.
  11. It would be great if they did, and had the proper people to leverage it.
  12. Do0d, we should plan a trip up there for the opening.
  13. Gotta have the aerial footage, and this thing makes it easy.
  14. TheX


    That is some scary shit, fires are common in other places, California burns every year. Clearing brush helps. I think this year is going to be a lot worse because of all of the dead vegetation. There's no way to clear it all.
  15. I was really hoping that we wouldn't lose any more local businesses, but this may be for reasons other than the expected ones.
  16. TheX


    I worry about the heightened fire risk coming this summer.
  17. You can have a safe space now, I'll stay out of this thread.
  18. Of course here comes the name calling. The kindness is everything group talking shit about people that disagree with them. Next we'll have the large group generalizations and derogatory remarks. Like I said, forcing tolerance with intolerance. I'm not forcing anyone to do anything. I already stated that I have no problem with wearing masks where required. To make it sound like my choices are going to cause someone to *die in pain* is utter and complete bullshit. I think the snowflake label is being applied the wrong direction. The difference is I'm not attacking others for it. but please, feel free to keep being you. Wear your mask, maintain your safe distance, and mind your own business.
  19. Holy shit, they're yoga pants.
  20. I stay out of situations where high risk people are involved, and I have already stated that I will continue to support and use masks when businesses require it. But I agree, people should assess their own level of risk, and act on that. If that means avoiding me, then it's all good. A lot of this reminds me that we still have people that are trying to force tolerance through intolerance. If a person feels that they are at risk, then they need to wear a mask, stay away from others, and not put themselves in situations that may elevate that risk. I am not responsible for their comfort level. If that sounds harsh, so be it.
  21. I really like Colorado Bend, but have never camped there.
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