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AntonioGG last won the day on January 14

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  1. Good for metal frame road bikes essentially. Or MTB or carbon road bikes with an adapter.
  2. We need some of this justice in Austin and surrounding areas!
  3. Would be cool to break it into 3 days stopping to get a ride in on trails along the way.
  4. Yeah just as I thought, that writer over-complicated the explanation: 2spd internally geared hub with 12 speed cassette for up to 16 usable gears. I guess there's an 11spd cassette too hence the 2x22 stuff in the article? Very interesting stuff.
  5. Can someone explain this to me? Are they really talking about a 2x11 system with 16 usable gear combos? Is calling this 2x22 a normal thing? https://velo.outsideonline.com/news/trp-vistar-1x16-shows-up-on-a-sage-storm-king-at-made/
  6. You're living the dream! What are temps like? Are these trails safe enough to ride solo? (mostly thinking of cougars)
  7. That's why I switched to a Backcountry Research Strap: I can throw it in my Osprey if I'm using that, or strap it to my downtube if I'm not. https://backcountryresearch.com/
  8. Always clamp the post, dropper or not, carbon or not, aero or not. The only time I don't is if there's no seat post installed. Then I set the jaws horizontal and use the top tube, but don't really clamp, and I don't do a lot of force (e.g. taking a BB out). Mainly to get a seatpost in, then move the clamp to the seatpost. Just wipe the jaws and dropper first before clamping. I think it was Park that did a video on how it's totally OK to clamp the dropper, and any forces while wrenching are way less than your body puts on the dropper.
  9. Anyone else screaming at their TV (Bob Roll) while watching the women’s XC Olympic race? Shocked NBC didn’t bring in someone more knowledgeable about MTB.
  10. No. That's fairly common for quick work. I've seen pros do it.
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