Circa 1987 - Hydraulic Brakes on bikes - Me - No one will want this
Circa 1999 - 29" Tires "rolled" out - Me - No one will want this
Circa 2007 - 27.5 Wheels - Me - No One will want this
Circa 2009 - Wireless Shifting - Me - Witchcraft - No one will want this
Circa 2010 - Remote Dropper Posts - Me - These are dumb
Dont ask me , I am a bad judge of this stuff. I still dont use a dropper though
Hi all, we are in need of a few more volunteers to cleanup the greenbelt in 2 areas – just west of Mopac along the Northern Walnut Creek Trail and east of Mopac along the creek. We made a good start on the first area last month during Its My Park Day, but there are a couple of pockets we missed. Here’s the signup link if you’re interested.
Keep Austin Beautiful is sponsoring this event.
I am not sure if this will catch on but I thought 29ers were silly. I am large human being that is on a 515mm reach bike that is too small. Have to run 75mm rise bars to get the handlebars to a reasonable height for me. So maybe this makes sense for someone like me? At least a mullet option with a 29” rear. Maxxis is producing tires and rim manufacturers are making rims. Apparently 4 World Cup XC teams are testing this season according to Pinkbike.
How much rain can it take and still be in good enough shape for the ARR ride this Saturday? And are the RV sites affected by rain? We've got a spot for Friday night but everything is looking so iffy now I'm trying to decide what to do
Check out these two guys for valid COVID info.
Michael Osterholm. His website is
And this guy who is an MD from the uk. Very good sound info.
I know we've only met via this board, but I'm so sorry to hear this. Seriously, if you need anything, please let us know. Even just a home-cooked meal ( if you trust us) :). We'll be praying for ya!