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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/20/2021 in Posts

  1. Just finished a project my daughter and I have been working on. I searched for months for a used bike. Everyone I showed her was the wrong color, so she designed one herself. A purple, pink, teal, and gold mermaid-cat bike were her only requests.
    4 points
  2. Thanks, I'm really happy with how it turned out. It's a 2017 Diamondback Sync'r 24. Everything is pretty much stock except the tires, grips, and pedals. The specs can be found here - https://99spokes.com/bikes/diamondback/2017/syncr-24 The cranks are 165 mm which appear to be the shortest NX crank option. They still look a bit long for her, but I'm sure they will be just fine and fit her in no time. She will pass this bike down to little sister, so the more purple, pink etc, the better. 4fun and RedRider3141 both recommended spray.bike for the paint. It was pretty simple to use and I'm impressed with the finish. Its hard to tell in the pictures, but the last coat of clear has gold flake that looks really nice in the sun.
    2 points
  3. Here is a link to that post: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1686726081631550/permalink/2701766173460864/ And a link to their waiver: https://waiver.smartwaiver.com/w/5fb53b72c809c/web/
    1 point
  4. Their hours are so limited that is hard for me to get there for a decent ride. Maybe @Jessica and I will give them a try sometime though. They post their odd hours on their FaceSpace though and it looks like you're GTG on Sunday.
    1 point
  5. What about mosquitoes? Malaria is a top killer. https://www.sciencefocus.com/nature/what-animals-kills-the-most-people/
    1 point
  6. Finally got this sorted out via NextDoor Gracywoods from someone who lives across the street from the trailhead. The dog-walker died at the Lincolnshire trailhead by the dam. For those that aren't familiar with this entrance, it's right at the "Dr." for Lincolnshire Dr. Insect stings seem to have been involved. He was walking two dogs; one was found and I don't know if the 2nd dog was located. The missing dog is said to be a chiweenie (cross between a dachshund and a chihuahua). I'm wondering if the dogs somehow disturbed a ground nest of yellowjackets/hornets. North Star Greenbelt was referenced upthread. It's a paved neighborhood greenbelt under powerlines and not in any way connected to Walnut Creek Park. Years ago my brother, a teacher at the time, was with a group of middle school students on a field trip near Killeen. One of the students managed to disturb a nest of ground hornets and enough kids were stung that it made national news. I just googled "students stung by hornets on field trip" and it's a more common occurrence than one might think.
    1 point
  7. As a bonus, NR Luminas can double as a mower light....
    1 point
  8. +1 for NiteRider Lumina. I run one on my head, one on the bars, and have never had a problem. Great little lights! Happened to notice this today: https://bikecloset.com/product/lumina-1000-boost/?gclid=CjwKCAiA7dKMBhBCEiwAO_crFOGEeZ0nntfm9IBlQ_GL4YxaehKu8JX0kIztJ_0lZtaWyTJZ4ydwgBoC1ggQAvD_BwE
    1 point
  9. Sorry for that family's loss. One of my HS buddies had a coworker die from killer bee stings while hunting in S. Texas. Not allergies, just sheer number of stings. I had to look it up, but apparently more people die from either hornets/bees than any other animal (other than humans) attacks.
    0 points
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