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Everything posted by ATXZJ

  1. "Our Cartoon President" on Showtime. Basically a lampoon of 45th and his cabinet created by Stephen Colbert. "Letterkenny" On Hulu with no explanation needed "Trailer Park Boys" More stoner humor FYI, there's some really good deals floating around right now for free 7 & 30 day free trials. I've used this to binge watch a series then cancel.
  2. had same issue the last week or so. live on a greenbelt and the green dust is everywhere here.
  3. Nice! We were hitting blanco on the way back from bandera bike park.
  4. When all this chaos settles, take a trip out there. Distillery & tasting room are great and staff/owners were really friendly and helpful. Also, worth a stop at Real Ale while you're out there as it looks like they're releasing a new rye.😎 Speaking of rye, has anyone tried the new rye gin from still in austin? DAMN good contender for one of our favorites.
  5. I'm sure they do, but spec's is doing curbside and their inventory is pretty up to date. Also, total wine will deliver through instacart barring a potential labor strike. (which i support)
  6. Same here Have you had a chance to sample some of these spirits? https://www.andalusiawhiskey.com/ The Revenant was really, really, good.
  7. Watched 3 times so far. Was always fascinated with soviet and eastern block history/culture. Podcast with Sagal was awesome! Was completely out of left field to hear the wait wait guy discussing such a serious topic. This podcaster has some great chernobyl discussion too http://theeasternborder.lv/
  8. Been home two weeks and plowing through the reserves..... But Spec's brodie now does curbside and my next round is sitting tight in the "decontamination station"😆
  9. man, i was all in with beginning of that series struggled after about 3/4 way through 1st season. speaking of bateman, the outsider was okay for a king adaptation Chernobyl is even more relevant now than ever. worth a second or third watch.
  10. Cant mention old drops without Bender (1:45 for Jah drop) or Dave Watson
  11. You'd be surprised how much salt it actually takes to keep anything from growing. Ill never use roundup. There's enough of it in our food for me
  12. Not even Covid 19 can sustain prolonged exposure to Slayer.
  13. He's a good dude. Up against right now as the shutdown is making life pretty tough for musicians (among others). solo stuff https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCe45X3F6eTjF_4McFaqkuPA
  14. A friend of ours old band.
  15. On board with this one. The US has been losing every war since WW2. This is no exception.
  16. yes and yes. heels down and weight the BB, giving the lowest COG you can achieve. the picture on the right is almost comical.
  17. Was relevant then, and still now. ((((CAUTION NAUGHTY WORDS AND THOUGHTS))))
  18. Your form looks fine. You're not too far forward or backwards, and are fluid enough to react if something goes wrong. The drop techniques demonstrated in the 1st video seem a bit extreme on both sides. He's super stiff in both examples, and to me somewhere there's a middle ground between butt dragging and doing pushups. To each his own. The biggest mistake is getting too stiff on the bike, and that applies to drops, corners, climbs, slow and high speeds. I was, and can still be guilty of it when I get in a little too deep with too much speed. Started on "old school" 2012 tallboy and developed some bad habits, particularly cornering. Had a pretty severe washout at high speed in NM that had me concussed and seeing spots because of it. Had to relearn my technique once I started riding the LLS kona stuff.
  19. we shall see. fingers crossed we get a little good luck here in CTX https://www.kxan.com/weather/weather-blog/why-friday-could-be-coronavirus-spread-turning-point-in-austin/
  20. Recently fell down the Delta Empire rabbit hole. God damn this person is a good drummer. I'm married to a drummer-ish woman and have a ton of respect for what it takes to actually play these bastards.
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