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Everything posted by Morealice

  1. If anyone gets out there this afternoon to check or nature walk or ride bcrt please let know about how the AM rain affected trail. Got a desperate friend wanting to ride.
  2. I remember having that convo with Eric. He asked, “what should we call ourselves?”...neither of us is particularly nice...so I jokingly responded, “The Brushy Creek Buttholes.” Same with the trail name. Deception. I never intended for either to stick, but here we are. The sign will never be perfect to anyone no matter what. Ever. But it’s a step in the right direction and what this trail system attempts to represent...growth, progression, riding bikes, buttholes.
  3. The dirt last night was like FirstBlood in a gay club...HOOKIN UP! I would love to extend a huge cyber hug to whomever put up the sign at the East end of Rimjob. I love it! I can’t speak to putting nails in trees but preliminary google search says no serious harm. I didn’t ride Deception to see if the signs were put there as well but they certainly apply. 👏🏼
  4. Since it’s already raining and doesn’t look like it’ll ever stop, I ordered a new bike. I figure I will have a lot of time to stare at it in my living room...in its fresh, minty clean state.
  5. Good stuff. I have a Ti Motobecane CX rig as my 2nd. I was a long time hardtail guy but gave it up for comfort. No regrets. As far as the cx and riding on trails and stuff. I’ve hit small drops on mine, ridden it down Cru Jones and Basket out at Brushy, most of St Eds, and Walnut. One thing riding the cx on trail has taught me is that there is no such thing as a smooth trail. It’s, for me, soooo harsh but so freaking fun to take the pizza cutter wheels offroad. I run Stans Iron Cross tubeless setup with WTB something rather tires. The other thing in my experience is I get some pretty good chest pain...around the sternum/rib interface from all the jarring. Just my experience, but I exclusively rode my cx for a while and repeatedly rode stuff that was probably too rough. I have brake levers on the top bar(?)/flat part of the road bars. Gripping up there is brutal with no cushy bar tape, but there’s probably a way to make that kinder. Now I really only ride it if muddy out or if I want to do a shorter ride time wise and still get in some easy miles. The feeling of some easier speed is nice. Cant say enough about that Motobecane though. I’ve beat the hell out of it, and it just keeps going. I am going to switch to a shorter travel 29er as my mtb and keep the cx around forever as a trusty backup. I’d KIND OF like to see what a 29er ss is all about but not enough to mess with it.
  6. I rode tonight and there were no signs nor were there barriers of any kind that I saw. Admittedly, I rode it. I apologize and shan’t again, but I thought I’d let you know. I saw a few others on it also.
  7. I think the best precaution is to go have a stress test done (assuming you can just have one prophylactically) and any kind of imaging available to see if you’re really at risk. A lot of times there will be a genetic component to this as well. Having a conversation with a cardiologist is not an awful idea once you hit a certain age. Some may say it’s a waste of money, but not in my opinion. There’s value in a good doctor’s knowledge and experience. I recommend Jerry Gilbert at Austin Heart. Depending on someone to know CPR is more of a crap shoot than finding out about your own risk factors and likelihood of a cardiac event, in my opinion.
  8. Didn’t ride it all (all but Deception which is usually gtg first anyway)....but it’s all very boobs. Peddler is even hooking up in about 98% of the corners. Just water in the woops. If I had any energy tonight I woulda douched it on Strava for kicks but, eh, just a leisurely little cruise. The weather tomorrow combined with the heroic quality of the dirt is gonna be pretty special. I’ll be hitting Pace Bend tomorrow. Been a while.
  9. The trail is getting much faster on the new new stuff too. Crazy how quickly it has worn in. Good stuff.
  10. He never showed me any damage. IF I hit his wheel it was in a totally unweighted way. I’m not justifying my actions. I understand his being pissed. He tracked me down to yell, but for me the disturbing part is how he skidded his truck at me into the grass and onto the BCRT with other people around at the Lake Park. If he miscalculates, I’m run over along with another pedestrian. I admit that my failed hopping of his wheel was kind of a dick move and that he should keep the trail clear, but to react the way he did was completely over the top. It’s the kind of thing people do and then regret after they ruin lives. I certainly regret it. It could have ruined my kids’ lives....or certainly been a lifelong downer.
  11. *please read* ok. This is all 100% how it happened... i was riding E to W on the regional trail just before start of gumdrop by olson meadows. A guy on a bike was coming the other way, and in my “lane” a guy had his yellow santa cruz laying on its side rear 1/2 out in the regional trail. I tried to be cool and bunny hop his wheel. I guess I failed. I thought I cleared it. I didn’t feel anything. He, the owner of the yellow Santa Cruz, probably in his 50s driving a bigass white Dodge Dually truck literally comes skidding at me as I’m coming off the dam at the Lake Park about to cross the parking lot road that goes between the kayak ramp and the exit. He was lined up to Tbone me and stopped about 4-5ft from me. He proceeds to open his door, not get out, but yell at me about how I ran over his spokes. I said I hopped it, and I told him to get his bike the fuck out of the trail. I told him he almost ran over me. He responded by screaming, “well that’s what you did to my spokes!” I am pretty sure that threatening my life with your truck in a populated park is not warranted for running over your spokes. If anyone knows who this guy is, or if you, sir, are reading this, please get help. It was obvious to me during our brief encounter that you really are an unhappy person with irrational anger issues. I apologize for being shitty at bunny hopping. I also know I didn’t damage your wheel as I am certain you’d have told me. I’m still used to thinking hardtail so sometimes I lag. Be careful folks. So again, white guy, silver hair, big white dodge dually, yellow santa cruz. I didn’t get his plates, but I’m sure he probably rides Brushy often. Hitting your rear wheel in a failed hop was uncool of me. Threatening my life, less cool.
  12. I’m also curious. This wind HAS to have helped, but wondering what the situation actually is out there.
  13. In NO WAY am I poo pooing the race or racing in general, but when I did the 17:15 and was kinda half trying...all I could think is “why would I wanna hammer around this loop only to lose?” I am clearly not made for racing; however, I am looking forward to seeing what the fastest time overall is so I can be dumbfounded as to how anyone can ride it that quickly. Also looking very forward to the KOM rework.
  14. Must’ve missed that invite. Bitch. I crashed out on the ridge line just before Snot Rock on a slick spot on offcamber limestone slab. My knee doesn’t work quiiiite right today but it’ll be fine. All load bearing things and twisting motions are fine. Good meeting Barry though.
  15. Yeah I really just wanna spin up there and see what all is going on....been saying for weeks I was gonna check it out. Excited to see it! Anything described as a jump line won’t be in my wheelhouse anyway, but I get your message. Thanks to all who continue to churn out more trail. If I have time I’m gonna ease over to Wilco and give that a cruise.
  16. I’m gonna LICK the trail Wednesday morning before that NINETY DEGREE HIGH WTF BALLS DAMNIT FUCK! 😕 i hammocked Picnic tonight at the Blanket. Mmmmm. I saw people riding and WANTED to get pissed but no caking on tires. Cheers bitches. Saw a dude with no helmet flying along upper picnic. God that pisses me off. But he had a cheesy do-rag so I guess he was Rugger enough. Trails will be perky, chocolate almond milk-secretingly good on Wednesday. Edit: gonna be a stiff wind out of the South Wednesday. It’ll be a sweaty 63degrees but man. It’s about to be night riding season. Hotter but drier 6pm-9/930pm. Only negative thing I’ll say but summer reminds me why I’m moving in 7 years. And after the SHITTY weather winter we had and hardly any riding, pfff. I know it’s first world problems, but this is a forum for off road cycling and bitching about the weather. Last edit: Does anyone know if suburban ninja would be rideable tomorrow like 6pm?
  17. I rarely ride with others but what’s annoying to me is when someone wants to talk a lot but doesn’t speak up. I typically give a lot of “uh huh” and “yeeeah” type responses. In particular, if someone riding in front speaks forward and not very loudly...you’re projecting your voice in a direction away from me. Can’t we just ride and then talk later? If I feel chatty I try to project loudly (if behind) and if in front I wait until I can turn my head back some to throw the sound where someone following might actually hear. Once I start working hard to keep pace I shut up and just admit that I can’t talk if someone won’t be quiet. “Dude...I’ll talk to you later...I’m busy breathing.”
  18. I just wish I could manual like 20ft....this guy...jeez, dude can handle
  19. I badly WANT a new bike. Does that count?
  20. Awesome sunset ride tonight....so close to being able to make runs at all the features again. Clawing back the fitness a millimeter at a time, but I’m forgetting how to ride tech. Plus, this 27.5” FS rig has never known me in any kind of riding shape. Still learning how to ride the damn thing after 2 or 3 years. But it’s funny how this bike becomes more fun the more regularly I ride it. Things that make you go hmmm. Found a rare reflector on Gumdrop East tonight. I rarely see Barneys out that way. Glad I got it in before the rain. Now it’s time to actually go get it in.
  21. So I said screw it since I was already strava-ing my ride to see total mileage of my usual ride (right at 27mi) and I did peddlers to see. I stayed pretty conservative just trying to flow and spin semi-tall gears in the few straights out there. I tried to brake as little as possible and control speed with gearing and pedals. I still had to ride everything else and only stopped to take a pic of the sunset. I’m a sucker for sunsets. Strava said 17:15....I feel like it’s probably accurate enough relative to say First Blood’s time. I definitely could have pushed harder but it turned out just right for finishing my ride without blowing up. Are there t-shirts for race participants? And FirstBlood, we gotta get out somewhere like walnut on that tandem, son!!
  22. I was having numb finger issues and I fixed it by stretching my hands/wrists? turn hand palm up, straighten arm, pull fingers one at a time down toward the floor with other hand and hold for 20sec or so...I personally believe it helps to stretch in a direction counter to what your hands have been doing so much...it’s like doing an anti-grip as i get older I’m finding daily stretching overall VERY beneficial to reducing pain. It’s gotta be a huge key. I rode Peddlers tonight (not timing on strava or otherwise)...saw some dude blow through and drop me like a bad habit. Discouraged me to race, but if it’s not 98 degrees and 98% humidity I’ll come watch you fools punish yourselves for a bit.
  23. Fixed on another note I cannot wait to get a shorter travel 29er down the road. Right now that coin is earmarked for a dual sport moto. I’ll give this Troy another couple years. Rode last night and actually wasn’t tired going up EBD. I got to the top charging at the step and froze because I was thinking to myself, “I am actually gonna make a decent run at this”....so I stopped at the bottom of the step. FirstBlood, there is no room for you in my head. I’m already all up in it, but next ride I’m going for my first no dab E-W Deception ride in years. And when you start doing longer rides again, I’m gonna pop you like a damn bra strap son! The way things used to be. The RIGHT way.
  24. I thought it said “going fat” at first. I was so stoked, but then I reread. Good luck in your search.
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