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Everything posted by GFisher

  1. @Sluggo Didn't you see an orgy off the BCGB?
  2. Do you know them? Did you just ask them to hold your bike? This is an intriguing photo!
  3. This. I think they have reversed from the norm. Much less commuter traffic on SS and more pleasure traffic on Lime Creek. Of course the day I was on Lime Creek it was a perfect day. There have always been fast cars and motorcycles out there, but it was unusually heavy that day.
  4. Nice, my last pickup a couple days ago was a sixer of Big Bark and a sixer of ABW Fire Eagle. Trying to keep it local. I will get some stuff from the surrounding area, but no Big Beer Craft Beer (Karbach, Goose Island, etc). I wish I didn't like Oskar Blues since they are not really local. I am able to avoid them for the most part, but when they had $2 cans at the taproom it was hard to resist.
  5. The road riding right now in general is as good as it has been or will be for a long time, but I did Lime Creek for the first time in a while last week and yes, the number of jagoffs thinking it is a racetrack is very high right now. I probably won't be back out there anytime soon. I think the best times are in the evenings in the winter (in the dark to be honest). I don't think Old SSprings is too bad right now. Most of the commuter traffic that used to bypass through there probably just stays on 360/183 and I don't think the CV spreaders are in too big a hurry. May have to take the road bike out one weekday morning and enjoy the new asphalt. It is pretty sweet right now.
  6. Thanks for the info guys. I was there from about 11-1. More people than I would have liked but doable. May try to go much earlier (next time it is dry anyway).
  7. Was just taking some recycling out and a lady (maybe 40-50) rode by with her helmet on backwards. At least she was wearing one I guess.I didn't know whether to laugh or tell her but she was quickly down the street.
  8. How is Brushy looking mid day (or mornings) during the week? No way I am going in the afternoon/evening, but I would like to make it out there soon.
  9. Yeah, we need that dislike button (at minimum).
  10. This. I am sure it was because the DBag neighbor's dog was always barking whenever someone went through there.
  11. Did a brief tour from around 5 to 6 and everything I hit was good. Didn't hit some of the late drying stuff like Mark's and the fence line by Mark's so be prepared to perhaps bail on some trails, but there should be enough for a good ride at least until it rains again.
  12. Too bad RA can't learn anything from this quote: If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole.
  13. There was one of these on CL but it is gone. https://www.thedogoutdoors.com/buddyrider-dog-bicycle-seat-attachment.html?gclid=Cj0KEQjw8-LnBRCyxtfMl-Cbu48BEiQA6eUMGo0zJn2RCw8s2NX94LhgBf0FCG6npLyi-37T5MJ8PMYaAls48P8HAQ
  14. AB may not be interested in this but I a BOB Yak trailer with bag I need to liquidate. It is set up for quick release and 26"/700c wheels. They do make thru-axle adapters and larger forks if possibly needed for a 29er. https://www.modernbike.com/product-2126181887?gclid=Cj0KEQjw8-LnBRCyxtfMl-Cbu48BEiQA6eUMGnLvC3iGnwQN_s3ILw4OcEiZFLd5k563TpMy6Fc33a8aAuCQ8P8HAQ
  15. Hey, that isn't a Segway! No motorized vehicles!
  16. Did a pretty good BCGB tour. I would say it is good to go. There were some puddles on the main trail between Zilker and Spyglass, but since it is essentially a dirt road they can be avoided. I bailed at Spyglass to hit the bike path across the creek and everything in the back trails I hit was pimp.
  17. I had a pair on my first trip to Moab back in like 2010, I didn't really know what was wrong with them, I replaced the pads while I was there and kept playing with them but was basically scared shitless the entire time as I never knew if/how well I was going to be able to stop. Of course some of those trails are SUPER steep too, I was always looking for a runout if need be. XTs since then FTW. Hard to believe they still suck.
  18. This is on my radar. About 15-20 years ago I somehow decided to ride a trail and collect a pint glass from a brewery in each state. The pint glass piece has required some research and timing in some states. Good/decent trails are thankfully almost everywhere these days. All that remains is Alaska and Ohio. Tons of breweries in OH.
  19. 18 of the #1 and about 40 total - although I am counting the Colorado Trail and I have probably ridden maybe half the singletrack over the decades. I did not count the Whole Enchilada since muddy conditions kept us to the lower half or so.
  20. I went for a brief recon ride last night. Ski Hill Flow Trail and Inner Log Loops were perfect. Point 6 was fine, BMX was borderline. Until it rains again there should be enough to get in a decent ride (just be ready to bail on some of the slower to dry trails if need be).
  21. Ha! I'm down, those rides are a blast. Let me get back in town and put something together. Stay tuned.
  22. I rode with one of these guys quite a few times - Kenny Lloyd - great guy. I was actually out on that ride as well but had no idea 2 people died. Don't take life for granted.
  23. Curious what is taking place there. I guess I don't understand the concept of machine built trail very well but it looks kind of like a step backwards at first glance?
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