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Everything posted by notyal

  1. Is eating the byproduct of an animal eating the animal? I guess this is the distinction between vegetarianism and veganism. (Also why there are no cannibalistic vegans.)
  2. You don't see too many lead singers chewing gum.
  3. It was a booger eating joke, not a reference to cannibalism. Hope that came across correctly. And I'll never put you on ignore. You make this place way more entertaining and seem like a genuinely good intentioned person, albeit a stubborn and quirky person.
  4. The best thing about buy a complete bike is knowing that all the parts are spec'd to complement the bike's geo, spacing, and any other "standards". The other great thing is that all of those parts are brand spanking new and will age together, and you won't be stuck with nice parts that don't fit the next bike. I remember you mentioning a Stumpy on the maybe list. Saw this one on CL this morning, and it seems like a good deal. Kinda a lowish end spec, tho. https://austin.craigslist.org/bik/d/austin-2019-stumpjumper-29-carbon-mtb/6974857648.html
  5. Make sure to quote and rebuke each comment individually.
  6. Make sure to quote and rebuke each comment individually.
  7. Make sure to quote and rebuke each comment individually.
  8. I've used superglue with a small patch cut from an old tube that held for months. It was originally meant to be a bandaid until I bought a new tire, but then I got curious/lazy and let it ride for months.
  9. It really depends on how many watts your pedal assist is packing.
  10. That's exactly why I prefer BCGB as the meat in my Soutie/greenbelt sandwich.
  11. Well, this took a delightful turn. I thought a barely coherent rant from RA was a Sure Shot.
  12. "Brand" of tire, maybe not...but type of tire, maybe. If you have a fast XC tire, I can see wanting a bigger gear vs. a burly DH tire. You ask for people input, then you chastise them for it.
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