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Everything posted by AntonioGG

  1. I've been capped for years. The rate of increase is accelerating though...10% of 200k (ca. 2003) is a lot different than 10% of $900k. I'm at $580k this year. I still can't believe I live in a 2100 sq ft $900k house.
  2. https://abcbirds.org/program/cats-indoors/cats-and-birds/ https://abcbirds.org/threat/cats-and-other-invasives/ If they really care about the birds, they need to cull the feral cat population and outlaw outdoor cats. "Today, more than 100 million feral and outdoor cats function as an invasive species with enormous impacts. Every year in the United States, cats kill well over 1 billion birds. This stunning level of predation is unsustainable for many already-declining species like Least Tern and Wood Thrush."
  3. Great man! Yeah for the first time in years the redfin/zillow estimate dropped $45k on our house. Finally some sanity.
  4. So this is maybe geometrically better?
  5. I have memories of Diego Rivera's house bench in the foyer which I was riding feeling awful while my family toured the whole place...after eating some bus station cafeteria food. I knew better but it looked so good! I've only ever gotten worse once and that was in San Antonio. Was so dehydrated my dad could not find a vein for the IV. Got sick once while in India for work but not as bad. That sucked too. Didn't keep me from touring a local palace but it did keep me from enjoying all the food for the 2nd week of the trip. My coworker told me when I got back that my problem was not drinking enough liquor. Hope you feel better soon ATXZJ!
  6. I haven't tried Athletic Brewing's stuff. Everything else NA that I've tried that tries to emulate beer I don't like. However, Lagunitas HOP I really liked. Think of it as a hoppy seltzer. I also cut way down and will do teas at night to scratch that itch. I do like a specific kind of kombucha but it's very expensive. Someone told me I should try to make my own. I may give it a try.
  7. Yes, I took the wellhead road but went the other way. The map shows it hitting a road and that seemed the shortest way home so I went that way. Once I dead-ended into the gate/road, my choice was to go back uphill or jump the gate. I then jumped the next gate I could back onto RHR. There was some caution tape just laying on the ground. I didn't even look at the other side of the map to see where wellhead road ended on that side. I just knew I wasn't going to do well on more trail at that point. It was 100°F when I finished. Too late a start, and too slow a ride on the SS (mostly did very well until I got hot and tired) left me out there past the time I wanted to be out.
  8. Saw your Van out there. I got started very late and ended up bailing by jumping the fence right after Ventoso point rest. I didn’t get to ride the trails from that point but loved all the other new stuff especially holder’s way and part 2 in the beginning.
  9. My son's Xbox lasted 18 months. So we watched YouTube videos on repair, and I picked up 2 broken Xboxes on ebay to see if from 3 we can make 1. He's pretty excited at the prospect of fixing it and if he learns from it, may try to make it a business.
  10. What kind or rubber is needed for mineral oil seals? I hope the future is not just to be able to get parts shipped, but to buy the right to build a part locally using some kind of SLA or 3D printing technology. That's the future.
  11. Hopefully right-to-repair and circular economy legislation push changes this nonsense. If I can buy a peripheral cylinder rebuild kit for the brakes on a 1950's truck, I should be able to buy the same for a 2010 set of brakes.
  12. https://sph.uth.edu/research/centers/dell/events/detail.htm?id=a6fc35a6-726f-4603-bec9-de583649174d How Extreme Heat Impacts Physical Activity and What to do About it
  13. 100% this. My new bike came with Next SL and I’m expecting they will fail at some point. At least I’m the original owner so so should be able to get a replacement unlike the ones on my last bike (used) which had the pedal thread insert come loose. My XX cranks had >10k miles with lots of CTX pedal strikes and obviously marred and they have a second life on someone else’s bike now.
  14. I prefer rf cinch mostly because I have a hard time with the preload and telling when the preload is right before tightening the crank bolts. I use the little knurled plastic thingie. Being able to tighten the cranks and adjusting preload separately is awesome. With sram (XX) I have had to replace a bb because of it ever being tight and also had to over tighten the cranks to take out the slack.
  15. I don’t use an alarm so I figured if I wake up early today I’d go ride long, else a short ride. Woke up at 9am and the heat index is already in the mid 90’s. It will be a long trainer ride for me…first of the summer this year. Even I know my limits.
  16. Have you already talked about those built-in cabinets in the projects thread?
  17. I have summer SAD if it's a thing. I feel happy when it rains, and somewhat depressed in these conditions.
  18. Thumper is more of a sous vide ride rather than an air fryer ride.
  19. Yep, it's all about the airflow. When you stop for a light, it feels horrible, and the sweat starts accumulating, but the payoff is when you start moving again. It feels like AC. On days when evap is not great, I also take an insulated water bottle with lots of ice and splash a little bit in the crooks of my arms and on my head if I hit a red light.
  20. This just reminded me of one of my hottest/awful feeling rides ever. It was RHR 24 hour race, usually around Halloween (one week before or after, same as the EB). It was crazy hot at hour 6 (6pm). It was also fairly dry and the single bottle of hydration mix + extra water bottle per lap (~50-70min laps) was not enough. I went into debt. I decided to do a long stop around 6pm, rehydrate, cool down, and avoid the hottest part of the day (a section in the first part of the course...the long winding climb was the worst!) Even though I lost a lap to some people, it was the best strategy. I was able to finish the race while others just went too deep and dropped out. I wasn't scared that time...but I was at the BCGB one time. Ran out of water, couldn't find my way to the tennis courts, not feeling great. I thought of Bear Gryll's advice (head downhill toward the water) and sat in a nasty pool of green water which cooled me down significantly and I was able to ride the main trail to Zylker and water.
  21. Thanks. I was familiar with wet bulb temp and heat index as the "feels like", but I was definitely not as familiar with what it means as far as evaporation. I had to read up on the details, and found this excellent summary which includes solar irradiation estimate. https://www.weather.gov/ama/heatindex BTW, increased convection helps with evaporation, but evaporation is different from pure convection. I would still like to see a separate chart that takes airflow into account. All the heat index stuff basically assumes you're in the shade and not moving. Looking at this from the engineering side, we always have to take into account: airflow, ambient temp, humidity, and altitude. All those affect conduction, convection, and evaporation. For sure when I ride in the heat, I hate going up a slow hill which usually also means head wind is getting blocked by the hill, or I have a tail wind (the worst). This is why I stick to the flatlands. It feels way different even in high heat index conditions.
  22. Heat input + Heat generated = Heat output (evaporation + conduction/convection) to maintain temperature. Neglecting heat input and conduction/convection.... If you're doing nothing, just sitting around and are an average male, you'll be burning 2000-2500kcal a day. Assuming the latter, that means 104kcal per hour. At 540cal/g, you'd need to vaporize 192g of water (192mL) to maintain temp. If you are riding tempo, you're likely going to be burning 600-800kcal/hr. Assuming the latter, that means you need to evaporate 1.48 liters of water per hour to not overheat. If the humidity doesn't allow you to evaporate that much water, you will either overheat or (more likely) your body will force you to slow down. I need to research convection cooling. I am assuming it's very small compared to evap, but I'd like to find out for sure.
  23. There's no link to the actual paper, and what is written there has so many holes. A couple of questions: 1) How many watts cycling or walking? That matters. (one reason I don't go to the BCGB or Thumper this time of year). 2) Airflow. Was there any? They could have made it educational by comparing heat of vaporization (540 cal / g at 98°F) vs convection. Even at 100% humidity with no sweat evaporating, you will get some convection cooling (probably an order of magnitude lower than vaporization). In the end, I'm not even sure why they performed this experiment. You can calculate this easily. With no evaporation, this boils down to what thermal engineers do all day long every work day of the week.
  24. If it helps anyone, I ended up taking my bike to velorangutan, and it turns out you need a special tool to preload the return spring. I can’t believe I spent so much time and that this wasn’t documented anywhere I could find. I’m still waiting on my bike for them to get this tool and headset bearings.
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