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Tree Magnet

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Everything posted by Tree Magnet

  1. Trail feature!! That would make a good log feature but it's on the wrong loop.
  2. Besides the fact that the little sections of rock will rut, it will kill your drivetrain in 200’ with that sticky mud and rocks. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. I believe that that traditional wisdom behind providing tax breaks to companies to locate to your area works like this: 1. Company locates to your area but they aren't paying any taxes because you gave them a big package. 2. Every job that company creates brings in a worker who DOES pay taxes. 3. That worker brings in their family who also pays taxes. The math should work out that the region makes more money than they spent. The reality is that you can't really measure it and the politicians that made the decisions don't expect to be in power by the time it could be measured anyway.
  4. I am dealing with them. That’s the whole point. When I have to get groceries, I deal with those risks. When I need to get gas, I deal with them. When I’m forced into a situation where I have to be around people that exercise their right to not wear a mask, I deal with them. Just like you, I can’t choose to lock myself in a room and wait for this to pass. I deal with those risks every day and those risks are greater than they need to be because of....America?? Because you choose to exercise your rights. Thanks for that. As I said, you do you. I’ll try and compensate as best I can and if I can’t, it’s not your family on the line so it’s all good. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. As a parent of kid with asthma, parents with respiratory issues, and in-laws on the edge of several health issues, this is life or death for me. I’m 100% behind the liberties that make this country great but you exercising your rights are directly impacting my family. As I said, I won’t change your mind and you won’t change mine. I can’t say that the so called MSM is right but there are some things that I refuse to allow to fall into the “...we’ll find out at some point” camp. None of us know shit on this topic. Seriously...the world is reeling from this. No one can deny that. I choose to take it seriously because I have more to lose than gain by brushing this off. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. I’m so tired of this mask/no mask crap. You do you but let’s all agree that we won’t be changing any mindsets on this forum. This is not a matter of tire pressure or tread pattern. This is life or death stuff. It really frustrates me to see so much energy put into defending a position that has no scientifically defensible position. I think the same mantra I use for all discussions applies here: “don’t be a dick”. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. I cannot like this enough. Damn that’s funny. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. To me "gnar" is less about high speed downhill and more about technical, high-penalty-for-failure terrain. Think coral sharp edged rocks or exposure or drops to drops with sketchy pebbles on the landing.
  9. I work for a big (50k+) global science company. Each region is different of course but we are in no hurry to bring the office people back to the buildings. In fact, if they were to try and force me to return to a build and be within 6' of someone in an open environment, I'd consider that a good reason to look for another job. It's just a job but it's a hard sell to justify bringing people together in this environment. One case of a positive Covid-19 test in the building and they will have to shut it down. If that case of Covid-19 results in a single transmission to someone else, how is their company brand going to handle that and show they did everything possible to prevent it? @bestbike85 - you know you're going to miss the heat in those cold mountains!
  10. My tendency is to move my weight backward but that is not going to help keep weight on the front tire. I try and concentrate on bending my elbows and keeping forward so that front tire really bites. Weight over the bottom bracket seems optimal but I would suggest trying some different techniques and see what works for you. Youtube videos, keyboard riders (us), and your buddies will tell you what they believe to be gospel but it all comes down to what works best for you.
  11. I find that the only way I can consistently keep my weight over my front tire when turning is to bend my elbows. That pulls you forward and down. Of course, washing out like that is super sketchy but the extra weight helps prevent it. When you figure it out, share with us other cornering challenged brake haters. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. It certainly seems that he knows his way around the wood shop. If you have all those tools, you’d think that this isn’t his first build. He’s really entertaining to watch and his riding looks so easy. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. I hope your science is right. I really, really do. However, there is a chance it’s wrong. Even parts of it. Wearing a mask and taking these extra precautions really seems like a pretty damn cheap insurance policy to me. I’d rather be inconvenienced and be part of the solution than exercise my liberties and take the chance on being part of the problem. That’s just me. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Went through two reverbs and now I’m using a PNW and it’s great. Mechanical actuation, internal routing, smooth. It just works and that’s all I want in a dropper. Just f’in work. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Well done! That's progression right there and is a testament to what Gringo and crew are building. Once you get the technique, you can apply it on most any drop. Stoked to see some features go up that really help riders get better!
  16. Let's look at this from the perspective of 6 months or 6 years in the future. When people look back on this insane time they are going to know a LOT more than we know now. They will be able to say if wearing a mask helped the situation or if it made no difference. In no possible scenario will they say that wearing a mask resulted in MORE deaths or an extension of this pandemic. I completely understand that the world doesn't know everything we need to know about how to end this pandemic. However, I don't want to be sitting around in 6 months or 6 years (or be dead or without family/friends because of this) and look back and say "All I had to do was wear a mask and it would have helped but I opted to exercise my rights to do whatever the hell I wanted and I was part of the problem."
  17. Let's just say that we don't talk about freshman year for a reason. Some lessons are best learned when there is runway to recover.
  18. I saw it. Started it before the pandemic and ended it in April or something. It was crazy to have the 'bizarro' side turn into the 'normal' side.
  19. Braaaaap! Awesome picture. The palm trees in the back are a trip.
  20. I think that there is some political aspect to it but there is also some psychology going on here. When you see someone taking a different course of action than what you're choosing, internally you are telling yourself that you're right and they're wrong. However, there is a tiny bit of you that might say "...what if she's right?" and that's scary. So, you try and get them to follow your choice because then you're all in it together even if it is the wrong course of action. I'm not a psychologist but I did take a class in college because I thought it would have hot girls. It did but they were all nuts.
  21. I wear a mask in public just as much to protect other people as I do to protect myself. I also don't rip giant farts in crowded elevators. Not because it feels good to hold it in but because it's called being aware that I'm not the only person in the damn elevator and those other people don't have the ability to just 'not breath'. Sure, they could take the stairs but so could I. My brother told me about his mask-wearing sister-in-law getting yelled at by some dude in a parking lot. He shouted "...why are you wearing that mask? You think that is going to protect you?" She said "It helps me mind my own business. Maybe you should try one?" I think wearing a mask sucks. I hate it but I do it because it's a very small price to pay to provide my fellow citizens some peace of mind that I'm not going to sneeze on them if they walk past me. I know I appreciate it when they do the same.
  22. Night riding for the win! Pick up a cheap set of lights and try it. Super fun. Same old trails fee totally different. Plus, you always know when someone is coming at you. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. Also help for the occasional dog turd. Totally worth it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. I drove through Houston this weekend on the way to see the in-laws (hurricane prep) and I saw maybe two people wearing masks in the ENTIRE city. It was bizarre. I think the social stigma of doing something different is strong. If most people around you aren't wearing a mask, people think twice about wearing one.
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