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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/16/2022 in all areas

  1. I've been in a bike funk for 2 months! Attending the R&I last night made a big difference. For me it has been a combination of being extremely busy at work and having several home projects going on at the same time and my primary bike being out of commission. I decided to not let the bike funk stress me out and just go with the flow, get projects done and do what I feel like doing instead of forcing things. I got that bit of wisdom from @CBaron since he described going through something similar a few years back and he became a runner.
    2 points
  2. This thread should be titled "Let's Talk about Hex, Baby!" (Some of you may be too young to get the reference.)
    2 points
  3. Have you considered that maybe you just don't like bicycles? Can I show you something in a nice Onewheel?
    2 points
  4. Every day seems to be demo day if you happen to be interested in anything Velorangutan sells. @xl_cheese has a pretty permissive demo policy and I think they have a decent assortment of options. Outerbike would be a bit more complicated but could be made into a fun MTB getaway with a ton of demos thrown in. I attended the one in Bentonville a few yrs ago. It rained every day. 😞 Later, CJB
    2 points
  5. The main creek crossing at Walnut was so slick a few months back, that my bike vanished from under me so quickly I was left suspended in mid-air, still pedaling away, like in the cartoons! A solid landing, but thankfully nothing serious.
    2 points
  6. I was kind of in no-man's land for bikes too. Recently picked up a 2021 Ritchey Ascent. 90's mtb geometry with room for 110/148 spacing and 29x2.6 tires. My happy place.
    1 point
  7. Living in switchback-ledge-utopia can do that to a person. Road trip might be in order. My advice would be to try and demo a revel ranger from @xl_cheese if possible. I like hard tails as much as the next guy but once you hit your 40s a little suspension is nice.
    1 point
  8. At one of my local trails on a section that is now gone, there was a small drop followed by a right turn. It was like ball bearings. I went down too fast to do anything but land on my shoulder. I had to do physical therapy for side whiplash. It wasn't an injury per se, but rather the little muscles tensed up and they were locked up. I also went down on another trail, this time a section of off camber rock right after another small drop with leaves covering the trail. Something sent me slightly wide of the mark and I went down hard on my ride side with bruises on my hip, thorax and shoulder. both of these I’m glad I didn’t put a limb down. I’ll take bruising over a broken bone. my ankle break was a result of trying to put my foot down on a wall ride. Sometimes it is better to go down with the ship.
    1 point
  9. On a serious note, I seem to have lost my stoke. Haven't touched a bike in over a month. I thought trying something new might help me find it again. You might be right.
    0 points
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