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Everything posted by ATXZJ

  1. Odds are, after corona, that company will probably be DOA .
  2. The rider is going fast enough that it really doesn't matter. If you're going slow on drops, then you definitely have to adjust your weight.
  3. Have had ZERO issues with runners so far. I found in most cases they're equally or at times, more courteous than bikers. As others have said, i gotta give trail runners some props for taking on these rocky trails. Don't get me started on strava whores and equestrians though.........
  4. Been hanging onto these, but considering current events, why not🤪
  5. All I had to see was ohlins and 2.8 rear. What a fucking mess that bike is. I really wish intense would get their shit together, and stop acting like the drunk uncle of bikes.
  6. Oh god, I just got a little tingly. When do we start?
  7. You're a fucking tumor to this forum. Take your gaslighting elsewhere
  8. have to admit between todays address to the nation from the administration and the news of more rate cuts and easing has got me a bit spun. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-central-banks/fed-cuts-interest-rates-to-near-zero-coordinates-with-other-central-banks-to-combat-coronavirus-idUSKBN21219K
  9. and yet again your incessant narcissism has surfaced, and you inject yourself as a victim in a conversation that has nothing to do with you.
  10. yes^ ill never understand why this is such a difficult concept for people to grasp. The insurance company is just a rapacious middle man between you and your health. ACA just subsidizes insurance companies to expand services to more people. With a medicare for all system we just subsidize people instead of the insurance companies, and all their admin and legal council who are focused on denying your claim, so they meet earnings expectations for next quarter. Nothing is perfect and you can find fault in any system. However, when was the last time we actually won a war? I don't see anyone pushing for de-funding the military. Its quite the opposite.
  11. pence wants to suck a dick so bad his hair is turning white.
  12. Raining in the dirty south. Riding is over for at least a week unless we travel.
  13. Nice choice! Big fan of rye based spirits. Have you tried the still rye gin ?
  14. Having spent 18mos in ABQ , I can't say between NM or coronavirus, which is worse.
  15. When coronas got you too spun out to mix your own drinks.
  16. $50b up for grabs and coincidentally screenings will be done in walmart and target parking lots. meanwhile, yesterdays trump press conference is held with walmart and target CEOs flanking him. be$t kuntry ever
  17. yep. citizens united is the first thing that comes to my mind. I usually stay away from these subjects on AMB but 1.5 trillion to get a 1hr bump in the market while the working class is drowning, is f@cking pure evil.
  18. They were the same is Hays county. Even canned beans were non existent......insane F@ck going to HEB. Sprouts and target have plenty of supplies, for now.
  19. Self employed, and work outside every day. Interact with people only on a minimal basis. On the downside, my savings is my sick leave and thats finite. Wife works in state government and is going to be working from home for a week or two.
  20. Picked this out as part of my doomsday prepper kit😁 Really, really well done hazy
  21. IMHO, I had one of those early float 29s and if you have to pay much over $100, i'd move on to something else. You can find a leftover or used non-boost reba, revelation or preferably pike for under $300. I stick with RS because they are stone simple to service. good to know sorry to hear that TAF. Tim helped me out with an avalanche damper issue and was cool to deal with.
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