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Everything posted by TAF

  1. Brian M has one - he's usually at R&I. I've a Tallboy which is pretty similar.
  2. Feb 7 - 9 in Sunsites, AZ. A few of us are already signed up - looks to be 12 hrs drive from the ATX, or a couple hours from Tucson. https://www.bikereg.com/Confirmed/42042
  3. Poc - we bought the lot when D1 went out of business, and divvied them up among the crew. Might still have an XXL or two.
  4. Actually, you had a 100% chance of success - that's my helmet size, I was standing right there, and I was done good and early. Actuarial tables be damned.
  5. Ah, I have mine set up so that Bikereg automatically logs me in as a participant, and pays using Paypal which accepts a fingerprint as a login. Took me sixty seconds to sign up for the 3/4.
  6. ... but do we have to have the 'Are you sure?' popup? Cause I'm damn sure.
  7. What - you don't get cell service in the Green Belt?
  8. Does the tonneau cover still fold up with the mount attached to it like that?
  9. We agreed to take the event on so that it wouldn't die - but we have no intention of losing a bunch of money on it. The donations don't even cover the cost of the burgers we buy. Anyone who wants to fund and organize a party, and/or tee shirts, is more than welcome to do so! Antonio is correct - it really is pretty much along the lines of R&I these days - and if you enjoyed the beer, please visit Pinthouse, as they supplied it!
  10. Last time I was there, it was (re)installed and working.
  11. Out of interest, did that happen often?
  12. You're talking about 3G connectivity -- gets pricey if someone spots it and decides to take it with them. You should ask Kent, though - he had a few out there for ARR a while back.
  13. If you 'paste as plain text', you won't have all that inverse shaded text going on (for those of us who live in darkness).
  14. Based on diligent use of a sextant, various astral events, and Google Calendar, the first weekend after ACL falls on Sat, October 17, 2020. Just like this year, that's two weekends before the time change. Mark your calendars and get training!
  15. The guy in the pic is wearing capris - clearly not a serious gun owner.
  16. Putting the event on is enough work for me, but if you want to take on the tee shirt side of things, that's fine. This year's artwork will be available as a jersey before too long, and Jakroo makes individual ordering easy.
  17. Nice write-up. 55 riders took off from Walnut (3 more arrived late but did not check in, so not even sure they finished), and 42 riders made it home in under 12 hours, including a 12 yr old and a 14 yr old! We knew they were fast when the CP Trail Angel reported that all riders had cleared CP at an unprecedented early hour. My take is that this year's crowd were pretty hardcore riders, who for the most part knew what the EB is and were prepared for it. They moved fast to beat as much of the heat as possible. Responding to the comments about lack of tee shirts and party vibe -- well, this is your chance to get involved with the EB! A tee shirt order is more than just $20 in the tip jar -- it's putting down $500 - $1,000 of your own money to pre-order a supply of shirts which you won't sell if the event is rained out. Even the online companies are super pricey for small quantities. What happens if you order 100 shirts and 55 people show up? You lose your money, that's what. There were tunes playing, but I think if you want the party of years past, you need to supply people to manage that. The public call for volunteers received zero responses, and the entire event was managed with just six people, including both aid stations. Those people who want more at the end probably need to poney up some time and money to make that happen! All in all, a successful event, and happy that people enjoyed it. Some pics: http://www.enchiladabuffet.com/content/?page_id=828
  18. I meant major and permanent trail work. Sure, the Green Belt and Thumper were cleared of slappers (the fauna variety), but there's no building goes on.
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