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Everything posted by AntonioGG

  1. @TAF nailed it. The GB will be more humid. Also 11am IMO is not the best time in this heat. I was just outside (4pm) working in my yard (shady) and it’s 100F but it’s much drier than in the morning. My cotton shirt was dry. If you’re only riding 90-120 minutes start at 6pm this time of year.
  2. That’s a crazy failure. How does that even happen?
  3. you rock! Personally, I just decline most meetings that have no good reason or agenda, e.g. "let's meet to discuss"., meetings after 4 on Friday or at lunch any day of the week, or after 6pm unless the people are 11.5 or 12 hours away...
  4. Atlanta is on my list of shows to watch. watching hard enduro in Austria on RedBull TV. Wow! My whole body hurts from just watching this. Brutal. Fun to watch.
  5. Yeah after a warm ride yesterday afternoon I got up at 6:50 am today, my thermostat said 92% humidity. I just stayed in. I definitely prefer late afternoon rides these days.
  6. Love NC and the OBX. Check the area out before it’s gone. @June Bug I check the forecast and immediately for properties in cooler climes.
  7. I been a speed stick deodorant user forever. If I use antiperspirant I get the worst itch. I also tried Tom’s all natural (with hops) and I honestly feel after 8 hours I may smell worse than no deodorant at all. the pandemic and hybrid work means I don’t wear deodorant every day. I never thought I’d get to that point but it’s fine.
  8. Google “sweat smells like” and pick your choice.
  9. Working stationary or semi stationary outside and riding a bike at some speed are different things. For sure I’m not going to do technical MTB or hill repeats in this heat. I will ride flat stuff and or shady stuff. Think a ride into Leander/cedar park on the road or suburban ninja off road (shady and fast) and staying away from the Greenbelt, quarter notch, and for sure thumper. I’m not disputing no clothes will make you comfortable in this heat, but I can tell you for my gardening/landscaping wearing a cotton tee that becomes saturated in sweat and thus becomes a perfect wind block is very different than wearing a technical t-shirt which is designed to wick that moisture.
  10. One more thing, Gatorade offers sweat analysis. If anyone is curious it’s probably a good thing to try. If it were me I’ll do one patch for the first hour and one for the subsequent hour.
  11. The Columbia cooling shirts are awesome. I wear one for gardening. For cycling I wear pearl Izumi cooling/SPF sleeves. They feel like air conditioning. I also wear a cooling beanie under my helmet. The right shirt/jerseys make a huge difference. I pretty much do not wear my specialized shiny material jerseys. They suck in the heat. its 100% about evaporation as far as cooling the core. If it is humid and you are doing a high effort, it doesn’t matter if it’s 70F. I was also in Bella Vista last June and I did one early ride and it was hell. The rest of the days I rode in the afternoon and that was way more comfortable. it takes me about 2 weeks of at least 3 rides (or activity outdoors) of 1+ hours outside (or in the garage) before I feel comfortable in 100+ degrees, but for sure sweat, humidity and airflow is key. I rode on Wednesday from mid town to my house in NW Balcones at 2:30pm, and the only time I was uncomfortable was on the westbound Steck MOPaC to Mesa climb, and the Raincreek climb. But I know how long those are and it’s a matter of getting my mind straight. Unless you’re pounding salt with your water when you want to camel up, you are actually making the problem worse by leaching out sodium (and then other minerals which your body will resort to for osmotic balance if you are too depleted of sodium.) if you sweat enough you should be able to find a balance between drink, effort, airflow to be able to endure in reasonable* conditions. Try this: weigh yourself before a hot ride. Ride 1hr. Weigh yourself after. Figure out how much you drank. 2.2lbs = 1 liter. Go back out drinking at the same rate. Ride for 1hr and then weigh yourself again. You’ll probably see your loss for the first hour is way worse than your loss for the second hour. gatorade is shit as far as having enough sodium for Texas summer. different foods can have a dramatic effect. I find bbq or Chinese food will have me retaining more water. If you’re eating only homemade foods and you cycle in the heat, you may need a lot more salt in your food or drink. * reasonable to me is when the minimal effort, and speed plus humidity results in evaporation, if the sweat is just dripping off you at the lowest effort, it’s time to head back indoors.
  12. So even though you're replacing like for like you can still deduct it? We're also in a remodeling (our permit finally got approved on Tuesday!!) and because of where we live, we have a lot of firewise improvements (some requirements for the new patio roof/screen, some I just want to do now that I know about them.)
  13. I second the Orbea recommendation. If you're more XC than trail, the Oiz TR is an excellent bike. I test rode the Ibis Ripley V4 and didn't like it for me (plus it's crazy expensive). I like a more reactive bike.
  14. That is super nice!! Looks like it needs a lot less work than this (one of my favorite channels, warning, it's a time suck):
  15. You can't get parts for it from a 3rd party? Even 2-3 years ago I was able to find parts for my Manitou7 fork (ca 2005) from one of those companies that makes serviceable parts.
  16. I posted about this, probably a few months ago. I tried to use the injector and the hose came off and I was coated in Stan's race sealant. The race sealant seems to work really well, but I just stuck with regular since then because I like to use the injector. I've not had good luck with the Orange seal, but was watching the Unbound gravel and one of the top dudes said Orange Seal did its job.
  17. I've never watched it. I need to. We've been watching Tehran on AppleTV. Very entertaining.
  18. Is that a rubber fuel line on a steel fuel or brake line? As a result of this thread I was thinking about how to improve on the nozzle, and I love your idea.
  19. For seating tires I just remove the core and use a rubber nozzle, then put the core back in. The core is out anyway for Stan's refilling.
  20. Should we do a meet up at a brewery to discuss living abroad and trade info? My dad is retiring in Mexico and I’m finding the finances difficult to navigate. Hints like how to get his SS money to him down there monthlyZ same with his 401k and it would apply to us as well.
  21. I like your idea of Quebec. I’ve had the thought of getting a house up in NH or Vermont and spending summers there. Prices are not bad. Have you done research about living abroad and taxes? I haven’t yet but picked up these books a couple of weeks ago. I should get one for Canada! also don’t forget to keep in mind capital gains taxes for anything over $500k above your cost basis (I still find it hard to believe that is something we are having to worry about…good problem to have!) Save all the receipts for all the $ you’ve spent to get it ready to sell. as far as trails and heatstroke risk, this is why I rode so much road in the summer and a lot of flat stuff and not so much hills. Airflow and just hydrating allows me to feel comfortable…but I’m some trails (Thumper) it just feels awful!
  22. Yep. It's a white and gold shirt right? (just messing with you)
  23. Watch it. This is a series I'll probably re-watch (like I do with Star Trek)
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