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Everything posted by ATXZJ

  1. Subscribed to swearnet (trailer park boys) and that has helped to add some laughs at the end of the day. Equalizer 2: what the fuck did i just watch? jesus sex pistols vs bill grundy: short but entertaining Python's the meaning of life: always a go to for the wife & I
  2. One side of me says fuck em. If they're that stupid, then let nature succeed where others have failed. Then I consider all the people these stupid bastards will drag down with them along the way if they do get infected. At some point martial law will be the only answer and the complete dissolve of our cival liberties will be because these people cant follow simple fucking orders. And who the fuck wants to go to the store right now?? rant/ off
  3. A little levity with DR. Fauci's anger translator
  4. Nice! Been to the brewery? It's a trip driving to it.......Place is awesome though and a lot of taproom only choices too. 12:00 with a 0000000000000 is A-OK for me😎
  5. Heads up for anyone in South Austin or Hays county. Proof Liquor & Deli is now doing curbside. You have to call and run your card over the phone but, after that you pull up and they'll put the stuff in your car/truck. They are doing food orders to go and through doordash, and seem to be pretty strict on contact and distancing so they are already ahead of Spec's. Speaking of which, Austin stores are no longer doing curbside. Keep it local http://www.proofliquoranddeli.com/ https://www.instagram.com/proofliquoranddeli/ https://www.facebook.com/proofliquordeli
  6. Some good stuff coming in today.
  7. Riding funky DJ pump-mix in a pandemic, for exercise on an abandoned golf course. That just happened. Surreal
  8. Needed a good laugh and this one did not disappoint. Reminds us why we want to move to Canada. 3:25 had me🀣
  9. FWIW, both my non-boost 29er Pike and SID forks are around 540mm A2C, unsagged.
  10. Same here. We had "time away" that you got shit for every time you used it, and were also called while on vacation to be told things are going wrong in your absence. Didn't Germany pass a law making that illegal? Ultimately, the company used the recession to take as much away from us as possible, so i just stopped caring and took as much time/called in often and blocked calls. Never again Yes and abso-fukin' lutely I'd love to pull the lever on exxon mobile
  11. Saw that yesterday afternoon. Haven't checked the zipcode map to see where the increase was but mine still showed 7
  12. I had a gravel/cx bike and it's one of the few I regret selling. Did a few rides on the granite walking trails around my neighborhood, but spent most of my time on SATN and a couple times out at brushy and san marcos. Riding a gravel bike on MTB trails is pure fun with a few moments of terror thrown in once you start carrying speed. Makes some of the mundane green/blue-ish trails come to life. I caught myself giggling like an idiot more than once. Will definitely buy another one.
  13. Masks also keeps us from touching our noses and mouths. Toss on some goggles and earbuds and all are head holes are G2GπŸ˜†
  14. I would've have had a full on panic attack. f#ck that
  15. 7193s can still be had fairly cheap and can be used for more than just corona. These are also great for anything you do around the house that creates dust or pollen. https://www.ebay.com/itm/3M-7193-07193-Dual-Cartridge-Respirator-Large/223962648706?epid=11015223825&hash=item342536d082:g:RUYAAOSws9xeXoTu:sc:USPSPriority!78747!US!-1
  16. The freedoms thing really concerns me. This is going to be way beyond 911 in terms of damage to our collective psyche as our "enemy" is no longer people with brown skin from the middle east, but now is invisible, and potentially within each and every one of us. Free market economy is a myth anyway. If it were real, all those f@cks asking for bailout money would have been eliminated from the marketplace three recessions ago.
  17. Its already doing it. My wife is currently on the frontline for the coming changes in education.
  18. I'm ready to go when it comes to masks. Not taking any chances If it weren't for the asbestos and formaldehyde in these, I'd love to buy one and head to the store just for the lolz.
  19. That is it right there^ Couple that with our dogshit, for profit health care system, and we have an express lane for a virus that started on another continent to forever alter our way of life within weeks. No toll fees required.
  20. I like this thread already On the bright side, I started 16hr fasting and lost 6bs sitting around the house drinking beer for two weeks.
  21. Got the email today, Worldwide is blowing out their fleet and also employee bikes. https://www.pinkbike.com/buysell/2742858/
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