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June Bug

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Everything posted by June Bug

  1. Is that an outbreak of hives from one sting?
  2. Cutting down a little hackberry yesterday, I didn't notice a paper wasp nest attached to the trunk, about a foot off the ground. I was nailed on my leg just below the knee and below the second knuckle on my ring finger. Hosed the nest down with wasp spray this morning -- sorry/not sorry little wasps. Hanging nests with polygonal cells = paper wasps. I googled "wasps" this morning and these are paper wasps, not yellowjackets. I've had lots of nests start under the eaves of the house and they had one going by the front porch light, which I discovered when I stepped out the door and was immediately nailed on the head. However, earlier in the week, I noticed a nest getting going on my front porch, attached to a little porch ornament, just a few inches off the ground, so I'm seeing nests close to the ground rather than up in the eaves, but they seem to be the same type of wasp. The stings yesterday were also much more powerful than other wasp stings I've gotten. Had to take Bendryl last night because of itching; both stings are red, swollen and hot to the touch. Really glad it was only two stings. Anyway, might be a good time to go on patrol around your house, look under the eaves, in trees, down low in shrubs and tree branches and wherever and make sure they aren't wasps ready to attack. Might also consider adding a tab or two of Benadryl to your fist aid kit in your CamelBak. On-line first aid recommendations (reputable sources) include washing off sting, ice pack and taking either Benadryl or Claritin to help combat swelling and itching. I can easily imagine numerous stings seriously setting you back.
  3. Outerbike in Bentonville October 26-28, 2018. Not cheap, though, if you go for the demos! Outerbike Bentonville
  4. Lot's o' rain in the forecast for most of the rest of the week, but it's thunder-stormy hit or miss. I'll try to keep up.
  5. Love Monkey Wrench! A well-run shop. Joe will do right by you (especially if you are a member of ARR).
  6. I experienced that original event. They were carpet tacks and razor sharp.
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