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Everything posted by spicewookie

  1. Yes! Copperheads can absolutely go copulate with their own damn selfs! They certainly are limber enough to do so. Pinche copperheads. I relocate all copperheads to a pet cemetery. You have me looking under my desk in my job trailer now. And YES, there are many of those lil bastards at Rocky Hill. The maple leaves are the exact pattern of a fuggin copperhead. I only walk the trails at RHR with a running chainsaw.
  2. Very much a copperhead. Best fall camo out there. They are silent and still when I've seen them. Nasty bite. I really do viscerally hate them. They are masters of hiding under rocks I want to move. When walking down ledges (trail work), I have often seen them at the bottom of a step, laying in ambush in the leaves. I know they are not there to ambush me, but I 100% know that they will strike if startled. I don't want to startle them, but they fuggin hide so well, it just happens. Sorry, rant over. Pinche copperheads.
  3. Sounds like your nutz were too tight. Glad you figured it out, but sorry this thread is ending.
  4. I miss that bike. Still super sad/mad.
  5. restraint of comment, on my part, is admirable.
  6. If it's red, yellow, and black in Central Texas it's MOST LIKELY a coral snake. Scarlet King Snakes are the "red/black, friend of Jack" and not native to this area (far east Texas is as far West as they go). Black head is also the coral snake indicator. This is all stuff I learned from Central Texas Snake ID.
  7. I have never seen a venomous snake at Pace Bend. After a few years of digging/riding the dirt out there, I found that odd. I asked park staff, and they said the isolation of the peninsula probably accounted for that and they don't ever hear reports. At my property, just minutes away, I have been bitten by a copperhead (as a kid, running through mowed grass between tall grass), seen coral snakes and rattlesnakes. I've done mortal combat with rat snakes and raccoons INSIDE our chicken coop. I joined a facebook group called Central Texas Snake ID and it's very informative. I know and respect that snakes play a vital role in our environment and I don't kill them unless they threaten me, my family, or our animals. I did dispatch a coral snake that was hanging around our baby goat pen a few years back. I won't handle venomous snakes, but I now know some people that are quite happy to relocate them. As far as seeing them on a trail, the most snake encounters I have had is in this order: RPR, FCCR, Reimers, Mt. Lakeway (et. al), LGT, BCGB. That order is probably skewed by my frequency and propensity to dig in the dirt. (The raccoon combat deserves it's own thread with a mini-series to describe the 1/2 hour ordeal.)
  8. I prefer 10-rounders for hunting. Much easier to use a horizontal rest, if available.
  9. Speaking of slick nuts, I do miss bumping the "hot days and nut powder" post/thread on mojo. I also miss bumping The Adventures of ParrotBoy Gassing Up the Chopper!
  10. You'd be right, but I'd never be in possession of anything labelled "speedo" or "grip shift."
  11. Steer from the rear tandem. Shorter wheelbase, but needs small front-seater. This, albeit unorthodox, could be the time trial weapon of choice. https://austin.craigslist.org/bik/d/austin-special-needs-tandem-bike/6866849275.html
  12. With different tires, this would be perfect for PP.....built in bash guards! https://austin.craigslist.org/bik/d/austin-trek-t100-shimano-alfine-dynamo/6871732612.html
  13. It's like waiting on your farmers-only.com profile to upload and then waiting for floozies to take the bait.
  14. 25-30% sag will affect your crank length, or so she says.
  15. I have a very great interest in the WTB Pure V SLT. I have run these for years on all bikes and they aren't made any more. I don't know when I could get that far north. Good luck with the little one.
  16. it makes 5mm difference. the goats don't seem to notice.
  17. I was having trouble following along. I had been formulating a reply about Nair vs. wax, but checked back here before posting. Thanks!
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