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Everything posted by cxagent

  1. You know how people talk - I have heard he builds some great trail and makes fun videos. And damn good rider too.
  2. You can be called anything you want. But do you want to? https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GunmanWithThreeNames Talk to James Earl Ray. Or maybe James Earl Jones. Or David Allen Coe. Or maybe John Henry Booth. Or maybe J Edgar Hoover. But if you really want to be "special" talk to George Herbert Walker Bush. Not many people have 4 names. I think a lot IT guys head would explode with four names. Or better yet, look at how the Spanish language works with names. I have seen some with 8 to 10 names. Speaking of names. There are some names that raise eyebrows when used as a last name. Now days Weed is one of them. But my favorite was a person who decided to hyphenate when she got married. (I am changing the first name to protect the real person.) Susie Johnson-Hunter is what she became. Yes this was back when "you don't have to call me Johnson" was a thing. It was all I could do to keep a straight face when I heard that one.
  3. Take your shoes off. Maybe your socks too. ;-) Ever heard that saying about still waters run deep? I want to cross where the waters are noisy. Hint hint. Nudge Nudge.
  4. For those of us that are not retired and don't need a clock or a calendar - it IS February. Even in Austin, February is usually cold.
  5. Hmmm. These posts are not encouraging me to ride the Durango area trails. In all of the time I have driven thru there going to/from Moab I have yet to get to ride Durango. The weather seems to think I should not ride there. So we sight see a little and drive on. Fruita has always worked and so has Summit County. But not Durango.
  6. It will not be the same even if we found all of the pieces. I have heard back from the TCC that it was not them. I have heard ZERO complaints about putting it back. So I will put it back. With rebar and construction adhesive. I can make it hard to remove. Not impossible to remove, but harder :-) Kind of like repairing a tree somebody cut down - it makes it clear it was no accident that it was put back.
  7. As others have said - making the call for events like this is not the same as making the call for your own personal ride. I think Desert Nomad made the right call. But of course - no good deed goes unpunished.
  8. Texas Parks and wildlife has this - https://tpwd.texas.gov/huntwild/wild/rehab/list/counties/index.phtml?county=Travis&id=227
  9. I second what Chongo said. Phil's World is worth the trip. I spent the day there and had a blast. Make sure you ride Rib Cage. If you ride it once, I predict you will ride it several more times. I did.
  10. Somebody didn't read the CAVEMAN part of my post. I got it working. Thanks for the help. Now to remove the Garmin Express from my computer again. I don't like that it runs itself anytime I start the computer, reboot the computer, or connect a Garmin device to the computer. Any time it is running, it appears to be sending data to Garmin. That is why I removed it completely from my computer in 2013. People think Facebook is invasive of their privacy??? Garmin has Facebook beat. Both have been removed from my computer.
  11. I have fought this all I am going to. I created a GPS track on my Garmin Edge 800 when I was flagging a new trail. When I looked at the track, I found where I wanted to expand the trail to use LOTS of space on the map. So I revised the track using TopoFusion. I created a GPX or one of several other file types. I can use the USB port to copy that file to my Garmin. At least the computer sees it as a valid file. The Garmin does not. I went as far as to delete the GPS track from my Garmin to see if that was preventing this from working (Strava would not copy the revised file because it considered it a duplicate of the original file.) Ultimately, I want to create a Garmin Course so I can follow it when I revise the flagging of the trail. NOTHING I have figured out creates a Garmin Course on my Garmin Edge 800. Absolutely NOTHING. I tried Strava, I tried TopoFusion. I tried Ride with GPS. All say they have created said course. I can create said course file on my computer and see it. I can copy said course file to my Garmin. But the Garmin does not know/recognize or find those files. Can anybody point me in the right direction? Please provide easy enough instructions even a caveman can follow ;-)
  12. V-brakes!?!?! Real men ride with coaster brakes! Or put their foot against the tire 😉
  13. The police have been using ATVs on a lot of trails lately. I thought they had stopped using them on BCGB after they got two stuck on Elephant Butt. We saw a large group of police on ATVs leaving SATN on 2/13 on the Wednesday C&D. I am sending an email about the ledge sanitizing to see what was the thinking. If it was to make a path the ATVs could climb that ledge, they would be stuck about 100 feet farther west where the trail gets narrow around some rocks.
  14. Texas Conservation Corps? There were supposed to be doing invasive removal. Not sanitizing the trail.
  15. I added the location to the post with the picture. I don't have a problem with the maps you posted. That land owner likes MTBrs riding there. That is not true everywhere.
  16. Yes - spectators are welcome. There is no admission fee to watch. ETA - Novice riders are both Saturday and Sunday mornings. Advanced riders start at 1:00 PM both days.
  17. Anybody recognize this spot???? The bitch slapping will continue... If you can't ride it - Walk it. DO NOT MODIFY THE TRAIL!!!! ETA - This is on the BCGB between Spyglass and the first creek crossing. This is about the only technical feature thru that section. Now it is not. I may take some rebar and epoxy and put most of it back.
  18. You mean like this - (WAY beyond my skill level!)
  19. Slug??? You must mean a caterpillar since I just heard you can float above the trail. And they were doing it on single speeds. They are the real deal. But unless they can float above the trail like you, they would cause lots of trail damage. I know who would end up repairing it.
  20. Slight correction - the park is closed to EVERYONE not registered to ride the trials event. Not just mountain bikers. It is an insurance thing.
  21. Get in line. There is already a large number of folks wanting to bitch slap somebody. Maybe a large number of somebodies. Seen that picture of the "repaired tree"? How about the more recent "tree work" at Pace Bend? As far as not wanting to ride that "rock garden" on a mtb, these folks have just ridden much much more difficult stuff. Now they can't handle that rock "rock garden"??? They need to turn in their mountain bike because they belong on a road bike - on the road.
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