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Everything posted by Bamwa

  1. They had this crazed gonna rut look in their eyes. :)
  2. Crazy spreads like wildfire. Politics should show us that.
  3. I was at Cedar Breaks and got caught after dark waiting for Craigers and someone at the gate tried to lock me in. After some pleading I was allowed to go but not before they threatened to make me wait till the next day. I don't remember if it was this lady tho. They had to go back to their camper to get the keys IIRC.
  4. Two the interracial kitted up brodudes heading to Walnut yesterday on Parkfield...........too wet. you suck. Same for you guy in black pickup headed to the nut from Lamar and Breaker around 4:00. Busted. I saw your ass too.
  5. I was on driving on 51st the other day from Springdale towards Mueller. I can't believe all the nice houses and developments going up. This area is up and coming now. Still don't see where to park for the park tho.
  6. Those meddling youthworks kids ruin everything! (Sarcasm if you dont know)
  7. Generally I will just let wasps bee.
  8. Slip ons. Quit trying so hard. Pace yourselves now.
  9. Mtb fuel checks out. Actually boiled beets a week ago and kept the purple water. Drank it a few days later. Yum....and slightly weird.
  10. Bet you can't say that three times fast!
  11. Cody beat me to it. Bandanna around the handlebars and my phone. Lock of fur in a ziplock baggie from my old dog Nia. She still rides everywhere with me and I don't even have to tie her to my bumper anymore! Santana!
  12. Imma so scared, imma loosen everything on my carbon bars right now. If I go down it will because they rolled on some hard breaking on Endo Valley no cuz they got all snappy with me. To throat, I imagine the break would most likely occur landing some hella air not some other random time, but I guess Seth's broke some random time so who knows. I'm so ghetto my carbon bars are wrapped in duct tape.
  13. So are your levers loose enough to spin is the question.
  14. Dang RA might win this! ^ And Layton, not seeing that in the park tool catalog. ......my squeaky horn is taped together. .....I wash my bike with dirt. .....I've got athletic tape on my grip shifts so my hands don't get all gummy. ......I found my water bottle in the bathroom at walnut. ......my saddle is so torn I just color the foam w/ sharpie.
  15. Most phone batteries would be dead after 10 or 12 hrs running gps. My cateye might could but it's not gps. Also can I cry one more time about the og GB route? Bring that shiz for the 10th anvsry. Easy up my ass.
  16. Do we really have to go back and read the haiku again?
  17. Unless there are about 4 straight hours of sun and heat, it won't be gtg.
  18. Wet. Gonna need a day if the rain is done.
  19. Wet. Explored around 5 and ruined a bunch of shit. Not really tho but I did have to wash my bike and I hate washing my bike. I dig the dirt lubes.
  20. I cross party lines. Like I'm liberal with sour cream on a loaded baker, but conservative with wasabi on sushi. Lock me up.
  21. Thanks, I clearly out did myself there.
  22. I was just gonna say how badass it is that someone said sorry and I wuz gonna respect that, Cuz. Just for this I will create a haiku in the spirit of our forever hero who died doing what he loved Mehoway. Sum times wee fuck up but it's cool to make it right never is too late
  23. that I shim my quick release (that's right) rear axle with scissor-cut bean can lid folded spacers to keep the wheel from being too close to either seat (or chain) stay,whatever. that my five year old bald crossmarks are more exposed threads than black rubber. that the large ring on my 3x9 has roughly the same amount of teeth missing as bartman's grandma. that my dropper post cable loosely spirals around my downtube without zip-ties or any other bullshit. that one clipless pedal has been broken for over a year but I just switched to Five Tens. anyone else?
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