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Everything posted by Albert

  1. I like the idea of a mountain bike tire being used for a round logo. Right now it looks more like a gear to me than a tire, partly because the "tire" itself isn't very thick in terms of the sidewall. I like the mountains in the logo also. I would like it to say "Austin Mountain Biking" somewhere on the logo, though. Use of Texas is nice, perhaps a star where Austin is? I'm not particularly crazy about the font. ..Al
  2. Man, it's been so long since I've been out there (wouldn't be surprised if it's been ten years), I really need to make the trip again someday soon. Good to hear that it's well maintained. Thanks for the report! ..Al
  3. I'm going to fix this so it displays a popup to confirm you want to mark the forum as read. It already does this on mobile devices, not sure why they decided not to do it all the time. ..Al
  4. Also, when using the Activity Streams or Unread Content links at the top of the page, you can get to the first unread post by clicking the icon immediately to the left of the thread title: The star icon represents a thread you have posted in. ..Al
  5. I seem to have lost my Garmin Edge 800 and need a replacement for it. I can buy a new bike GPS, but wanted to see if anyone who's upgraded to a newer GPS has an older one they might be interested in selling. Thanks! ..Al
  6. Didn't end up riding RPR today, the weather forecast looked too sketchy at 6am. Ended up riding something closer to 360 instead. 🙂 Rocks and (especially) roots were a bit slick, but still a good ride. Was quite humid, and I was certainly drenched head to toe by the timeI got back to the car. Also managed to do this, which explains why I was getting rocks in my shoe during the ride!
  7. That's where I and some others are going tomorrow morning. Forecast isn't great, though, so will have to play it by ear.
  8. Not until I get it to work. I've been given pointers by Invision staff on how to do this the proper way, but now I will need to setup a local development version of the forum. Which will make it easier for me to make additional modifications down the road. ..Al
  9. That sucks about the watch. It is nice to have on rides as there's a Strava client, and you can see text messages and phone calls without having to fish out your phone. And you can see the time if you care about that sort of thing. ..Al
  10. That's too bad, I'll need to do an urban ride tomorrow morning. ..Al
  11. Depends what their margins are on ebikes versus regular bikes. ..Al
  12. I found the code responsible for displaying the popup on mobile devices and not doing so on other devices.. if( ips.utils.events.isTouchDevice() ) { ips.ui.alert.show( { type: 'confirm', icon: 'question', message: ips.getString('notificationMarkAsRead'), callbacks: { ok: function () { execMark(); } } }); } else { execMark(); } Unfortunately, this code is in a massive (2MB!) 'javascript.xml' file that is compiled and put into the database. I have not yet figured out a way to force the forum to recompile this file so the database is updated with my changes. Once I do, a confirmation should always appear when clicking one of those icons, regardless of what kind of device you are using. ..Al
  13. I do have a single speed! I just haven't ridden it at Barton Creek yet. I do plan to do so soon, though. 😄 And there are plenty of other things I can break.
  14. Yeah, I wouldn't want to ride LGT in the daytime if it was wet. Doing so at night would be inviting injury!!
  15. I've broken two rear derailleur hangers over the years. First time was at Lake Georgetown, and I was close to Russell and parked at Cedar Breaks when that happened. Fortunately a park ranger was sitting in his pickup truck at the parking lot there and offered to give me a ride back to Cedar Breaks! After that I started carrying a spare derailleur hanger. Then a few years later I broke my rear derailleur hanger again, this time in Colorado. However, I could not loosen the bolt holding the broken derailleur hanger in place. Thankfully we were near the end of our ride and had already done the bulk of our climbing and descending. So we turned the bike into a single speed and limped back into town the remaining several miles. Brought the bike to a shop and even they were finding it impossible to get the bolt removed. They even had the damn frame in a bench vise! After some 30 minutes of trying they finally got the damn bolt loose and replaced the hanger. Which is good, since we still had additional days in our trip! More recently, as in a month ago, I was riding with AustinBike at Barton Creek Greenbelt. As we were ascending the rocky, technical climb on Jedi before reaching the top of Mulch Hill, all resistance suddenly gave way as I was conquering a large rock. My chain and rear derailleur got sucked into my rear wheel. At first I thought the hanger had snapped, but it turns out the bolt holding the hanger worked its way out. We reattached the derailleur, but the screw was stripped, so it could not be tightened. Also, the rear derailleur was bent pretty badly, and I could only use a few gears. We descended along the (newish?) singletrack along Mulch Hill and then rode back to 360 on the main trail at a slower pace than normal as I didn't want to put too much pressure on my drive train. We were near the end of our ride anyway. Did make it back, then brought the bike to the shop to get them to replace the rear derailleur and give the bike a needed tuneup. And I bought another rear derailleur hanger since I didn't have one on me, much to my surprise. ..Al
  16. Man, I paid monies on MoJo to remove the ads. Maybe I should start running ads here. 😄
  17. Man, this thread is going to make my CamelBak even heavier. I now always have TP in my pack, after really having to go sometime after City Park during the Enchilada Buffet. 😄 I also have a small first aid kit, don't know if there are tweezers in it, though! I'll have to look, as more than once have I managed to stab myself with cacti thorns. At Lake Georgetown and Pace Bend. When I'm doing a long ride, I usually have a small washcloth in my CamelBak. It's good for rinsing and wiping off my glasses, but I often use it to wipe off my face and arms (with water from a water fountain or other source) and reapply sunscreen after ~3 or 4 hours. I was going to empty my pack last week and start a, "What's in your pack?" thread. I'll have to follow through on that. I have too much in my pack and it's heavy, but I've used just about everything in my pack at one point or another. Things tend to get added to the pack after something happens on a ride and it would have been extraordinarily helpful to have that item. I even have a tiny vice grip that Spicewookie gave me eons ago, and that's been a handy tool to have in some situations. 😄 ..Al
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