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Everything posted by Ridenfool

  1. Got a "beat the heat" trip planned in late July. Stopping at Ruidoso for three days and on to Santa Fe for four more. Last time I tried to ride at Ruidoso a thunderstorm hit when I was about a mile in and I bailed. That was probably a decade ago, while in a rush to be on the way to somewhere else. I've been wanting to check out the Dale Ball trails, Winsor, and now I see La Tierra and Galisteo Basin mentioned. Surely I won't get them all in, but will try to get a sample of as much as I can stand while there. Beginning further research to fine tune trail selection and direction where it might matter. If anyone has more info than what was already shared, for either destination, post up. Gracias.
  2. That one on the left is a particularly Specialized tire rack.
  3. A revelation revealing trail evolution via revolution. (of wheels)
  4. Might give a shout out to DirtSurfer and his OneWheel squad to come pack it down.
  5. Could call it a "1₵-€1" But that just doesn't have the same ring to it as does "Penny-Farthing" Maybe this Spanish version would be a Centavo-Peso? (pre-Euro nomenclature)
  6. That's a euphemism for "tits" isn't it?
  7. Mulligan gives me a headache. (okay, I've only ridden it once, and doing so resulted in an argument between a low hanging Oak branch and my noggin)
  8. Ha ha. Love it. Never did pick up the tin-foil hat, though a career in IT and a firm understanding of the underlying principles of 'TANSTAAFL' have kept me wary of "FREE" since before Zuckerberg was a wistful look in his daddy's eye. If someone is going to profit from my participation I'd like a cut. Otherwise, move along, no data to harvest here. Still, I sincerely wish you the best on the TMERP just the same. Sounds like a way to make it easier for some folks to get involved. (just don't ever invert that M ...)
  9. What's Facebook? Oh yeah, that's that that thing where a person becomes a company's product by sharing personal and demographic information so a huge corporation can profit from marketing the data, right? 🙄
  10. Shouldn't those be cheap Chinese carbon handlebars?
  11. There's also the 130 mile NE Texas Trail in the works. http://netexastrail.org/ More Rail to Trail conversions listed on this site. https://www.traillink.com/trailsearch/?state=tx
  12. Albert must have fixed it. There were two identical threads an hour apart for a few minutes. Fun while it lasted! Sorry that I have nothing to offer regarding the actual question about which Locktite would be best.
  13. Just remembered I had photos of the new bridge at RHR after seeing the Brushy PP bridge completion photo. Here's the new and improved bridge that replaced the Carpet Bridge. Thanks go to the High School Racers who put it in!
  14. I disagree with @mack_turtle. The other thread is better.
  15. It might be a farmer version of a happy ending. Prolly better not to ask, considering the source.
  16. Um, well, that strategy didn't work. But the gauge does work just fine, 1.2 inches in the last 4 hours. As the crow flies the gauge is about 5.5 miles East of RHR entrance on 153. I'll post up area rainfall and accumulation when I remember to.
  17. In the interest of personal curiosity and the seeming inaccuracy of existing nearby online weather stations, I've installed a LaCrosse Rainfall and Temperature Monitor at the house. This installation and expenditure of personal funds is driven by my high enthusiasm and a burning desire to witness the magic of this new device performing as soon and as often as possible so that I may share rain stats with others considering nearby Rocky Hill as a destination. (in all honesty this is a ploy so Murphy will cease the inundation in order to thwart my desire and quell my enthusiasm to see this device in action)
  18. Juan El Evan has been doing great work on the trails I ride. Absolutely, positively do not miss having the changeable front gears in the least. 1X is most liberating, as when I now see steep I don't have to think about what ring I'm on, just hit 1 button till the cadence is right. I'm sure we'll have AI shifting soon that uses MTBProject and TrailForks data to chart what gear you were in on the last ride and shift for you on all subsequent visits to that route. Not sure I'd be all that keen on it, but the Millennials will like having things like that taken care of for them.
  19. I met him at the Yeti tent at Fruita Fat Tire Fest just a week or so before his passing. Thanks for the reminder. His site is still there http://www.anthonysloan.com/
  20. That is awesome. You'll have it ready for entry in the Tandem class at the PP event, right?
  21. You should be wearing gloves and eye protection. In fact, I should be wearing eye protection. 🙄 Somebody please pass the mind bleach ...
  22. Funny you should mention it. I got in 8 miles at Rocky Hill today and came back with clean tires. Yes, there was about 3 inches of rain on Friday. Yes, I cheated and only rode the jeep roads, but went all the way back to the meadow, enjoyed the flowers, then up Tunnel of the Pines, back down Avenue of the pines. The rest of it won't be rideable for a couple weeks with the forecast as it is.
  23. Oh sheet. Why wasn't the grill marked as "purchased" instead of "contribute"? Sorry about that. (I don't use PayPal) I guess they'll get my donation as a spendable balance.
  24. You can also to straight to Amazon's gift registry and contribute toward the grill's purchase using your Amazon account. https://amazon.com/wedding/registry/32DOFV6FYRYA9?ref=wr_search_page_result_1
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