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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/05/2022 in all areas

  1. I have a simple flowchart to answer "do I have shitty taste in music"
    7 points
  2. My issue is not karma catching up with these people. My issue is selfish: some of them will threaten access for all of us. The attitude among many is “I’ll do whatever I want, mind your own business” but they don’t understand that their actions threaten my access. But I assume that none of them care about others based on my interactions so far.
    2 points
  3. FWIW, I'm loving my Levo, but I just ride it like any other mountain bike I've owned. Only now, despite being old and decrepit, I can ride more often and further that I could otherwise. I keep pace with whoever I'm with, unless they are riding too fast for the conditions (pedestrians, etc.) and then I'll choose a more appropriate pace. Since buying the e-mtb I've been riding much, much more often than I have in years, and I've lost weight, gotten back into trail building, and am in overall better shape now than before owning it. Sure, there are going to be those folks who will make e-MTBs look bad and this will paint all MTBs in a poor light, but, we've had the same issues with people riding on non-e bikes who do that as well. People are a problem. That's not going to change. Blaming the bike for a person's behavioral choices is really missing the root of the issue, isn't it?
    2 points
  4. Pretty sure a loop from my house, down to the lake, through Guerrero, over the Monopolies bridge, up the SWCT to WC, then over to the north trail, down the Mopac frontage and Shoal Creek back to my house would be an awesome loop. My guess is that it would be 50+ miles with lots of uninterrupted biking. Sign me up!
    2 points
  5. The yellow text on blue background has some Slava Ukraini vibe, so there's that.
    1 point
  6. I'll second what throet said. I've been on Eliquis for a couple of years now and went through a similar thought process when I first started taking it. I've had a few minor crashes and one pretty bad one (no broken bones, except for maybe my pinky which I never saw a doctor about). I can remember the first time my pedal scraped my calf. I was convinced that I was going to bleed out on the trail. Turns out, it pretty much behaved like the dozens of scrapes and scratches I had in the past. Clearly it's something to be aware of - especially if there's major trauma involved - but it's not something I really think about any more.
    1 point
  7. You're probably right on this. But, at the same time, the authorities are generally not that savvy and will use the blunt force of "no mountain bikes" instead of trying to thread the needle around which ones are and are not allowed.
    1 point
  8. It won’t be pedal assist e-bikes that deny access.
    1 point
  9. Yes, and that has been the case for decades in the MTB world, hasn't it? People upset over an encounter that threatened trail access for everyone? Same song, different verse. The solution is a matter of education, then putting the knowledge into one's own behavior modification stragegy, just as it has always been. The best thing that happened to MTB was it becoming more mainstream. As more people became involved in the MTB community, spreading the word on how we are each an ambassador to the sport, sharing the rules for who yields to who, coming together to make more trails, etc., the acceptance of MTBs has risen substantially. E-MTB is an extension of this existing MTB movement and must go through the same process. Ego has to be set aside and good behavior encouraged. There isn't really any better approach. Anyone can yell "Get off my lawn!" till the cows come home, with little result to show for their effort. The only constant is change.
    1 point
  10. Glad you were able to retrieve those items and move them over to the current trail system! That Gingerbread Bunny was slightly terrifying in its old location. 🙂
    1 point
  11. Well the bro that almost took me out was bro aged, not old and decrepit. So I’ll agree to disagree, the ebike was the speed enhancer and I doubt he would have been lead rider without it. His buddies were giving him shit for his Barney antics.
    1 point
  12. Trail Art finds a new home The Two-Headed Bird Thingie by Boomer, perhaps this is a Boomerdactyl? Another Boomer-original metal sculpture Eventually, the ramp will find a new location, for now it is a Lizard perch The Gingerbread Bunny from Omar's Howl But wait, there's more! The Lemonade Stand rest area Officially christened with a Devil's Backbone from Real Ale
    1 point
  13. I love this connectivity! I can't wait for this to connect to the South Walnut creek Trail.
    1 point
  14. We used to only have to worry about getting a pant leg caught in the chain... Now you can get your baggy shorts caught or ??? in an idler wheel.... 🙂
    1 point
  15. Obligatory staged photo for my desktop background.
    1 point
  16. I love High West. They're one of 'merica's best whisky experimenters. And they're one of the "craft" distilleries who, IMO, did it right. They didn't try to push out their garbage whiskey as "premium" (I'm looking at you, Garrison, Peerless, Hudson and countless others), and so grossly overpriced that the buyer had to pretend it was good. No, while they were distilling and aging their own whisky, they sourced and blended good whiskey from the likes of MGP, Alberta, Dickel and others (a Scottish tradition) and let you know that is what was going on! In the process, they created one of the top 5 whiskies available in the US, A Midwinter Nights Dram. And now they're blending and selling their own distillate while continuing to source good whisky. I've bought 3 different finished HW Double Rye bottles. 1 was pretty good, and the other 2 were spectacular. The pretty good one was branded Yippee Ki-Yay and was a regular release for them. YKY was finished in syrah and vermouth barrels. It was very popular, and kind of the poor man's AMwND. but it was not my favorite. Another great one was finished in (I think it was) chardonnay. And HW does a barreled Manhattan cocktail that's pretty excellent. And my favorite finished Double Rye, was finished in their own Manhattan cocktail barrels! But Aquavit finished? Yikes. I'd like to try it...I don't think I'd like it.
    1 point
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