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Everything posted by CBaron

  1. I have an aunt & uncle who live in Maui. I've always wanted to so the haleakala climb. However, I did do Grand Mesa in CO this past fall. It was 7k ft in 25 mi and by far longest climb I've ever done. Can NOT imagine doing it 4x's! https://www.strava.com/activities/4125423382
  2. I'm surprised its taken this long for the Everesting topic to come up. Thats a big no thank you for me. The first I'd heard of it was about 5 yrs ago when @rearviewmirror had mentioned that he'd done it in Australia. Anyone have their take on what would be a good hill for it? I'd say Big View (or maybe low water up to Stiener climb?) Covid really made this a thing with some of the bigger named riders. Phil Gaimon has what I think is the best channel on it. Later, CJB
  3. Man, I think I would have strangled Mr Chatty. His girl is a saint. -CJB
  4. This is prolly the advise you were looking for. Simple. succinct and true. -CJB
  5. I'm going to take some proper photos and put it up for sale, but I've got a POC Octal X that I wore for about 3 months. I then went back to a Bell, they just fit me better. Lrg- Dayglow yellow $100 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01N026HDD/ref=twister_B08BPBSJHZ?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 Cheers, CJB
  6. I know that these may not be the answers that you've been looking for. However, in my experience MANY riders have a confirmation bias towards their purchases. Its hard (not impossible), but hard, to get quality feedback that may relate 'to you' out of people who may own the bike. This is largely because riding styles, locations and ultimately "why" someone rides their bike makes a huge difference. My specific flavor of riding has centered around longer distance events with a strong mixture of technical riding. Over time, I've found some riders who share my specific proclivity to how I approach 'the bike' and I trust and value their judgement a lot. Much of anything else can come across as noise to me. Good luck in your search. Hopefully someone with a Ripley can help get you more of what you are looking for. -CJB
  7. I ride a hard tail. Everywhere. I have a few friends who ride Singlespeeds, everywhere. Ride what you choose. Underwhelming, overwhelming, is a state of mind. Later, CJB
  8. I've got 4 classic cars at the house that are in a constant state of various work. Its not uncommon to be pouring gas down the carbs to get them primed or started. I REALLY HATE having to do that because even the tiniest bit of gas gets on my hands and I can't get the smell off for at least 2 days of showers (and a multiple hand washes). I CANNOT IMAGE HOW BAD HER HANDS, TRUNK, CAR, CLOTHES, ALL SMELLED OF GAS, not even mentioning the basic danger involved. cRaZy!!! Later. CJB
  9. Its a very good little light. I think @Barry and @Teamsloan also runs them. My family also uses them for camping, walking the dog, working on the car, etc.. Be sure to order the more expensive one, then cheaper one, I think, has less lumens. Later, CJB
  10. Run your Seca 1500 on your bars and this on your helmet. Its what all the cool kids are doing now.... https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01IHIMJRS/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1 I own 3 of these (and 3 L&M Seca's too). Its a great setup. This lil Amazon light punches way above its weight class. Its gets tonz of use around the house in multiple applications. Later, CJB
  11. Rain just started coming down. I'm pretty darn close to WC. -CJB
  12. No rain at all as of yet. But I'm not terribly hopeful this will hold out. -CJB
  13. I'm surprised this is the first I'm hearing of this. I'd have thought something like this would have been broadcasted around this site? Sounds fun. Good luck out there. Later, CJB
  14. We've been casually looking at some possible landing spots for a potential move from Austin. What you are describing is happening all over TX for the most part....Waco, Temple, Salado, less urban areas around College Station, etc.. I think TX in general is experiencing a rising of the tide regarding the influx of people, business and opportunity. -CJB
  15. Oh I know there's very little love for this around these parts. 😉 But I do know there might be e a few who share my tastes, or at least, may be curious about the 'other side' of our family tree. And with that, I'm here to help.
  16. Yeah, I hear ya. I love showing up and the R&I and having fun with everyone. But for me there is NOTHING that pushes my fitness fwd like this past Tuesdays road riding. And to top it off, I truly TRULY enjoy it. I'd liken it to the R&I being like hanging out with all of your friends drinking great craft beer all night and getting drunk together. Heading over to TnT is like going with your best friend over to a house party with people you may not fully know and taking shots of fine Anejo Tequila. Salud, CJB
  17. I strongly contemplated a move out there about 5 yrs ago. Revisited it recently since I'm currently unemployed. Boise is (also) no longer a secret. -CJB
  18. I can confirm that the recent cell passed WC without issue. All that said, my plans were made in anticipation of this cell hitting WC and thus I'm doing the TnT bandit road race up in Twin Falls. Maybe see you guys next week. @Teamsloan you wanna do some suffering on the roadie? Later, CJB
  19. I bought this one about a year ago and have been very pleased with it. The reviews seem to be pretty good (and I checked YouTube for reviews, not HF website) Its done exactly what I need it to do without fuss. https://www.harborfreight.com/merchandising-promotions/hot-buys/6-gallon-175-psi-high-performance-hand-carry-jobsite-air-compressor-56829.html That said, I've recently purchased an upright, dual stage, oiled compressor from Lowes. I'm planning to try and do some auto paint with it and needed something much bigger and more powerful. Its a 30 gal with 4hp motor I got on closeout for $300. Later, CJB
  20. Its not the skinny 1A piece that gave me grief, but the other bigger 2,3,5 tracts (that may have already sold). -CJB
  21. I'd suggest calling the local bike shop and asking them. Try calling Fat Tire downtown. But IMHO, I don't fully think it's needed. Go back to the original post in this whole thread and look at my day 1 Strava. I did 40 miles of riding and never left Bentonville proper. Just explore, the trails are not hard to find, hard to follow, or very far apart. Some of this depends on the riding you want to do. But if all you want is a fun basic ride(s) while the family waits on you, then you can EASILY do that on your own from town. If you want something bigger or bordering on epic, then a guide might be worthwhile. My trail suggestions then would be Back 40 or Little Sugar (once again could be ridden from town). Cheers, CJB
  22. Your memory serves you correctly. Cattle guards = great road riding. I miss road riding (with people) this past year. I think THAT has a lot to do with my lack of fitness right now. My oldest graduates from HS soon and all the weekends are jammed pack with stuff because of that. I sure would like to head over there and hang out. If I came during the week, could you take the day off (how about 2)? Welcome back to the forum...see you again next year. -CJB
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